It is already four months since Russia started the invasion of Ukraine. The Russian government sees them as a rival they think they can beat and prevent Ukraine from a prosperous live in the free world. They don't want a puppy government under the control of the Kreml, but their own independent country. Deciding their own fate and who they make treaties with.
This war is unnecessary and will not help Russia. It brings big pain to the people in Ukraine and as well to all the families in Russia, who see their sons die for this bullshit.
Please put the money where the mouths is. We try to help and sent once again a bigger donation to help people in the Ukraine. Also we will look to reduce our own use of petrol and natural gas. Currently we look into investing into photovoltaics to produce our own power.
Please check if you can help yourself by helping Ukraine or by reducing your consumption of Russia products.
Recently a client had questions on how to send an email using our CURLEmailMBS class via gmail service and our CURLSMBS class. There are a few challenges:
- You need to know what server to use. That is easy for google mail and will do it.
- You need to know your login credentials. Your account should have 2 Factor Authentication. But you never pass your gmail password to an application directly. You go to the google website, login and then create an app-specific password for smtp. The advantage is that you can disable that password later, if it got stolen and create a new one.
- You need to know the port to use. Basically port 25, 465 and 587 all can work. But 25 and 587 connect in plain text and do the TLS upgrade later after discussing the details of the supported encryption variants. For port 465, the first package is encrypted and for that we would tell the plugin to use TLS directly. That is our UseSSL flag, you can set when using port 465. To set the port, please either put in the server, e.g. "" or later set it on the CURL object with OptionPort. For gmail the default port 25 works just fine here.
- You need to know what TLS version is allowed. For our example we don't need to set an explicit version. CURL now tries TLS 1.3 and falls back to version 1.2 if the server doesn't support it. But you can set a version as minimum.
- Since gmail doesn't do plain text, we tell CURL to require SSL with OptionUseSSL = kUseSSLall.
You can use DynaPDFMBS class in MBS Xojo DynaPDF Plugin for a lot of PDF operations. Create PDF from scratch, add content like text, tables, vector graphics, images and place existing PDF content as templates. You can merge, split, encrypt, decrypt, optimize and print PDF documents.
Let's show you how to do merge in DynaPDF with the following method snippet:
Sub Merge()
Dim pdf As New DynapdfMBS
pdf.SetLicenseKey "Lite" // For this example you can use a Lite, Pro or Enterprise License
Dim outFile As folderitem = GetSaveFolderItem(MyFileTypes.Pdf, "Merge.pdf")
If outFile = Nil Then Return // cancelled
Call pdf.CreateNewPDF(outFile)
// we import all content and as pages
Dim flags As Integer = Bitwise.BitOr(pdf.kifImportAsPage, pdf.kifImportAll)
Call pdf.SetImportFlags(flags)
// loop over list to import all files there
Dim c As Integer = List.ListCount-1
For i As Integer = 0 To c
// we store folderitems for file references in the CellTag here.
Dim file As FolderItem = List.CellTag(i, 0)
// open file
Dim FileHandle As Integer = pdf.OpenimportFile(file, pdf.kptopen, "")
If FileHandle >= 0 Then
// import all pages
Call pdf.ImportPDFFile(pdf.GetPageCount+1, 1.0, 1.0)
// alternatively with Pro license, import individual pages
'Call pdf.ImportPDFPage(1)
Call pdf.CloseImportFile
End If
// optional edit all pages to have new text for page numbers
If CheckPageNumbers.Value Then
AddPageNumbers pdf
End If
Call pdf.CloseFile
// open in preview
End Sub

New in this prerelease of the 22.3 plugins:
- Fixed PCRE2MatchDataMBS class to not crash with querying StartPosition in an empty matchdata object.
- Updated Rockey4ND libraries, including Apple Silicon and Linux 64-bit for ARM.
- Updated to DynaPDF
- Added more plugin support for Windows.
- Added SetTemplBBox method to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added SetStackSize method to PCRE2MatchContextMBS class.
- Implemented Constructor taking picture for CVPixelBufferMBS to work on iOS.
Download: or
from DropBox.
Or ask us to be added to our shared DropBox folder.

New in this prerelease of the 22.3 plugins:
Download: or
from DropBox.
Or ask us to be added to our shared DropBox folder.
In this article I want to introduce you the new functionalities from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.2.
In the Regular Expressions topic there are huge changes. So far we have had the class RegExMBS. This is now deprecated and is no longer being developed, but remains in the plugin and can be used. We now provide the more modern classes:
If you want to learn more about the new functionalities, I recommend you to read our blog article
New PCRE2 Plugin for Xojo which deals with the topic in more detail.
If you have a license for our plugins, you can renew it at any time and add additional years at current pricing.
While our updates are already discounted at 50%, you can take multiple years and get an additional discount:
- 2nd year with 10% reduction
- 3rd year with 20% reduction
- 4th year with 20% reduction
- 5th year with 20% reduction
For example a $99 update for 5 years would be factor 4.3 instead of 5, so $425.70 instead of $495 with a $69.3 discount.
contact us to let us know you like to order with discount, so we can raise a custom invoice for your purchase.
If you order a multi year update via our web shop for full price, we can extend the MBS Plugin licenses (not DynaPDF or LibXL) with extra months instead of a discount:
- 2 years -> 1 month extra
- 3 years -> 3 months extra
- 4 years -> 6 months extra
- 5 years -> 9 months extra
This should be about the same level of discount. In any case, please
let us know in advance. With ordering now in advance, you can secure current pricing.
And of course we appreciate the trust that customers put into us when they update for several years.
Please note that you may need to depreciate the value of the purchase over multiple years in most countries.
You may know that our MBS Xojo Plugins contain classes for Contacts for macOS and iOS. And now we add a new CNContactPickerViewControllerMBS class, so you can use the standard picker on iOS to pick a contact.
You subclass the CNContactPickerViewControllerMBS class and fill the events or use addHandler to connect the events to your methods. There is didCancel event in case user presses cancel button and there are events for one (or multiple) contacts selected or contact properties. Depending on which event you implement, the picker will be single or multi selection and may show contact properties.
So let's subclass and fill the events:
Class MyCNContactPickerViewControllerMBS Inherits CNContactPickerViewControllerMBS
Sub didCancel()
System.DebugLog CurrentMethodName
End EventHandler
Sub didSelectContact(contact as CNContactMBS)
MessageBox "Picked: " + contact.givenName + " " + contact.familyName
End EventHandler
End Class

New in this prerelease of the 22.3 plugins:
Download: or
from DropBox.
Or ask us to be added to our shared DropBox folder.

New in this prerelease of the 22.3 plugins:
Download: or
from DropBox.
Or ask us to be added to our shared DropBox folder.