XOJO MBS Developer Conference 2015 in London
London 2015 Mix-Up from The Tomas on Vimeo.
Thanks to Tomas Jakobs for making this video.
The conference in London is done. A few pictures for you:
You can read more soon in the
XDEV Magazine or join the dinner tonight.
Interested in a conference 2016?
You can show your interested by filling out our
survey to find the date for 2016.
If you use GIT, I have a tip for you:
git reflog expire --expire=now --all
git fsck --full --unreachable
git repack -A -d
git gc --aggressive --prune=now
Those commands will remove unreferenced objects and recompress the repository. For me that worked great and for example a 4 GB repository shrunk down to 600 MB. That saves a lot of disk space here. Try at your own risk. Remote repositories may need extra work to upload the new state.
Just to remind everyone. If you have an older license and you missed to update it for 3 years, you are no longer eligible to order an update for the license. You can of course order a new license at any time.
So today we emailed people from 2013 to remind them to update before the end of 2015.
The key idea is that we offer discounted license prices for renewing licenses to honor you staying up to date.
Thank you for supporting Monkeybread Software.
Xojo, Inc. Announces Biggest Black Friday Sale Ever, so here is the announcement:
Xojo Black Friday Sale Save 20% storewide!
This Black Friday sale is our biggest ever! Everything Xojo is 20% off for one weekend only!* That means new licenses, renewals and upgrades to Xojo Pro are ALL 20% off this Friday, November 27th through Monday, November 30th! In addition, ALL 3rd party products and the XDC Training videos are 20% off! Shop now!

Xojo licenses are available in the following options:
- Xojo Pro - Get a single license for Desktop, Web, iOS and Raspberry Pi, plus priority support, guaranteed access to Xojo Beta Program, membership in a special Xojo Pro-only forum, 3x Feedback multiplier when ranking cases, and you will receive consulting leads. Also, your Xojo Pro license will work on up to 3 machines.
- Xojo Desktop (Single Platform and Full Desktop) - Develop and build apps for OS X, Windows and Linux.
- Xojo Web - Build web apps that can run on Linux, Windows or OS X servers and support Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.
- Xojo iOS - Create native iPad and iPhone apps.
- Xojo Raspberry Pi - Build console (non-GUI) applications that can run on Raspberry Pi.
Interested in upgrading to Xojo Pro? Do it now and save! You can check your upgrade price here and come back during the sale to save an additional 20%. Don't forget to grab some of the powerful 3rd party products to help expand your development!
And please, don't forget to help spread the word - tell your friends about this sweet deal to get them started with Xojo! Visit Xojo.com this weekend for the biggest Xojo sale ever!

Xojo offers a 90-day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase you can get a full refund.
*Sale excludes Xojo Cloud.
If you like to order your new MBS licenses through us, we will of course offer the same discount. Just contact us.

NICKENICH, Germany (November 24th, 2015) -- Monkeybread Software releases version 15.4 of the
MBS plug-in for Xojo and Real Studio.
The MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the Xojo (Real Studio) development environment with 2,200 classes featuring over 57,000 documented functions. Our plugins support all three platforms Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with all project types desktop, web and console.
Some of the highlights on the 15.4 update:
We happy to ship our first Xojo plugins supporting both 64-bit targets and Raspberry Pi. In general everything what is working on Linux should now work on Raspberry Pi, too. For 64-bit all classes should work, except those using deprecated APIs from Apple. But those are marked as deprecated in the plugin. Features not supported for 64-bit include QuickTime and ATS classes. We even have some 64-bit only classes for EventKit and Social frameworks from Apple. Be aware that for SQL Plugin and other plugins using external libraries, you may need new libraries for 64-bit.
If you need to sign text or data and later verify whether the signature is valid, you can now use our
elliptic curve signature functions. You generate a private and public key. With the private key you can sign a piece of data. Someone else can now verify the data integrity by checking the signature with the public key.
Our new
JavaScript classes for Mac allow to run JavaScript without HTMLViewer. You can get/set properties, evaluate JavaScript expression or execute JavaScript functions. From JavaScript you can call back to your Xojo code via an event.
For users of Microsoft Word we have a few functions for Mac, Windows and Linux to
edit Word files (docx and xml Format) and replace placeholder texts with text. You can use this to personalize word files with texts from your database.
For our SQL Plugin we got a new
ConnectMT method to do the connecting to a database on a preemptive thread, so the connect will not block the user interface of your application. For date fields we improved the handling, so you now get a nil instead of a bad date value. We updated SQLite to version 3.9.2 including support for FTS5 and JSON extensions.
Finally we got new
spline calculation class, better
email parsing, support for RC5 cipher and new functions to read text tracks in AVFoundation.
release notes for a complete list of changes.

