It has been a long time for the 11.1 release.
DynaPDF 3 is finally in a stage where you can render PDF pages with text, vector graphics and images. There are still a few things to do, but this is a version you can try. And I hope you'll build a lot of applications with it over the next years.
Our plugins are scheduled for the 11.1 release next tuesday and I bet we'll find a few bugs over the weekend, so I expect a fc2 on monday. Also I hope to write a nice viewer control with the new render functions soon.
Try the new functionality we have in the 11.1 release:
- DynaPDF 3.x
- OpenCL for Mac
- new classes for Cocoa
- new classes for more Phidget devices
- Windows Color Matching classes
not to mention all the additions to existing stuff.
I've just been discussing with an italian Real Studio user about coming to the Real Studio conference in Germany.
Ryanair flight from Venice-Treviso to
Düsseldorf-Weeze is just 30.49 Euro. Flying Friday to Germany and Monday back.
From the airport to Essen, you take the
bus shuttle there and back. Each trip is 15 Euro. You can also take the train, but you'll have to change two times and it costs around the same.
To stay you need a hotel for three nights (for the flights above) and the cheapest hotel room we found so far is in Gasthaus Nordstern (north star inn) for just 26.50 Euro per night. You can also get 4 star hotels below 50 Euro/night.
For conference participation ASH charges you 199 Euro. If you are student, there is a discount. Also if you do a short or a long presentation (and there is room in the schedule for you), the price may be lower.
So on the end, I bet you can make it for less than 400 Euro.

Join us in three weeks for the
Real Studio Conference 2011 in Essen, Germany.
As you see on the website, we now have two rooms so we can have much more sessions. Also we decided to run a few of them two times, one in English and one in German. This gives us more flexibility and of course we now can host even more people. So take your chance and join us!
Registration form and more information are available here:

Did you know that access to properties in the app object is more than 1000 times slower than accessing the same property in a module?
My testing shows that accessing app calls internally a function App which calls a function GetAppObject. Both spend a lot of CPU time for stack checking, cast checking and background tasks.
To move methods and properties from app to a module, you should create a module in your project and save the project in the text format. There you can simply copy & paste all your methods and properties in big chunks.
Here my test project:
Also I made a feedback report:
case 16764. Please sign on if that is of interest for you.
The c't kompakt Programmieren magazine is available. I picked my copy up in a news kiosk.
Included are free licenses for Real Studio Personal Edition for Mac, Windows and Linux. If you want to have them all three, you'll get three activation codes.

Next week we'll have training in Hannover. If you want to sign up last minute, please go to the brainworks website. Our trainings this year:
- (DE) Hannover, 5th to 7th May 2011
- (AT) Vienna, 22th to 24th September 2011
- (CH) Zürich, 29th September to 1st Oktober 2011
- (DE) Aachen, 10th to 12th November 2011
- (DE) Frankfurt am Main, 24th to 26th November 2011
For registration go here:
Greetings Everyone,
Just wanted to let everyone know that our small community of Real Studio Users (10 users as of today) will be holding our first meet and greet on April 30th, 2pm at Corner Bakery Cafe in Mission Valley. Since we're a small group, it would be really awesome if you can take the time and show your support!
To make it worth your while, I'll be releasing some free code with the group to reveal how to use Real Studio to bring your application development up a notch. I'll also be available to share and discuss my own experiences as an independent software developer and vendor. Have any questions about commercial or open source licensing and development? I'm not a lawyer, but I'll do my best to share my own experiences and knowledge with the group. This will be a great opportunity to learn, share and connect with other Real Studio developers in your own back yard! Our agenda follows:
Introduction, Meet & Greet with fellow developers
Understanding GPL, MIT, Commercial and FSF licenses
Developing 'enterprise' applications with Steve's free IPRO Library v 1.0
Code Clinic, bring your own experiences and questions to the group
I look forward to seeing you there! Please feel free to contact me should you have any comments or questions.
Stephen Carroll
Fellow Real Studio Developer

