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Google Admob for Xojo

For next plugins we add classes for Google Admob service, so you can earn money in your iOS applications. By using our classes, you can enter your application ID (to info.plist file) and the ad unit IDs to the various ads you like to show:
The plugin already includes the basic classes to do various ads in your iOS Xojo app. The test project includes sample ad unit IDs, so you see test ads. The two screenshots on the right show our text app with a banner ad and a fullscreen screenshot with an interstitial ad. We may add more if needed, so please try and let us know.

Please notice that if you ask your clients for $1 in-app purchase to remove ads, you may make more money from that customer than with ads. But ads are great for a free application with thousands of users of course. The biggest plugin in space...
06 10 22 - 13:59