New in this prerelease of the 23.3 plugins:
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Recently we discussed how to encrypt something in PHP and then decrypt in Xojo. Check out the CipherMBS class in our plugin, which corresponds to openssl_encrypt/openssl_decrypt functions in PHP.
Here is a sample script in PHP to generate a random initial vector and a random key. Then encrypt some text with openssl using blowfish algorithm and CBC as block mode:
$cipher = 'bf-cbc';
$iv_size = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher);
$key_size = 20;
$iv = random_bytes($iv_size);
$key = random_bytes($key_size);
$encrypted = openssl_encrypt('Hello World. Just a test here!', $cipher, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
print "iv: ".base64_encode($iv)."\n";
print "key: ".base64_encode($key)."\n";
print "encrypted: ".base64_encode($encrypted)."\n";
For such an encryption, you need to replicate on both sides the same settings:
- Identical key data. May need you to hash key first.
- Identical initial vector
- Identical setting for padding of data to match required block size.
- Identical handling for keys with too small size. e.g. fill up with zero bytes.
You can run the PHP script above and copy the values into the Xojo code below:
Var Cipher As CipherMBS = CipherMBS.bf_cbc
Call Cipher.EncryptInit(DecodeBase64("79aMfVRxPw0="), DecodeBase64("2peenIoTK1k="))
Var Decrypted As MemoryBlock = Cipher.ProcessMemory(DecodeBase64("JBvDgbeC6vECJGiRnh27GQ==")) + Cipher.FinalizeAsMemory()
Print Decrypted
If everything works fine, the result in the unencrypted text as in the PHP script.
Our monkey made a trip to Andernach to show you how nice it looks there and what to expect when you visit our MBS Xojo Conference.
Let's start in the Roman park area behind the hotel:
New in this prerelease of the 23.3 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Fixed a bug in CipherMBS handling of long keys (broken in pr2).
- Added ZeroPaddingKey property to CipherMBS class.
- Split PDFKit classes into new MBS Xojo PDFKit Plugin, so we can enable iOS support for them.
- Added PDFThumbnailViewIOSControlMBS and PDFViewIOSControlMBS controls.
- Fixed WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS for older Xojo versions, broken in pr2.
- Fixed Yield property in ArchiveMBS class to be settable.
- Enabled legacy algorithms for openssl on Windows, so blowfish is available in CipherMBS class.
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Time to let you guys know where our MBS Xojo Conference in Andernach will take place. Our monkey found it near the Rhine:
The Einstein Hotel Am Römerpark in Andernach at the Rhine is a fairly new hotel. There used to be a malt factory in Andernach, but that got demolished a few years ago. Then the archeologists took over, started to dig and found plenty of roman ruins, which are now preserved and shown in the park area behind the hotel. On the Rhine site the hotel was built and opened in 2020.
New in this prerelease of the 23.3 plugins:
- Added 49 new ciphers for CipherMBS class.
- Added Control function for CipherMBS class for AES GCM tags.
- Added eight more digest methods to DigestMBS class.
- Enabled legacy algorithms for openssl, so blowfish is available in CipherMBS class.
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Let me show you a sample script on how to easily notarize a disk image automatically. The script is pretty generic, so you only change the path to go to on the beginning and the pattern to find the dmg file. We use ls command here to find it independent of the version number. And as you see, we pack our archives into a temp folder:
Since Xojo Inc. announced that the Android target will be included for 2023r2 release, I got a few people asking whether our plugins will be ported. If you like to try Android soon, please join the Testers group.
Well, there is not yet a plugin SDK for Android. We expect there will be one, but first Xojo Inc. has to figure out how to make the plugins works on Android. This includes preparing how to do C++ library compilation, how to bridge that to their Kotlin app and have calls get through including exception handling.
The new LibSSH2 1.11 update brings a few interesting
Adds support for encrypt-then-mac (ETM) MACs
Adds support for AES-GCM crypto protocols
Adds support for sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 and sk-ssh-ed25519 keys
Adds support for RSA certificate authentication
Adds RSA-SHA2 key upgrading to OpenSSL
The most importing is that newer SSH servers use newer SHA2 hashes and newer encryption algorithms. Since more and more servers disallow older encryption standards and require the newer ones, you may want to update to the new plugins soon to prevent connection problems.
