Cleanup Xojo Plugins
The following list marks the current list of what we may remove. But you – as a developer using our plugins – can still tell us whether you actively use one of the following items. We may discuss keeping them longer or helping you move away from the classes:
Remove Tesseract 3.x (use 5.x instead)
Remove DuckDB class (use SQL Plugin instead)
Remove macOS 32-bit target
Remove building Real Studio plugins
Remove Addressbook. and Calendar classes (use Events and Contacts)
Remove BackgroundThreadMBS class and related methods. (Not used anymore)
Remove CFXMLParser classes
Remove WebKit 1 classes for macOS.
Remove Growl* classes.
Remove deprecated controls.
Remove old Speech classes
Remove some old dongle classes
Remove old DarwinPingMBS class.
Remove CarbonWindowsEventsMBS and CarbonEventsScrapMBS
Remove some older SQLAPIMBS class (and subclasses) as functionality moved to other SQL classes.
Remove old NSUserNotificationMBS code. Use UNNotification classes instead.
Remove ZintRenderMBS classes. Use the newer ZintVectorMBS class instead.
Remove old DNSServiceDiscovery classes. Use newer DNSService classes instead.
Remove old WiringPiMBS class.
Remove old CompFace functions
Remove GameKit classes
Remove InternetExplorer classes
Remove MAAttachedWindowMBS class
Remove OpenCL classes
Remove old Phidget classes, Use new classes.
Remove PHP classes. Please use Shell class.
Remove UniMotionMBS module.
Remove text and auto data type support since those are deprecated.
Remove CloneRecordSetMBS, BuildRecordSetMBS and BuildRowSetMBS. Use in-memory SQLite database if needed.
Remove zxing classes. Use zbar instead.
Remove IMServiceMBS class and related.
Remove TimeZoneMBS
The idea is to remove about 5 to 10% of the plugin code to make the whole thing a bit slimmer and quicker to build. Especially by removing targets, we can speed up build times a lot.
If you use one of the items, you may use current plugins in future. We may also make one of the things standalone (without license check), so you can use it perpetual in future. But in general we don't expect people to need those items any more.