Last week to get early bird tickets for the conference. If you like to come, please check soon and make your reservations. On Saturday, the early bird price expires as well as our hotel room contingent.
Monkeybread Software is pleased to announce the MBS Xojo Conference in metropolitan Berlin, Germany. We will meet in the lovely Ellington hotel in the center of west Berlin. The hotel is near Kurfürstendamm, the Zoo and KaDeWe. Beside our two conference days, we will have an accompanying social program with our dinner event and optional two training days. For the evenings we will have a casual get-together in the hotel bar or beer garden.
We are happy to have Xojo engineers join our conference. Geoff Perlman, CEO of Xojo Inc. and other engineers will join us and present news about Xojo. Bob and Carol Keeney will share knowledge about reporting and databases, Yousaf Shah will show Raspberry Pi uses and talk about running a business. Jens Boschulte, our PDF specialist and creator of the DynaPDF library will be available for questions. And of course we have a few other well known Xojo developers coming.
The schedule:
May 3rd: Xojo Training in English
May 4th: Conference, first day with dinner event
May 5th: Conference, second day
May 6th: Xojo Training in German
See website for details:
Da ich für meine Firma viel Papierkram machen muss, hab ich letztes Jahr zwei Petitionen beim Bundestag eingereicht um die Arbeit etwas einfacher zu machen:
Petition 68061: Umsatzsteuer - Erhöhung der Grenze für Kleinstrechnungen in der UStDV
Petition 68062: Einkommensteuer - Grenzen für geringwertige Wirtschaftsgüter anpassen
Die erste zielt auf die Anforderungen an die Rechnungen. Ist schon oft passiert, dass wir Quittungen hatten über 150 Euro. Wenn man die Vorsteuer ziehen will, dann braucht man eine Rechnung mit der Anschrift vom Leistungsempfänger. Allerdings fehlt der oft und dann ist die Rennerei lästig. Wäre schön, wenn die Grenzen mal angepasst werden, so dass wir weniger oft bei Firmen nach einer ordentlichen Rechnung fragen müssen.
Beim zweiten geht es um die Abschreibungen. Die GWG Grenze liegt seit 60 Jahren bei 800 Mark, heute 400 Euro. Ich würde es begrüßen, wenn die Grenze mal angehoben wird um man direkt Sachen bis 800 oder 1000 Euro abschreiben kann ohne lange sich um die Abschreibung zu kümmern. Es gibt zwar die Möglichkeit GWGs als Paket über Jahre abzuschreiben, aber das ist ja auch Aufwand für die Buchhaltung.
Vielleicht habt ihr 5 Minuten um das mit zu zeichnen?
Gibt auch noch andere gute Petitionen auf
Xojo Inc. posted on the forum that they look for new beta testers:
This year, we are looking to expand our pool of testers for pre-release versions of Xojo. Over time we have been contacted by users- who do not have a Xojo Pro or Enterprise license- asking if there was a way for them to help test. Since more testing can benefit both the tester- and all of us as a community- we are expanding our testing group.
It should be noted that a Xojo Pro or Enterprise license today grants access to pre-release versions that we put up for testing, regardless of any criteria here. We are just allowing more opportunity for those without that license benefit to apply to join the testing group.
If you'd like to join, here's our basic criteria:
- Be on the forum. If you're reading this- you've already met this one!
- You have a current Xojo license.
- You have filed a Feedback case. If you haven't filed a Feedback case before, but want to apply- go ahead and do so now. You can read about Feedback here:
If you meet these criteria and want to join the testing group, please email us at and let us know. Acceptance is at Xojo's discretion, and we won't necessarily be able to let everyone in immediately. But we'd love to hear from anyone who uses Xojo regularly and wants to help make it better for all of us in the community.
I hope they find a few new beta testers which try a few more edge cases!
PS: If you want to know what may need beta testing, check the
XDC 2016 Recap with the roadmap.
Nickenich, Germany - (January 23rd, 2017) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce
MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.0 for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, Mac, and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.0 has been updated and now includes over 4400 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:
New functions help you read details from X509 certificate files. You can read PKCS12 files and extract public and private keys as well as additional certificates. You can than write keys or certificates as PEM files and use them with our
CURL functions.
Our new
XML functions help you find nodes and attributes in XML text. You can extract text and subtrees. To process XML efficiently you can let the plugin read XML and put values in local variables in your script.