Included in
MBS FileMaker Plugin 13.3 and
MBS Xojo Plugins 23.3, currently in pre-release testing.
New in this prerelease of the 23.3 plugins:
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For next plugin version we add WinPreviewControlMBS control to our plugins. This one allows you to use the built-in PDF viewer in Windows 10 to show a PDF document.
We leverage what we had before with WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS class, but made it a Xojo control (and a desktop control), so you can just drop it on a window and then have a quick PDF viewer control.
The control includes a scrollbar to scroll down over the pages. There is also a toolbar to move to previous or next page, a field to enter a page number to go to. You can zoom to see whole page or zoom in. There is a contextual menu with commands like going to first and last page, and rotate the page to the left or right.
Since the preview handlers on Windows can also be used to preview RTF, contacts, fonts and mail files, we include multiple examples. You may even find more handlers installed by special software to preview other file types.
Please try and let us know what you think.
For 23.3 plugins, we add QLPreviewControllerMBS class for iOS projects in Xojo to preview various file types full screen. If your iOS app needs to show some downloaded file or a PDF file received/generated, you can just preview it.
Since we can enable markup features, you can even annotate and edit PDF documents. The user would get the usual tools and then can save the new PDF to a temporary file. Your application receives an event and then you can save it to where you need it, e.g. into a database.
A QLPreviewController can display previews for many common file types, including the following:
- iWork documents
- Microsoft Office documents
- Rich text format, or RTF, documents
- PDF files
- Images
- Text files with a uniform type identifier that conforms to the public.text type. To learn more, see Uniform type identifiers.
- Comma-separated values, or CSV, files
- 3D models in the USDZ format with both standalone and AR views for viewing the model
If you like to use this, please add a property to the screen to hold the panel reference. e.g. "panel as QLPreviewControllerMBS".
Then in the code to show a PDF file, just call a bit code like this:
panel = New QLPreviewControllerMBS
panel.AddItem PDFFile
And it shows the panel full screen. You can add multiple files if needed and use a subclass of QLPreviewControllerMBS to implement events to allow editing or get notified for dismissal of the panel.
Please try with next prerelease and let us know if you have questions.
It looks like Apple removes EPS support for macOS Sonoma, so we deprecate the functionality around that in our plugins. Currently the features still works and can be used, but once you upgrade, the MBS functions will return an error or raise an exception.
For FileMaker:
For Xojo:
Not sure about the reason. From usage statistics showing that nobody uses it, to expired licenses with Adobe or the retirement of the relevant staff, all is possible.
If you need EPS conversion, you may check command line tools like Ghostscript to do the same.
Our plugins will carry on the functions until we move to newer Xcode and newer macOS next year, where we may have to remove them.
Xojo turns ten years old today.
On 4th June 2013, Xojo Inc. announced the name change from Real Studio to Xojo, the new IDE and the new license model.
Originally Xojo started over 25 years ago as CrossBasic, got rebranded as REALbasic and released in 1998 to the public. In 2010 the name was changed to Real Studio before in 2013 the company and its product were renamed to Xojo. See
Wikipedia for details.
Congratulations to the team and looking forward to the next 20 years!
See you at the next conference!
New in this prerelease of the 23.3 plugins:
- Added ConvertImage method for WindowsPDFDocumentMBS class.
- Added Describe method to GMImageMBS class.
- Added evaluate method to XMLDocumentMBS class to do XPath queries.
- Added FilterObjectArray method in JSONMBS class.
- Added RegisterRGBAImage and MarkerDefineRGBAImage methods to ScintillaControlMBS class.
- Added tag property to CURLSMultiMBS and CURLSMBS classes.
- Added XMLXPathResultMBS class.
- Fixed CURLSMultiMBS class to set AutoPerform to true for shared instance.
- Improved ScintillaControlMBS to better recognize xojo comments.
- Our plugin now requires glibc 2.25 for openssl on Linux (from 2017)
- Removed PHP classes.
- Updated CURL library to version 8.1.2.
- Updated LibSSH to version 1.11.0.
- Updated MongoDB-c library to version 1.23.4.
- Updated openssl library to version 3.1.1.
- Updated RabbitMQ-c library to version 0.13.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.42.0.
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