We got a
video from my presentation from our European Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Cologne.
Enjoy the video and see you at the coming
Xojo.Connect in USA!

New in this prerelease of the 19.5 plugins:
- Added UsePrivateBrowsing shared property and privateBrowsing property to WKWebViewControlMBS class.
- Added WVWebViewModuleMBS module with UsePrivateBrowsing shared property.
- Fixed insertText method in NSTextViewMBS to work for empty texts.
- Updated ResourceForkMBS class to work on 64-bit.
- Improved variant handling in plugin and support DateTime data type better.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
The highlight everyone waited for happened on the second day:
Geoff Perlman, CEO of Xojo Inc. demonstrated live Android development in a future Xojo version. He changed code, run project in simulator and on device. You can watch a
demo video on Youtube. Read more in our
forum posting for today and lager on the
Xojo blog.
Our conference is about to start. The room is open and awaits attendees:

We start at 9 o'clock and in the lobby before the room, you can find drinks and coffee.

This week our conference & training for Xojo starts.
We start today with some sight seeing for our international guests who arrive earlier.
Tonight we have dinner with everyone who is here already.
For all others, please come to the hotel bar tomorrow starting at 18 o'clock. We may offer you a drink and a snack there. Otherwise you can go with a group of people and find a nice restaurant.
We'll stay in the hotel bar to greet people as they arrive.
We posted some instructions for taking subway from central station to Heumarkt on the Xojo Forum:
Subway to conference

New in this prerelease of the 19.5 plugins:
- Removed BytesMBS property in Memoryblock class as it's no longer needed.
- Fixed a crash with empty RecordSet from CubeSQL crashing in debugger.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.0.1.
- Fixed bug in SQLDatabaseMBS, SQLParamMBS or SQLFieldMBS where Options may have returned nil.
- Changed SQL connection to CubeSQL to default to scrollable recordsets.
- Implemented DateTime support for DateDifferenceMBS class, ignores time zones.
- Updated DynaPDF to library
- Added CreateXFAStream and SetXFAStream methods to DynaPDFMBS class.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

After the Windows crash report from earlier today where we couldn't do much, here is an example for one where we could help on MacOS.
When you find a crash report in /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports folder (for server software) or ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports (for user software), you can try to read where it crashed and maybe avoid that code or fix the data processed by the code to avoid the problem.
The crash report we check today start with this basic info:
Process: fmscwpc [19163]
Path: /Volumes/*/fmscwpc
Identifier: fmscwpc
Version: 0
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: fmserver_helperd [19089]
Responsible: fmscwpc [19163]
User ID: 503
Date/Time: 2019-09-26 13:32:54.009 +0200
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.13.6 (17G8030)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 3BB48127-8D6B-D79A-BCF9-09FEA3400430
As you can read, we have the process name fmscwpc, which is FileMaker Server Custom Web Publishing Client as far as I know. This is the process of FileMaker Server handling requests for WebDirect. It runs here on MacOS 10.13 and you see the timestamp when it happens. When you can reproduce the issue, you may get a few crash reports, so having times may help to distinguish them.
On Windows if an application like FileMaker Server crashes, you'll find a dmp file for the crash. For example in C:\WINDOWS\MiniDump folder. Once you got the file, you wonder how to read it. It seems like the best was is to use WinDbg application from Microsoft.
First you download the Windows 10 SDK, mount the disk image and run the installer. From all the options in WinSDKSetup, you only need the entry for "Debugging Tools for Windows". All the other entries can be unchecked. So instead of installing several GB of data, only 160 MB are installed.

New in this prerelease of the 19.5 plugins:
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
Xojo Inc. just released the version 2019r2 of Xojo. You can
download it on their website.
MBS Xojo Plugins in version 19.4 have been updated to handle changes for API 2.0 in Xojo 2019r2. A couple of plugin classes and functions have updated declarations to make them working with framework modifications. Our SQL Plugin got updated for prepared statement, which now has a SelectSQL function. MacCocoa, MacCF, ComputerControl and Util plugins got some declarations updated for console/web projects.
The Xojo plugin SDK functions for handling FSRef got removed as Xojo now uses CFURLRef internally for folder items. We updated a couple of plugin functions to now use CFURLRef or NSURL ourselves for file references. But as we still have some older plugin functions using FSRef to do work, we ourselves have support functions to create FSRef on the fly from CFURL and other way around. This keeps old code working. But if you use
older plugins in Xojo 2019r2, you may see the following functions fail.