CURL we added new functions to batch download files via FTP. Of course you can still query yourself the list of files via plugin in a directory and than download several files one after each other. But now we have options to do this all in one transfer and with the use of wildcards to specify which files to fetch.
Using the new function
FM.AllowFileDragDrop you can allow users to drag and drop container with files from FileMaker to other applications, e.g. the Finder. And if needed you can switch this on/off on layout changes.
DynaPDF we added new functions to query or set raw content of a page. You can rotate page templates and add page links or watermark annotations to your PDF pages.
As FileMaker on Mac is now 64-bit in most cases, we include an Apple Script to create 32 or 64-bit only plugin. The MBS Plugin in our plugin download is for both and you can split it to get a smaller plugin file if needed.
The functions to work on
Word files have been improved. They should now be able to replace tags with multi line texts. And if you have a table in your template, we can now remove rows there, too.
When you run SQL queries in FileMaker using our
FM.SQL.Execute functions, you can later query result as text. Or we provide the results properly encoded for CSV export.
We improved
SerialPort line reading,
SQL functions and more. DynaPDF is updated to, LibXL to version 3.7.2 and SQLite to 3.16.2.
release notes for a complete list of changes.
NICKENICH, Germany (January 23rd, 2017) -- Monkeybread Software releases version 17.0 of the
MBS plug-in for Xojo and Real Studio.
MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the Xojo (Real Studio) development environment with 2,400 classes featuring over 61,000 documented functions. Our plugins support all three platforms Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with all project types desktop, web and console including 64-bit and ARM targets.
Some of the highlights on the 17.0 update:
Sometimes you need to provide certificates and SSL keys to CURL plugin for secure transfers. To make it easier to query details from those certificates, we added a X509MBS class. The
PKeyMBS class helps working with private or public keys, which you can read using our new PKCS12MBS class.
For better encryption you can now use our
TwoFishMBS class. TwoFish is derived from the older Blowfish encrypter and was one of the AES finalists. Rijndael was choose for AES, but Twofish may be a good alternative in some cases.
For macOS we added the
LAContextMBS class to query local authentication. This includes using TouchID on the latest Macbook Pro. Please note that this feature is only available for 64-bit applications.
DynaPDF plugin now supports loading newer DynaPDF libraries and use them instead of the built-in library. For page templates we added a convenience function to rotate them. The
DynaPDFEditTextMBS class provides now more details on the text to replace so you can use it to find texts on PDF pages and highlight them. As we fixed a few things for printing with DynaPDF, please update your code to match our examples to keep it working well.
WordFileMBS class to work on Word files have been improved. It should now be able to replace tags with multi line texts. And if you have a table in your template, we can now remove rows there, too.
WKWebViewControlMBS control to use WebKit 2 on Mac in 64-bit applications now supports more events. You can use that control instead of a HTMLViewer control. In 32-bit applications, you get WebKit 1.0 while in 64-bit applications you get WebKit 2.0. We try to keep functionality equal for both implementations.
We improved
PHP class,
JSONMBS classes and more. We added MeasureRotatedTextMBS to measure size of text for drawing with DrawRotatedTextMBS.
Finally we updated DynaPDF to version, LibXL to version 3.7.2 and SQLite to 3.16.2.
release notes for a complete list of changes.
Just updated the archives for the
Dash application. Does the auto update work for you?
So here you can click to launch Dash and install our plugin help:
MBS Xojo Plugins and
MBS FileMaker Plugin
You find the docset links also on our reference websites where you can download archive manually if needed:
MBS FileMaker Plugin Documentation for Dash and
MBS Xojo Plugins Documentation for Dash
Feedback is welcome.
New in this prerelease of the 17.0 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added checks to Nikon module to avoid reentry and raise exceptions if you try to.
- Added SetGestureConfig/GetGestureConfig methods in WinPointerEventsMBS to use controls as target.
- Fixed bug with DynaPDFTableMBS.GetNextHeight function.
- Added WinSelSubScriptMBS and WinSelSuperScriptMBS to TextArea control.
- Fixed PageBreak event in DynaPDFMBS to work with addhandler.
- Fixed DOMHTMLDocumentMBS.body function.
- Changed DrawRotatedTextMBS to use symbol charset for Wingdings font on Windows.
- Added PortMidiStreamMBS.currentTimeStamp.
