A few customers updated to macOS Ventura and reported crashes with saving contacts to the contacts database in macOS. This happens with both Xojo and FileMaker plugins using the AddContact functions. This may not crash on every request and may depend on configuration, e.g. whether you use iCloud.
We got trial keys about 5 years ago added to our FileMaker and Xojo plugins.
A trial key is only valid for a limit time and allows to test all features without demo limitations. Due to the time limitation of the key, you can use it for a few weeks. The key later expires and you are back to demo mode or you order a license to get a permanent license.
We may limit who can get a trial and filter out the requests looking like spam. But so far we issued over 1000 trial keys to various people.
Please understand that trial keys are not intended for deployment of solutions as keys expire. Our regular keys don't expire and can be used forever with the plugin versions released before a given date.
You can also explicit register for newsletter, so you know about new releases and events.
As you see, we support determinate and indeterminate (value set to negative) with two labels below. Feel free to test in your Xojo iOS app with the current 22.5pr4 pre-release. The look can be switched between round or bar for showing progress, indeterminate circle animation and colors can be adjusted.
We just added VNDocumentCameraViewControllerMBS class for use with Xojo in iOS target to scan documents right with the camera and getting them as picture:
Just create an object of type VNDocumentCameraViewControllerMBS when needed and call Present method. In the events you get told whether user cancelled, scanned a new pictures or got an error. Use VNDocumentCameraScanMBS class to retrieve the results.
Included later in 22.5pr4 plugin version. See ContinuityCameraMBS for use of iOS camera for MacOS.
The new Xojo 2022r3 version arrived. This is a very welcomed release with a ton of bug fixes, mainly from the Bug Bash in August. Here the shorter announcement:
Xojo 2022 Release 3 is now available with over 280 changes and improvements. Download it now!
Xojo 2022 Release 3 includes:
Almost 200 bugs fixed, many as a result of the user-nominated August Bug Bash
Project load times are significantly shorter for large projects
Example projects are now online for automatic updates and quick, easy access
Syntax Help area improvements
General PDF improvements
The complete list of improvements can be found in the release notes. If your license is expired, renew now to get access to this release. If you are interested in learning about future Xojo features, check out our product roadmap .
The Xojo bug database has a bot, which performs various automated tasks. One of them is to archive old bugs. When you report a bug, it gets usually quickly reviewed by Robin or someone else of the Xojo team. He may have some questions about it and usually tries to get an example project made, if the reported didn't provide one. A bug report without a way to reproduce is difficult to fix. Yes, if there is a way to locate it in source code, e.g. with a file name and line number in an assertion, someone can take a look on the code and guess how it may fail. Often it can be altered to gracefully report an error and not just assert. If the bug can be fixed, it may get assigned to a developer, who may find a fix and then the fix goes into the next release after verification.
Now it happens that some bugs get forgotten. The original reporter may have moved on or can't provide details on how to reproduce. Especially if the problem only occurred once and nobody knows why, there is nothing to do. If you find a bug you also run into, please click the thumb-up button and add a comment with more details. Maybe you can add some information to help resolve the bug, an example project or steps to reproduce?
Over the last weeks, we improved our example project and helped a lot of customers with using our ScintillaControlMBS (and DesktopScintillaControlMBS) control. Let us show you a few tips, we gave to them:
How to avoid loosing focus with contextual menus?
You can use your own contextual menus with Scintilla. But some customers had the problem, that focus was lost. If you have that problem, you can simply add a call to GrabFocus method to the ConstructContextualMenu and make sure the focus is set back to the control. The focus can be lost, if the right click brings focus to another control or the window.
Autocomplete not working for unicode characters?
One client noticed, that auto complete in our example didn't work for accented characters. But that one was easily fixed by switching to string functions working on bytes. The accented characters in UTF-8 are multiple bytes and the character functions didn't pick up the right completion. We fixed the example and if needed, you can just copy the code from StartAutoComplete method to update your copy. Now it works fine with ú í á æ þ ö é ð and ý.
Can we wrap long lines instead of scrolling?
If you like to wrap lines, you can change the WrapMode property. You have four choices: kWrapNone for no wrapping, kWrapWord to wrap on word or style boundaries, kWrapWhiteSpace to wrap on white space or kWrapChar to wrap after any character.
Can the control have a border on Windows to look more like TextArea?
We added the HasBorder property in the v22.4 plugin, so you can turn it on. Please do that either in the IDE or in the Prepare event, so it is done before the control is created. Once created, you can't change the border status.
For next plugins we add classes for Google Admob service, so you can earn money in your iOS applications. By using our classes, you can enter your application ID (to info.plist file) and the ad unit IDs to the various ads you like to show:
Full screen ad when application opens via GADAppOpenAdMBS class.
Full screen ad when you transition from one part of the app to another, e.g. to a new level in a game. Transitional ad via GADInterstitialAdMBS class.
The plugin already includes the basic classes to do various ads in your iOS Xojo app. The test project includes sample ad unit IDs, so you see test ads. The two screenshots on the right show our text app with a banner ad and a fullscreen screenshot with an interstitial ad. We may add more if needed, so please try and let us know.
Please notice that if you ask your clients for $1 in-app purchase to remove ads, you may make more money from that customer than with ads. But ads are great for a free application with thousands of users of course.
For later this year we plan to do a cleanup of our plugin collection for Xojo.
The following list marks the current list of what we may remove. But you – as a developer using our plugins – can still tell us whether you actively use one of the following items. We may discuss keeping them longer or helping you move away from the classes: