We had today the question how to convert back from ChartDirector time to a Xojo date. To solve this, we got this example code for you:
Function ChartTimeToDate(ChartTime as Double) As date
static diff as double = 0.0
if diff = 0.0 then
dim d2 as Double = CDBaseChartMBS.chartTime(2015, 1, 1)
dim da as new date(2015, 1, 1)
dim ts as Double = da.TotalSeconds
diff = ts - d2
end if
dim d as new date
d.TotalSeconds = diff + ChartTime
Return d
End Function
As you see we calculate the difference in base date from Date and ChartTime and later use difference to convert.
From time to time we have people ask what is -2147286786 or &h800F0216 and nobody knows quickly. So I put together a table on our website to show.
Windows Error Codes
Maybe worth a bookmark for future reference?
New in this prerelease of the 15.3 plugins:
- Rewrote PHP plugin part to use PHP version 5.6.12 and work with 64-bit.
- Added new 64-bit plugin for Mac covering Accounts, Social and EventKit classes.
- Added gamma option to QTPictureMovieTrackMBS class
- Updated SQLite to 3.8.11.
- Fixed ChartDirector license check for 64-bit.
- Fixed linking issues on Linux 64-bit to make sure we use the zlib inside plugin instead of system version.
- Fixed SystemInformation.CPUBrandString and SystemInformation.MachineID for 64-bit.
- Updated CURL to version 7.44.0.
- Changed conversion code for CFDictionaries. CFData now translates to Memoryblock instead of String to work better in 64-bit apps.
- Added classes for OSAKit framework on OS X.
- Fixed problem in CDAxisMBS class which causes memory leaks.
- Changed Files.Delete to use newer API.
- Updated openssl to 1.0.2d.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated libcpuid.
- Updated NSTaskMBS to have more properties and a Terminated event.
- Fixed bug in HotKeyMBS with locks not being released and app blocked.
macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease . Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
Today I want to explain some differences between using a declare for a Cocoa function call and using MBS Plugins wrapper classes.
- You get automatic reference counting. The plugin takes care of memory management and makes sure all objects are released as appropriated.
- Our plugin keeps references between Xojo and Cocoa objects, so we can give you the same Xojo object when a function returns us a Cocoa object and we have a wrapping Xojo object already. This saves memory and makes sure that if you subclass one of our classes, you get back your subclass object and you can access your properties there.
- We catch exceptions and forward them as Xojo exceptions. See NSExceptionMBS class. We also have a global exception handler to make sure no NSException is raised without your app having a chance to handle it.
- For APIs taking blocks and getting callbacks, our plugin makes sure those get dispatched on the main thread. Often callbacks occur on helper threads and cause problems if Xojo runtime calls are executed there. The Xojo runtime is not reentrant safe.
- In most block based APIs we provide a tag parameter and also pass through most parameters. For that we properly wrap Xojo objects for you and release them later after Event is called. This makes sure that all used objects stay in memory
- For the plugin methods, we do a lot of automatic parameter conversions. e.g. you can pass folderitems and we pass internally URL or path, depending on API. We also translate dictionaries, arrays, sets, memoryblocks and structures on the fly.
- If we decide to wrap a framework for Apple, we normally do it 100%. So the wrapper should be complete and you should not be missing something.
Finally you have someone you can ask in case of a problem and get quick responses.
We are pleased to announce our MBS Xojo Conference for 2015. This is an english speaking conference located in the middle of Europe between France, United Kingdom and Germany in the Netherlands. We reserved our conference room in
Bad Hotel Scheveningen in Scheveningen a suburb at the beach near Den Haag.
The conference will start on 17th September 2015 in the evening with a casual get-together. The exact location will be given earlier same day. Meet your colleagues, have a drink together and chat about what's new in Xojo world.
Our conference sessions will run on
18 September 2015 from about 9:00 to 17:00 with lunch and coffee breaks in-between. Sessions include an overview from Stephane Pinel about what is new in Xojo this year and what's on the way for the future. Christian Schmitz presents what is new for MBS Plugins. Followed by sessions of attendees.
On the evening, we offer to have dinner together with others in a casual get-together. If you like, extends your stay for more days and stay the weekend in Den Haag at the beach.
Everyone is invited to share his knowledge. Show your big Xojo projects and tell how you did solve problems and how Xojo helped you to deliver solutions quickly to your clients. Talk about Xojo related topics and what things you have to offer. If you like to get a session, please contact us with a topic description.
Registration is possible at the
MBS website. Cost is 49€ + VAT. Companies inside european union do not need to pay VAT if they provide their VAT ID. All others have to pay 21% VAT which gives a total of 59,29€.
