If you come to the UK or you live there, please be sure to check those dates and see if you can join us:
Xojo training
Learn about Web, Desktop and Console Development, database usage and all the topics you asked in the group.
Maybe iOS development if Xojo has an alpha/beta available by that date.
21st November 2013, from 9am to 5pm.
Xojo Meeting
On the evening, please join us for dinner and talk to other Xojo developers.
21st November 2013, from 6pm to maybe 10pm.
Xojo Conference
And 22nd November 2013 we have a conference. Your chance to meet people from UK and learn about new things, get connected and exchange ideas. See how other code their applications and get new ideas.
Sometimes people find example code for using some web service like this:
curl -k -H "APIKey : 3024224b-1322-41be-2323-12345678a530" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "[{SCID: 'TH258', DateWeekEnding:'2013-09-27',Details :[{PayElementCode : 'BASIC' , TotalValue:100.10}]}]" "https://mobile.something.test/Common.API/api/Payroll/PostPayslips"
Now how to translate to plugin calls?

In just six months you can come to Las Vegas, go to the Monte Carlo hotel, walk into the bar and find all the people from the community there. The Xojo team will be there and of course me as I signed up already.
If you want to go to the strip for eating, be sure to collect a few coupon codes there. Last time we got a few for $5 off coupons for Dennis.
Registration started for the
Xojo Developer Conference 2014 in Monte Carlo Resort and Casino. So you can already take the chance to reserve your seat. Be sure to take advantage of the early bird offer: $750 until November, 30 2013. Regular price is $950.
Also the hotel has an excellent rate. Looks like it's $69 for some days, but if you stay a week you are at about $77 in average.
The Xojo developer conference is the biggest event in the year for Xojo developers. Usually there are about 100 guests, but maybe this time a few more due to being in Las Vegas? See you there next year!
Want to learn more about iOS 7 development of games or apps?
You can attend Apple's
iOS 7 Tech Talks to watch a couple of nice sessions about what's new in iOS 7.
Well, it's more like a lottery. I applied for Berlin so maybe we can meet there

New in this prerelease of the 13.4 plugins:
- Fixed bug in PictureMBS.CopyPixels.
- Added VLCMediaPlayerMBS.GetMemory.
- For compatibility to old projects, we still include the old AESMBS class with the name OldAESMBS. Please move to newer methods soon.
- Renamed Picture.FindPicture to FindPictureMBS.
- Added NewGWorldWithBuffer function.
- Improved internal array reading/writing to Xojo/Real Studio array objects.
- Added new NewGworld variant on GWorldMBS class. Also new constants and a new ClearWhite flag.
- The Kagi Windows Registration module doesn't work. The DLL crashes on loading in Real Studio and Xojo. The plugin has been updated to now allow loading of DLL from file, so you can use a newer one once the bug has been fixed by Kagi.
- Added custom icons to our Real Studio Plugins.
- Added RotateImageAndMaskMBS function.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Fixed fix for DelayMBS from pr4.
- Added CreateWithICCProfile and Name to CGColorSpaceMBS class.
- Added Picture.CGColorSpaceMBS function.
- Changed NSToolbar* classes to have more properties you can see in debugger.
macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease. Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
The Xojo Developers UK User Group is pleased to announce a two-day conference on Thursday 21st and Friday 2nd November 2013, at the Regus office, Ground Floor, One Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BD.
The Thursday will be a Xojo training day, when the excellent Christian Schmitz of Monkeybread Software will teach attendees how to create an integrated application using a combination of a Console app, a desktop app and a web app. Also with example projects for advanced language features, sockets, xml, file handling and threads.
PLEASE NOTE: The training day is administered by Christian Schmitz directly, places can be booked and payment for the day made via his website at
The Friday is packed with developer presentations and networking opportunities. During the day there will be presentations from guest speakers from the UK and abroad, including:

Registration started for the
Xojo Developer Conference 2014 in Monte Carlo Resort and Casino. So you can already take the chance to reserve your seat. Be sure to take advantage of the early bird offer: $750 until November, 30 2013. Regular price is $950.
Also the hotel has an excellent rate. Looks like it's $69 for some days, but if you stay a week you are at about $77 in average.
The Xojo developer conference is the biggest event in the year for Xojo developers. Usually there are about 100 guests, but maybe this year a few more due to being in Las Vegas? See you there next year!
OmegaBundle is now available in two editions:
OmegaBundle Mini for $99 contains:
- Valentina DB ADK for Xojo
- Pariahware Elastic Web Page
- Ohanaware AppWrapper Mini
- J Leroy Toolbar
- J Leroy Ribbon Control
- TT Zip Classes
- 12 Months Digital Subscription to xDev Magazine
- Valentina Studio Pro
OmegaBundle regular for $399 contains:
- Valerian Icon Set
- App Wrapper
- MBS SQLite Extension
- Retina Display Kit
- Arbed: The Advanced Editor
- Pariahware Elastic Window
- Franklin 3D
- MBS Xojo SQL Plugin
- J.Leroy Control Bundle
- 12 Months Digital Subscription to xDev Magazine
- Shade 10 Standard Edition
- Valentina Server
- Valentina Reports
- Valentina Studio Pro
You can buy both. This way you get all the items including 24 months of xDev Magazine.
PS: The bundle ended and is no longer available.