New in this prerelease of the 15.4 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added SQLConnectionMBS.ConnectMT.
- Added Description and ModelText properties to CGColorSpaceMBS class.
- Little fixes for 64-bit.
macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease . Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

New in this prerelease of the 15.4 plugins:
- Fixed crash related to ImageCaptureEventsMBS.cameraDeviceDidDownloadFile event.
- Recompiled CURL with max buffer size of 1 MB. OptionBufferSize is set to 16K as before, but you can now change it to bigger buffer.
- Changed SQL functions returning Date to check if date is empty and return nil in that case.
- Fixed possible crash with AddItemToObject and AddItemToArray in JSONMBS class.
- Fixed crash in Picture.HMirrorPictureMBS function with 64-bit.
- Fixed PrintDialogMBS to work again on current OS.
- Updated HASPHLDMBS class to use newer Sentinel SDK.
- Added WordFileMBS class.
macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease . Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

Just a quick update: Bob Keeney and his wife Carol join us for the Xojo conference in Wimbledon.
We are pleased to add Bob's presentation to our schedule:
Reporting using BKeeney Shorts
The built in reporting tool is find for simple reports but for many it's not powerful enough. BKS Shorts is a 100% Xojo solution that allows you to create complex reports in code. With the addition of a new report designer you can create external report files and can even embed a report designer into your Xojo desktop applications.
We still have some last tickets available for interested Xojo developers. Or if you just want to join one of the evening dinners, please contact us soon.
schedule and

We are pleased to announce our MBS Xojo Conference for 2015 in London. This is an english speaking conference located in the southern United Kingdom. We reserved our conference room in
Antoinette Hotels Wimbledon in Wimbledon, a part of Greater London.
The conference will start on 26th November 2015 in the evening with a casual get-together. The exact location will be given earlier same day. Meet your colleagues, have a drink together and chat about what's new in Xojo world.
Our conference sessions will run on
27 November 2015 from about 9:00 to 17:00 o'clock with lunch and coffee breaks in-between.
The current schedule:
| Name | Title | Description |
08:00 | | Registration | |
09:00 | | Welcome | |
09:20 | Stephane Pinel | Xojo Keynote | What's new in Xojo this year and what is coming |
10:00 | Bob Keeney | Reporting using BKeeney Shorts | BKS Shorts is a 100% Xojo solution for reporting, now with a new report designer. |
10:30 | | Coffee Break | |
11:00 | Christian Schmitz | MBS Keynote | New in MBS Plugins |
12:00 | Tomas Jakobs | Products | How to create a product. Tomas will take us on a journey how to shape a Product out of a XOJO software project. |
12:20 | Chris Carter | Controlling | Controlling a model train with Xojo |
12:30 | | Lunch | |
13:30 | Øjvind Søgaard Andersen | Xojo in Broadcast | |
14:00 | Richard Duke | Made with Xojo | Artscene and ACMS, applications made in Xojo |
14:15 | Christian Schmitz | PDF in Xojo | Overview about PDF solutions for Xojo |
14:45 | Jakob Krabbe | Quality Internet | A short introduction to how things can be the same as today but better. |
15:10 | David Cox | Scaling Web Apps | The things I've learned about supporting Xojo Web Apps for unlimited clients |
15:30 | | Coffee Break | |
16:00 | Norman Palardy | Xojo Q&A | Ask questions about Xojo to one of the engineers (via video conference) |
17:00 | Christian Schmitz | CURL | What you can do with CURL, the powerful library for network transfers. |
17:30 | | Closing Session | Raffle & Goodbye |
On the evening, we offer to have dinner together with others in a casual get-together. If you like, extends your stay for more days and stay the weekend in London.
If you like to join, please
register soon. Cost is 69 £ including VAT.

New in this prerelease of the 15.4 plugins:
- Added color parameter for DynaPDFMBS.ShowDifferences function.
- Added JavaScript plugin classes for Mac.
- Fixed bug with GenUID in Rockey2MBS class.
- Fixed bug with NSFontManagerMBS class.
- Changed BeginLayer and EndLayer to pass handle for optional content object in DynaPDFParseInterfaceMBS class.
- Added MimeEmailMBS.Source property.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Changed VLCMediaPlayerMBS to cleanup more and remove any window reference or callback for you.
- Updated SQLite to 3.9.2. Now with FTS5 and JSON extensions enabled.
- Deprecated ImageCaptureMBS class as Apple stopped supporting the underlaying APIs. Please switch to newer IC* classes.
macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease . Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