Space is limited, so be quickly. We are looking forward to meet you all there!
Xojo Inc. announced support for raspberry pi.
Well, actually I think they mean support for ARM CPUs running Linux, so this may not just work on the raspberry, but even on your iPhone if you install a linux there!
Anyway, I spend a lot of time today working on building plugins for linux with ARM.
In the next days I will try to get everything compiled and linked. We'll see how well that works.
Same as with 64-bit: Even if it compiles, we need a lot of time to try things.
Things that compile for ARM already include DynaPDF, LargePicture and LCMS2.
Some conference and meetings are currently planned:
First, we are considering doing a one day event in Netherlands on the coast. As you can read on the forum (
forum.xojo.com/24703-little-xojo-conference-in-netherlands), we have a proposal and are currently looking for who is interested and to find a date. The
survey already shows a couple of dates where several people can attend, but we'd like to see more votes there. Once we have a few dates with 10 people, we can sync our date list with various hotels and make reservation.
Second, I will visit both Hamburg (
survey here) and Gothenburg (
survey here) in October, so I look for interested developers for a meeting in a restaurant for dinner. Just a chatting about Xojo, maybe showing some pictures from XDC in Austin or talking about latest Xojo release.
Third, it may be possible that the UK group do once again a meeting in/near Birmingham in the UK. We look forward to their announcement!
And finally we still take bets for where XDC 2016 will be.
XMLNode.AppendChild function in Xojo doesn't work well, if the new child is not part of the same xml tree as the old one. So if you need to copy from one XMLDocument to another, you need to copy the subtree. The function below does the copying and works well in one client project:
Sub AppendChildCopy(extends parent as XmlNode, other as XmlNode)
// parent document for creating new objects
dim doc as XmlDocument = parent.OwnerDocument
dim neu as XmlNode
// create matching type of node in new document
if other isa XmlTextNode then
neu = doc.CreateTextNode(other.Value)
elseif other isa XmlComment then
neu = doc.CreateComment(other.Value)
neu = doc.CreateElement(other.Name)
end if
// now copy all attributes
dim u as integer = other.AttributeCount-1
for i as integer = 0 to u
dim a as XmlAttribute = other.GetAttributeNode(i)
neu.SetAttribute(a.Name, a.Value)
// copy all children
dim c as XmlNode = other.FirstChild
while c <> nil
neu.AppendChildCopy c
c = c.NextSibling
// and store new child
parent.AppendChild neu
End Sub
Useful? Comments? Problems? Your feedback is welcome!
NICKENICH, Germany (August 4th, 2015) -- Monkeybread Software releases version 15.2 of the
MBS plug-in for Xojo and Real Studio.
MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the Xojo (Real Studio) development environment with 2,100 classes featuring over 56,000 documented functions. Our plugins support all three platforms Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with all project types desktop, web and console.
Some of the highlights on the 15.2 update:
We updated our classes for Chromium on Windows. If you use a HTMLViewer with WebKit in your projects, our new
cookie manager classes help you query, create or modify
cookies. This allows to store cookies persistent in a database.
The new
HotKeyMBS class allows you to listen for keyboard combination on both Mac OS X and Windows. The
CarbonHotKeyMBS class still works for Mac OS X projects, but the new class also works fine on Windows. You receive events when a key is pressed down and when it's released.
Our CURL plugin got a major update with a lot of new options and events. This includes wildcard support for FTP transfers. The new
CURLSFileInfoMBS class provides details on files and is used for directory listings. With wildcard support, we can batch download a lot of files in one directory. For some CURL properties we now use 64-bit values by default and we set more options by default to make it easier for beginners to use the plugin.
The new
ArgumentsMBS function on the app class allows you to get launch arguments for your application. This works cross platform for Mac, Windows and Linux. It helps to create desktop apps which also can be controlled by command line options or work like any other command line tool and show no user interface.
For the SQL Plugin we now include optional a SQLite library. Use the
InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS module to check the library and activate it. By using the library in our plugin you don't need to include a separate sqlite library file with your application.
Finally we upgraded to the latest Xojo plugin SDK, updated DynaPDF to version and libXL to version 3.6.2.
release notes for a complete list of changes.
New in this prerelease of the 15.2 plugins:
- Updated system information functions to properly detect Windows 10.
- Fixed issues with ChartDirector plugin to make it compile on Real Studio 2011r1 again.
- Fixed bug in AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptorMBS class.
- Fixed memory leak in PictureMBS.Constructor with using GDI Plus pictures.
macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease . Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.