Xojo 2013r3 was released. You can
download it and see the
change list. It has a couple of new things which look very interesting. First of course a lot of bug fixes and IDE refinements. But also additional functionally.
Please check the new
webfile functionality. You can now stream files from disk for downloads and this reduces the memory footprint of your web applications. Now it is more unlikely that your app crashes due to out of memory exceptions.
For file uploads, they go now to a temp file which you can than move to their final destination or delete. So check the
WebUploadedFile class. If you call the old Data function, the file is read from disk to keep existing code working. The new Save method allows to copy the file to another destination. But as it seems to use Binarystream internally, you may get an IOException, so please handle that with try/catch.
Something more hidden, but working is the new constant TargetXojoCloud. It must have been there since the cloud plans came up. Still if you plan to use the cloud, you can have code different in case of running in the Xojo Cloud compared to running a local copy on your own machines. As the cloud option may come in r4 later this year, you could already So you now can use code like this:
#if debugbuild then
// in the debugger
#elseif TargetXojoCloud then
// on the cloud
// on your own server
Testing on Windows XP with the betas showed that IE 7.0 now causes the AllowUnsupportedBrowser event. So it may no longer be supported by Xojo.
By the way, recently _webSupport was discovered here. One of the internal modules, I presume. At least you can type _webSupport. and press tab in editor to see autocomplete suggesting method names. I bet that is a bug, but a line like this works:
dim s as string = _webSupport.GZipCompress("Hello", 9)
Of course this is unsupported and you should not use it. Probably it is needed internally for sending gzip compressed data to the browser. But we are curious and would love to see more internals, so we better understand how things work and way. Maybe we can ask Xojo engineers to talk more about how things work internally on the conferences?
Another little change is that WebImageView.PictureChanged event only is called in javascript if you actually implemented it. That's a little change, but causes less traffic when assigning images to image views.
For MySQL Database also the MultiThread property is gone as now all queries run threaded. We'll see what problems this may solve or create.

New in this prerelease of the 13.4 plugins:
- Fixed memory leak with CocoaControlMBS not releasing its view.
- Fixed problem with missing plugin icon on Mac OS X by once again including a custom file icon.
- Compiling now with latest SDK of Xojo 2013r3. This should not affect older Realbasic versions, if everything is setup correctly.
- Added BlockMBS class for using blocks with declares.
- Added more RegExMBS methods and properties.
- Fixed memory leak with DynaPDFTableMBS class.
- Fixed crash with JPEG encoded TIFF files introduced in pr1.
- Updated MidiPlaybackMBS to user newer APIs.
- Changed DelayMBS and QuickTimePollMBS to set dummy gworld for the current port to avoid crash with invalid ports.
- Changed SQL Plugin to use 16bit strings on Linux.
- Added more NSTimeZoneMBS methods.
- Fixed bug in FileListMBS with sorting on Windows.
macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease. Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
You have several Xojo and Real Studio versions in use? Want to know in advance what version a project has?
Well, in that case, try our new plug-in for QuickLook:
Before you install it, your project icons look like this:

but after you installed our plug-in to /Library/QuickLook and you restarted the Finder or logged in the next time, your icons look like this:

Enjoy! This plug-in is freeware, so tell your friends. Version 1.3 adds support for XML projects and Xojo.

Another week time to order your copy if you like the included items.

Here are a couple of feedback cases resulting from discussions at the conference in Koblenz:
If you like those, please add them to your favorites, add comments or tell your favorite RS engineer you'd love to see the case being implemented.
If you plan to use our
MidiPlaybackMBS class with a sandboxed application on Mac OS X, than you may not hear any sound. Initialization of the class fails due to restricted permissions.
The fix is to add a couple of entitlements:
- com.apple.security.device.microphone
This one allows your application to access the microphone. - com.apple.security.temporary-exception.mach-lookup.global-name
This allows talking to the MIDI Server which coordinates all the Midi functionality across applications. - com.apple.security.temporary-exception.audio-unit-host
This allows talking to audio components which are not itself sandboxed.
Those keys may also be needed with other audio related classes.
For more details, please check
Some snapshots from yesterday in a break with older and younger attendees:

We just received a note from Xojo, Inc. that they run a promotion for new licenses:
September 13th is International Programmer's Day! To honor all of you hard working developers, tomorrow only, Xojo is offering 30% off all NEW Xojo licenses! Use coupon code DEVDAY at checkout to get the discount.
If you already have a Xojo license, this is a great opportunity to expand into web development, add a console or database access license, or share Xojo with that friend who always wanted to get into programming.

The conference started. We already had a MBS Keynote and now Stephane is doing his presentation.
He just shows what's new this year in Xojo.
The ballroom is open, so you can come and join the conference.
Also next to the bar, you find a coffee machine and some biscuits.
Conference starts at 9 am.
Yesterday we had a nice dinner with 25 people already showing up.
Greetings from the Contel Hotel bar. I'm sitting here to check who is already here and if you like, come downstairs and look for the guy with the MBS t-shirt next to a Macbook Pro.
And don't forget to check the newest blog entry from Xojo about
iOS progress.