The November/December 2015 (13.6) issue of
xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:
- A Simple Hint System * by Markus Winter
Markus shares a way to offer users unobtrusive help. It can also be used instead of invasive "nag" screens. - 64-Bit Conversion * by Sam Rowlands
Xojo 64-bit support is finally here, but what does it mean to your projects? Sam explains how you can update declares in your apps for 64-bit. - Staying Out of Jail * by Mark Strickland
The U.S. has strict regulations about encrypting medical data. Mark shares his technique for keeping the government off your back! - A Multicore Processing Primer * by Markus Winter
Are you confused about multi-processing? Markus begins a series explaining everything you need to know about it. - Medication Alerts, Part One * by JC Cruz
JC's epic health journal app series continues, this time covering presenting medical alerts to the user.
Plus articles on Raspberry Pi, database design patterns, caching, OptionParser, tips, and much more.
Please try this really cool extension for Spotlight on Mac:
On Oct 30, 2015, Thomas Tempelmann has released a new version of the Spotlight importer for Xojo.
It allows Spotlight to search projects saved by the Xojo (and Real Studio) IDE.
The importer used to be included in Real Studio and early Xojo IDEs until about 2 years ago. This version by Thomas Tempelmann is functionally the same, as a standalone plugin, and updated to support the latest Xojo project formats.
More information and download here: tempel.org/RB/SpotlightImporter
As you see you can now use RB Class in the search criteria popup and look explicit for projects using a given class name:
And of course you have full text search in your Xojo and Real Studio projects.

While a couple of people can't wait for the 64-bit debugger, I'd really like to see some improvements for exceptions. Our bug reports could need some help from the xojo runtime with detailed messages.
Maybe one of the next Xojo released could address a few of those?
If you like those, please favorite them in Feedback, comment them or put them in your top 5 list.

We have a hotel room contingent for the conference in London in the
Antoinette Hotel Wimbledon.
The following contingent is timing out soon (3rd November). So if you like to join the conference, reserve your room soon:
The offer expired!
For 27th November, we have blocked:
- Club Double Rooms at £70 per room
- Classic Double Room at £79 per room
Rates are inclusive of VAT, and parking.
Full English Breakfast is £11.95 or £8.95 if booked in advance.
Guests should call our Reservations department on 0844 567 8950 to reserve their room, quoting ‘Monkey Bread’, in order to obtain the preferential rate.
If the night of the 26th is required, I can offer the following rates:
- Club Double Room at £92 room only
- Classic Double Room at £100 room only
The Club Double Room is slightly smaller in space than a Classic Double.

Below a code example on how to quickly join a list of image files into a PDF. You provide the page size, here in milli meter. All images are placed as pages with the given page size. So this is best if you have images in a given paper format (e.g. DIN A4) and you want to merge them to a PDF file. Duplicate images are referenced within the PDF and not added twice to the file, which reduces the file size:
Function CreatePrintPDF(jpgFiles() as folderitem, pdfFile as FolderItem, PageWidth as integer, PageHeight as integer) As Boolean
// have files?
If pdfFile = Nil Then Return False
If jpgFiles = Nil Then Return False
If jpgFiles.Ubound < 0 Then Return False
// new DynaPDF
Dim pdf As New MyDynapdfMBS
// page width/height in MilliMeter
Dim pdfWidth As Integer = PageWidth * 72 / 25.4
Dim pdfHeight As Integer = PageHeight * 72 / 25.4
// put your license here
Call pdf.SetLicenseKey "Starter"
// create pdf
Call pdf.CreateNewPDF pdfFile
// set a couple of options
Call pdf.SetPageCoords(MyDynaPDFMBS.kpcTopDown)
Call pdf.SetResolution(300)
Call pdf.SetUseTransparency(False)
Call pdf.SetSaveNewImageFormat(False)
Call pdf.SetGStateFlags(MyDynaPDFMBS.kgfUseImageColorSpace, False)
Call pdf.SetJPEGQuality(100)
// set page size
Call pdf.SetBBox(MyDynaPDFMBS.kpbMediaBox, 0, 0, pdfWidth, pdfHeight)
Call pdf.SetPageWidth(pdfWidth)
Call pdf.SetPageHeight(pdfHeight)
// append pages with one image per page
For i As Integer = 0 To jpgFiles.Ubound
Call pdf.Append
Call pdf.InsertImageEx(0, 0, pdfWidth, pdfHeight, jpgFiles(i), 1)
Call pdf.EndPage
// close
Call pdf.CloseFile
Return True
End Function