New in this prerelease of the 11.1 plugins:
- Updated to 2011r1 Plugin SDK.
- Removed folderitem.AsAliasMBS and ResolveAliasMBS as we deprecate that in favor of GetSaveInfo built into Real Studio.
- Plugins now have code to get or set Real Studio arrays for older Realbasic versions (e.g. 2007r2). Plugins can't create arrays or append data there.
- Fixed crash with passing nil for when parameter in AudioDeviceSetPropertyString, AudioDeviceSetPropertyMemory, AudioStreamSetPropertyString and AudioStreamSetPropertyMemory in CoreAudioMBS class.
- Added UInt64ToDoubleMBS and DoubleToUInt64MBS.
- Overloaded most ChartDirector plugin functions to take color values in addition to integer color values. This should make use in Real Studio easier for most people.
- Updated CF classes, so they are now all console/web safe.
- Added Windows Image Color Management classes: WindowsICMColorMBS, WindowsICMEnumMBS, WindowsICMLogColorSpaceMBS, WindowsICMNamedProfileInfoMBS, WindowsICMProfileHeaderMBS, WindowsICMProfileMBS, WindowsICMSetupMBS, WindowsICMTransformMBS and WindowsICMModuleMBS module.
- Added BusSpeed and CPUSpeed to SystemInformationMBS module.
- Removed AntiAliasedTextSizeMBS and IsAntiAliasedTextEnabledMBS functions.
- Removed CPUInfoMBS class. Use SystemInformationMBS module instead.
- Added UnZipMBS Position2 property
- Fixed a crash with PNG reading from string inside threads.
- Fixed bug in DynaPDFMBS.InsertPicture with byte alignment.
- Fixed bug in RegistrationEngineMBS to place delimiter correctly: ICYR-RES4-UXQ1ICYR and not ICYR-RES4-UXQ1-ICYR
- Changed WebUIDelegateMBS.CreateWithRequest to accept a WebViewMBS object as return value.
Join Google group here:
Spokane Area Real Studio Users Group - SaRSug
First meeting April 27, 2011 at 11:30 am for lunch at the Mongolian BBQ at the corner of Sullivan & Sprague in Spokane Valley, WA.
15416 E Sprague Ave
Spokane Valley, WA 99037, USA
(509) 891-7237 (restaurant)

New in this prerelease of the 1.1 extension:
- Compiled for Mac with 32 and 64 bit. (Linux and Windows may follow later if there is a demand for that)
- Added Cube SQL Plugin for Cube SQL Server 4.0b10.
- Added UUIDFormattedMBS, UUIDHexMBS and UUIDRawMBS.
- Added CosHMBS, ACosMBS, CosMBS, TanHMBS, ATan2MBS, ATanMBS, TanMBS, SinHMBS, ASinMBS, SinMBS functions.
- Remove Accents functions now convert ß to s.
For more information visit the
SQLite Extension website or
download the prerelease version.
The c't kompakt Programmieren magazine is available now for order.
As a special there is a Real Studio Personal Edition license included with the DVD.
That's the third magazine this year presenting Real Studio to a huge audience in German speaking countries. The c't magazine alone sells more than 300,000 issues every second week and I bet they will promote this development magazine there.
Thanks to
Real Software for allowing this kind of promotion and also thanks to the people at
Application Systems Heidelberg for negotiating this deals.
see also the
news on heise.de (in German)

Today we start a Filemaker Plugin mailing list for our filemaker plugin:
Subscribe to mbsfmplugin
also for Real Studio Plugins we have our existing list:
Subscribe to mbsplugin
Both are discussion lists where you can post questions, learn about new features and get notified for new versions.

If you convert a double to UInt64, Real Studio will not work right for high numbers. If you have a double with value 18446744073709541376 and you assign it to an UInt64, you get 9223372036854775808. Seems like internally they use Int64 for this.
dim x as UInt64 = 18446744073709541376
dim d as Double = x
dim u as uint64 = d
MsgBox str(x)+" "+str(d)+" "+str(u)
and try this:
dim d as Double = 18446744073709541376
MsgBox str(d)
As you see things don't work as expected, so I filled two bug reports:
#16715 and
Today a client asked me for using our ChartDirector plugin to put a lot of bar charts to make a 3D surface with columns. Later this morning we got this prototype:
Isn't that cool?
By the way, this is a peak view to chromatography data of a blood sample.