New in this prerelease of the 19.5 plugins:
- Changed about 400 constants to decimal instead of hex decimal.
- Updated zint library to version 2.6.7.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.30.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added CreateRectilinearMeasure, CreateViewport, GetFieldCalcOrder and SetFieldCalcOrder methods to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Fixed problem with SQL Plugin not using internal SQLite library (broken in pr1).
- Added kTypeInt64 and kTypeUInt64 constants to SQLPreparedStatementMBS class.
- Added kDataTypeInt64 and kDataTypeUInt64 constants to SQLValueReadMBS class.
- Fixed bug for date handling in SQLPreparedStatementMBS class.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

Just three weeks left before our conference & training for Xojo starts.
Your chance to meet Xojo developers in Europe without traveling to USA.
Five reasons why you should attend a conference:
- Learn something new.
With API 2.0, new Web Framework and Android coming soon and recent changes for MacOS Catalina, take the chance to learn information from first hand and ask your questions. - Networking with peers
Find new contacts, people that may help you with problems. Try to ask everyone what they do and build a list of experts. Meet the people from the Xojo forum and thank them for their help in the past. - Encounter new vendors and suppliers
Meet developers from plugins, components, training and other services. Use their services to provide greater values to your clients. - Position yourself as an expert
Let others know what you know and can do, so they can hire your services. Build a reputation as a valuable member of the community. - Have fun!
Leave your office and have a great time with other developers. Use your visit to Cologne for some sight seeing.
See also
conference website,
Things to do in Cologne beside our conference and
European Xojo Conference FAQ.

New in this prerelease of the 19.5 plugins:
- Added WindowsPipeMBS class for named pipe on Windows.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.0.0.
- Fixed Constructor for EKCalendarMBS class to not complain about missing EKReminder class.
- Fixed problem in DynaPDF with rendering Asian characters.
- Fixed problem with DynaPDF Graphics to fill FigureShape objects.
- Changed BackupInit in SQLite3MBS and SQLiteBackupInit in SQLConnectionMBS and SQLDatabaseMBS classes to take variant and accept both database and connection object for dest and source.
- Added DB2SQLExecDirect and DB2SQLRowCount methods to SQLCommandMBS class.
- Added CubeSQLReceiveData, CubeSQLSendData, CubeSQLSendEndData to SQLConnectionMBS and SQLDatabaseMBS classes.
- Added MySQLInsertID to SQLConnectionMBS and SQLDatabaseMBS classes.
- Added SQLiteBackupFinish, SQLiteBackupInit, SQLiteBackupPageCount, SQLiteBackupRemaining, SQLiteBackupStep, SQLiteEnableLoadExtension, SQLiteLastInsertRowID, SQLiteLoadExtension file, SQLiteLoadExtension path, SQLiteMemoryHighwater, SQLiteMemoryUsed, SQLiteReKey, SQLiteSetBusyHandler, SQLiteSetBusyTimeout, SQLiteSetKey, SQLiteTableColumnMetaData and SQLiteThreadsafe methods to SQLConnectionMBS and SQLDatabaseMBS classes.
- Removed Connection parameters for SQLAPIMBS methods. Not needed anymore for MySQLMBS, DB2MBS, PostgreSQLAPIMBS and SQLite3MBS.
- Changed MemoryHighwater and MemoryUsed in SQLite3MBS class to be regular properties.
- Removed LibraryLoaded properties from DB2MBS, InformixMBS, MySQLMBS, PostgreSQLAPIMBS and SQLite3MBS classes.
- Rewrote handling for internal SQLite, PostgreSQL and CubeSQL libraries.
- Fixed an issue with CURL, which caused trouble with email sending (server response timeout).
- Changed OverlayMBS class, so if you use draw event, we don't clear the area for you any more.
- Upgraded isApplicationMBS, isBundleMBS, LaunchServicesCanApplicationAcceptItemMBS, LaunchServicesApplicationForItemMBS, LaunchServicesItemInfoMBS, LaunchServicesKindStringMBS, LaunchServicesDisplayNameMBS and LaunchServicesOpenMBS methods in FolderItem class to newer API.
- Upgraded LaunchServicesOpenMBS, LaunchServicesApplicationForItemMBS, LaunchServicesCanApplicationAcceptItemMBS and LaunchServicesOpenXMBS global methods to use newer API.
- Enabled RTFDataMBS in StyledText class for console projects.
- Added zoomLevel property to MKMapViewMBS class.
- Added setCenterCoordinate and setZoomLevel to zoom in MKMapViewMBS class.
- Added CompressFast and CompressHC methods to LZ4MBS module and new constants.
- Fixed bug with DynaPDFMBS drawing duplicate table rows when wrapping page.
- Removed userDidClickAndHoldAtCoordinate and contextMenuItemsForAnnotationView events from MapKitViewControlMBS control. Those are no longer used.
- Updated Rockey 2 SDK to v2.201r10, V1.41 for Linux, V1.21 for Mac.
- Added 64-bit Linux support for Rockey2.
- Updated LibSSH to version 1.9.0.
- Updated zint to version 2.6.6.
- Updated openssl to version 1.1.1d.
- Added ProcessHandle and ThreadHandle to ShellMBS class.
- Added ProcessHandle and ThreadHandle to WindowsProcessMBS class.
- Added VersionNumber constant to MBS module.
- Fixed problem on Windows with time zones and FormatDateMBS function.
- Fixed but with extra character in MBS.ComputerName constant on Windows.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.