- Added NSExceptionHandlerMBS.Disable and Enable.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
On the weekend of March 18-19, 2017, the first ever
curl meeting is taking place is Nuremberg, Germany.
Users, developers, binding authors, application authors, curl maintainers, libcurl hackers and other people with a curl interest are welcome!
I will try to be there and finally meet the curl people. I've been using curl for various projects including Xojo and FileMaker plugins for over 10 years.
just added to MBS Xojo Plugins:
Our new example project shows how to use the new functions WinSelSubScriptMBS and WinSelSuperScriptMBS on the TextArea control. The example includes a module to do the same for Mac via NSTextViewMBS class.
Screenshots from Mac OS X 10.10, Windows 7 and Windows 10. If you like to try it, let me know.
New in this prerelease of the 17.0 plugins:
- Fixed an issue with DynaPDF printing blank papers.
- Changed SQL plugin to detect ODBC to FileMaker and handle that better for reading text fields and avoid a crash.
- Added MeasureRotatedTextMBS function.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
Monkeybread Software is pleased to announce the MBS Xojo Conference in metropolitan Berlin, Germany. We will meet in the lovely Ellington hotel in the center of west Berlin. The hotel is near Kurfürstendamm, the Zoo and KaDeWe. Beside our two conference days, we will have an accompanying social program with our dinner event and optional two training days. For the evenings we will have a casual get-together in the hotel bar or beer garden.
Monkeybread Software would like to offer young developers the possibility to meet the Xojo community, get in touch with other developers and maybe find first clients or an employer.
For the 2017 conference MBS decided to help your developers:
Three conference tickets are provided
free of charge to three young developers so they have the chance to join our conference. Please apply until 4th February 2017 to get one of the tickets.
The Xojo community is growing and we want to get more young people to join the conference. Especially younger people may hesitate to join a conference due to cost and by giving away free tickets, we encourage them to come. If you know a friend, student or pupil who is interested in Xojo, please tell them about this offer. Or maybe your own child may apply and join you coming to the conference?
- You speak english and you can follow the conference.
- You are 25 years old or younger.
- You have done your first Xojo projects and know Xojo a little bit.
- You are sure you can cover your cost of travel, food and hotel room.
- You have the required passport or Visa to travel to Berlin on yourself.
If needed, we may provide help to find low cost traveling or hotel room.
If you like to apply, please get in
MedinCell S.A. is a company located in Montpellier in southern France near the Mediterranean Sea.
They use my plugins for a few years now and are looking for another Xojo developer:
New in this prerelease of the 17.0 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added LoadLibrary functions to DynaPDFMBS, so you can use other DynaPDF DLL, e.g. other version.
- Due to changes in PrintPDFFile we had to update our print examples for DynaPDF. Please update your code, too.
- Added RotateTemplate function in DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added more events for WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Changed plugin file names to include name of plugin and name of part.
- Updated SQLite to 3.16.1.
- Fixed bug in PKeyMBS.PrivateKey.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
For the future you can provide a feature in your application to load a dynapdf or libxl library from a folder if needed. I added LoadLibrary methods there, so you can load a given version of those libraries and use those instead of the built in libraries. For example with DynaPDF:
MsgBox "Version before: "+DynaPDFMBS.DynaPDFVersion
dim f as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("dynapdf.dylib")
if DynaPDFMBS.LoadLibrary(f) then
MsgBox "Version after: "+DynaPDFMBS.DynaPDFVersion
MsgBox DynaPDFMBS.LoadError
end if
The idea is that in case a bug is found in dynapdf or libxl or a newer version released, you can yourself get a copy of the library and load the newer library in the plugin. If you implement the optional dynamic loading of the library from e.g. application folder, you can provide your customers an update to libxl or dynapdf without recompiling the application.
The new LoadLibrary function for DynaPDF will be available in 17.0pr2 plugins. Please do not hesitate to ask if you like to try it sooner.
Registration just started for the
FileMaker Conference .fmp[x]Berlin 2017.