This year's Real Studio Conference in the German town of Essen already dwarfs its predecessor. With 15+ sessions on object-oriented, cross-platform application and database development, realcon2011 hosts almost twice as many presentations and workshops as last year's event.
Registrations for two busy conference days, and for the casual get-together the evening before, are already coming in, steadily - not only from Germany and neighbouring countries like the Czech Republic and France, but also from the UK and the U.S.
With the conference being held in both English and German, Application Systems Heidelberg and MonkeyBread Software hope to welcome Real Studio users not only from the mainly German-speaking countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Essen, the vibrant European Capital of Culture 2010, is geographically situated close to Belgium, France and the Netherlands. With Germany itself in the heart of Europe, Essen is the perfect location for this event. Apart from many interesting sessions realcon2011 also is a networking opportunity, offering a perfect atmosphere for meeting fellow users face-to-face.
Key facts on "realcon2011":
(DE) Essen/Germany, "realcon2011" (Real Studio Developers Conference)
May 20, 2011, 7 pm (open-end) - "Get-together" for early-arrivals
May 21 and 22, 2011 - Conference days with extensive agenda
Event Schedule:
Registration and more information:
I know this four groups so far:
Please inform me if I missed one.

New in this prerelease of the 11.1 plugins:
- Added more NSWindowMBS methods like setContentBorderThickness.
- Changed DrawCGPDFDocumentMBS to work on Cocoa.
- Changed GZipFileMBS.Close to set lasterror to zero.
- Added PNGReaderMBS.ReadRow method which takes a memoryblock (for better speed).
- Added ExtraLatency and UseMinimumLatency to CAPlayThroughMBS class.
- Added PictureBlend DiffPicturesMBS function.
- Added GlyphGetCubicPaths and GlyphGetQuadraticPaths methods to ATSUStyleMBS class.
- Added ATSPathEventsMBS class.
- Fixed memory leak in NewCFMutableDictionaryMBS.
- Fixed a bug with MDQueryMBS so it works better in the future.
- Added some 64 bit support to UnZipMBS and ZipMBS classes. Works with having files bigger than 4 GB inside the archive. But seems not to work so far with archives > 2 GB.
- Updated libz to version 1.2.5.

I talk to a lot of people here about Web Edition, our Conference and quite a few companies are asking for developers to hire for programming jobs. Both remote and local as well as freelancer or employee. As the conference is just 6 weeks away, I point them to the conference as you won't find more Real Studio developers together in Europe this year.
So far two CEOs have said they will come and two others are interested. One has a 100 employees, another two are in the range of 20 to 30 and for the forth I don't know the number. So the conference is getting a job market, too. Come to the conference, bring your notebook with you and chat with other people. Show your work and tell others whether you are available. You have good chances to find a job here
More details about the conference:
Real Studio trainings in Munich went well. We did a lot of Web Edition projects and database coding.
When I'm back in the office on Monday, I'll be back to programming, so next prerelease plugins will be online Monday or Tuesday.
And finally if you come close to Atlanta, Georgia, check out the site of the Atlanta REAL Studio Users Group.

Depending on which plugins you use to compile your app, you are either using version 2.5 or version 3 of DynaPDF. Some people already have serial numbers for both versions. So if you do registrations in a module, you may want to check the version constant for which license key you need to use:
  // DynaPDF 2.5
pdf.SetLicenseKey "xxx"
  // DynaPDF 3.0
  pdf.SetLicenseKey "yyy"
end if
PS: If you have a DynaPDF 2.x license and you like to upgrade, please contact us.
Seattle Real Studio Users — Unite!
Or at least consider joining the new SeaRUG (Seattle Real Studio User Group).
We're just getting started.
Here's the plan: Create a user group that provides an opportunity for
Real Studio users in the Seattle area to meet up in physical space
periodically. To network, exchange ideas, expose one another to
interesting work they're doing or have come across, and share tips on
staying dry.
We'd like to know:
1) Who's interested.
2) How often you'd like to meet.
3) Any suggestions you have for places to meet.
4) Any suggestions for meeting content.
We've set up a virtual meeting space on Google Groups where we can
exchange ideas:
Click a link or button to request membership, as we try to block spam robots.
We have a web page:
We look forward to hearing from you soon and receiving your input on
where the group should go from here.
-- Dennis Birch & Basil Bourque
It's 1st April 2011 and the birthdays are no April Fools' joke:
Apple turn 35 years today. Congratulations to all Apple employers, especially to employer no. 0: Steve Jobs, employer no. 1: Steve Wozniak and all the other 50,000 employees.
Arktis, one of my favorite online (and offline) shop for Apple Gadgets turns 25 today.
Also Volker Ritzhaupt has birthday on the same day. He's the founder and CEO of
Application Systems Heidelberg, the Real Studio distributor for German speaking countries.
Our own company known as Monkeybread Software, but legally Christian Schmitz Software GmbH turns eleven today. More than eleven years of Real Studio Consulting turned into the biggest Real Studio Plugin Library, hundreds of applications and thousands of happy customers