On Mac OS X you can hide the buttons on the window title bar with our plugin. With both FileMaker and Xojo (RealStudio), we have code in next prerelease.
For Real Studio and Xojo we have an example project to disable or hide the buttons.
For FileMaker we have our normal functions to disable the buttons which will now hide them also.
Sometimes it is good to disable the buttons to disallow the user to close the window while some process is running.
You can use date class to go to totalseconds in GMT to write to a database and later restore it to local timezone:
// now
dim d as new date
// now in GMT
dim e as new date
e.GMTOffset = 0
// show
MsgBox str(d.TotalSeconds,"0.0")+" "+str(e.TotalSeconds, "0.0")
dim GMTTimeStamp as double = e.TotalSeconds
// restore
dim f as new date
// add GMT offset here
f.TotalSeconds = GMTTimeStamp + f.GMTOffset*3600
// because here it's removed
f.GMTOffset = f.GMTOffset
MsgBox d.ShortTime+" ("+str(d.GMTOffset)+") "+str(d.TotalSeconds,"0.0")+EndOfLine+_
e.ShortTime+" ("+str(e.GMTOffset)+") "+str(e.TotalSeconds,"0.0")+EndOfLine+_
f.ShortTime+" ("+str(f.GMTOffset)+") "+str(f.TotalSeconds,"0.0")

New in this prerelease of the 13.4 plugins:
- Changed BlowFishMBS and AESMBS class to clear keys in destructor.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added ModeRaw to JPEGImporterMBS class.
- Added ColorSpace property and constants to JPEGImporterMBS class.
- The LCMS2ProfileMBS class shows now more properties in debugger.
- Added CMYK mode for JPEGImporterMBS for reading CMYK images as picture objects. Good for a quick preview, but for real work you should use LCMS for a real color conversion.
- Added more methods for NSColorSpaceMBS class.
- Fixed problem with AES decryption.
macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease. Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
For Mac OS X and Windows using MBS Plugin functions:
Shared Function MoveFileToTrash(f as FolderItem) As Boolean
#if TargetMacOS then
dim r as FolderItem
dim e as integer = MacFileOperationMBS.MoveObjectToTrashSync(f, r, MacFileOperationMBS.kFSFileOperationDefaultOptions)
if e = 0 then
Return true // Ok
end if
#elseif TargetWin32 then
dim w as new WindowsFileCopyMBS
dim flags as integer = w.FileOperationAllowUndo + w.FileOperationNoErrorUI + w.FileOperationSilent + w.FileOperationNoConfirmation
if w.FileOperationDelete(f, flags) then
Return true // OK
end if
// Target not supported
Return false
End Sub

The September/October 2013 (11.5) issue of xDev Magazine is now available.
Here's a quick preview of what's inside:
- Xojo is a Trip by Keith Colbaugh
What is it like using Xojo for the first time? Probably nothing like this!
- Gardening with Xojo by Marc Zeedar
What does Marc think about when programming? His vegetable garden. What does
he think about when gardening? Programming! Now he mixes the two.
- Tips on Liking Xojo's Navigator by Brad Hutchings
The new Xojo Navigator is controversial. Some want it thrown out completely.
That's unlikely, so Brad's here with some tips to help you like the
- When to Dim by Marc Zeedar
It's debate time: is it better to "dim" variables at the top of your method
or just before you need them?
- Adventures in Upgrading by Marc Zeedar
Marc put off upgrading his big app for way too longā¹moving it to Xojo was a
massive task. Perhaps you can learn from his experience.
Plus: Container Controls, Toolbars, SQLiteDatabase, Adjacency Model, more!
In our regular columns we've got articles on Container Controls, Toolbars, SQLiteDatabase, Adjacency Model, and much more. Enjoy!
And if you like, please join the authors team by sending in an article of your topic choice.
Here is a little teaser on the signature control we work on for Xojo Web Edition. It allows you to have a control where users can sign with a pen or their finger in a web app.
Some things can be customized like the colors and you receive image as JPEG or PNG for storage in a database.
Any feedback is welcome. You can try it on our

New in this prerelease of the 13.4 plugins:
- Added constructor to RegExMBS to specify the internal vector size to use.
- Updated PCRE (RegEx) to version 8.33.
- Updated CURL to version 7.32.0.
- Fixed RegExMBS.Study function to return true even if no extra information was found on study.
- Created new Encryption plugin.
- Added ECDHEMBS class.
- Added OpenSSLMBS module.
- Rewrote a couple of encryption classes.
- Added FileListMBS methods to return dates as date object.
- Added LaunchServicesApplicationListMBS private Constructor.
- Added NSColorMBS.colorWithGenericGamma22White and NSColorMBS.colorWithSRGB.
- Added more CFStringMBS, CFBinaryDataMBS, CFBooleanMBS methods.
- Updated RegEx to PCRE 8.33.
- Added WMIObjectMBS.GetPropertyBoolean.
macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease. Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.