This conference is organized by
Egbert Friedrich and takes place from 1st to 3rd June 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
As the conference is in english, this is your chance to meet people from around the world at a conference in Europe. And for a lot of people it's easier to get to Berlin than to cross the atlantic and deal with US immigration officers.
dotfmp is an effort of various leading European FileMaker Developers. It is meant to bring all kinds of higher level developers together to share knowledge, educate and challenge each other.
dotfmp starts at the 31 May 2107 in the later afternoon with a relaxed "Beer and Sausages" in one of the most famous Berlin Beergarden.The session days itself last from 1 until 3 June with various socialising events in the evenings. Additionally we offer suport on 4 June to see more from Berlin and its surroundings.
dotfmp is a 3 Day-Unconference, Meetup, Hangout or Barcamp. It is an informal and self-organized effort to meet on a personal base.
dotfmp takes place in one of the most famous spots in Berlin. The GLS Campus is located in a vibrant area with a very short walking distance to all the famous restaurants.
We feel there are far too few possibilities to talk to, learn from, and hangout with fellow developers in a relaxed and informal environment. And we'd like to share work and get feedback from people chewing on similar challenges.
If you like to join the conference and present something, please
register soon.
Xojo Inc. just announced the date for next year's XDC:
Wishing everyone a happy New Year! There will be a lot of great things coming to Xojo in 2017. Though we won't have a conference this year, planning is already in full force for 2018. Mark your calendar today for XDC 2018, taking place April 25 - 27, 2018, in the Mile High City itself, Denver, Colorado! We will be staying at the lovely
Magnolia Hotel, located very near Union Station and
Larimer Square. More information, including registration information and the call for speakers coming soon.
I am looking forward to see you all in Denver!
The big
Xojo conference 2017 will be 4th/5th May 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
In less than one month ends the early bird offer for our
MBS Xojo Conference in Berlin from 4th to 5th May 2017. Join now for only 399 Euro plus VAT.
In the evenings we meet for dinner so you can meet other attendees. Registration is still available and we already have over 60 people coming from fifteen countries. This includes 6 Xojo engineers coming including all the 4 from Europe.
The early bird offer available till 4th February is just 399 Euro plus VAT. Attending the conference costs regularly 499 Euro plus VAT, including food and beverage in the Ellington Hotel as well as an accompanying social program.
The group rate for the hotel (108 Euro single or 118 Euro double room/night, Breakfast extra for 20 Euro/Person/Day) can be cancelled 14 days in advance for free and doesn't need pre payment or credit card. It is available till 4th February 2017. You may find other hotels with cheaper prices if needed in walking distance.
Registration and more Information.
Training days in German and English.
For any questions, please contact
Monkeybread Software directly.
As you may know we have an example for FileMaker to convert from MarkDown to HTML via JavaScript library in a webviewer.
For a client I just converted that example to Xojo.
On Mac OS X it looks like this:
and for Windows:
This is using Internet Explorer on Windows and WebKit on Mac.
Both ways we load a local html file which contains two text areas in a html form. We fill the first text control with the input text, call a javascript function and read the output via the second form field. This way we can pass much more multi line text than we ever could through URLs.
Please try it. Will be included in next prerelease or if you need now, drop me a line by email.
There is an update to SQLite.
The new
version 3.16.1 was released yesterday and I already updated plugins here.
3.16.x is faster, fixes a few bugs and has some new shell commands.
If you need a copy now, you can email me as usual.
The January/February (15.1) issue of xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:
VB6 DLL Class to Xojo by Eugene Dakin
If you have Windows software that depends on VB6 DLLs, here’s how you can convert them to Xojo and continue to use them.
Interview: Mark Franken by Marc Zeedar
Are you curious how one becomes a Xojo-using Emmy-winning sound editor? Marc was, so he asked Mark a few questions and got his life story. (With pictures!)
Xojo Pi Lab by Mattias Sandström
Mattias tells about a fascinating project he took on involving Xojo, Raspberry Pi, and a Web App for a technical school in Sweden.
Working with Bitmasks by JC Cruz
If you didn’t take computer science courses, you may be fuzzy on the use of bitmasks. Jose explains how to work with them.
Plus: Xojo 2016r4, Master Data Management, clear interface design,
Profile Reader and
Readability, and more!
New in this prerelease of the 17.0 plugins:
- Added LAContextMBS class to query TouchID authentication. (Mac 64bit only)
- Optimized memoryblock and array access.
- Fixed a problem with WordFile not finding tag if it is the last text in a document.
- Fixed a crash with opening Midi devices on Windows in 64-bit application.
- Added DeviceID and DeviceName to PortMidiStreamMBS class.
- Removed Kagi classes and examples.
- Added JSONMBS.ValueBoolean.
- Changed JSONMBS.NewDoubleArray, JSONMBS.NewIntegerArray and JSONMBS.NewStringArray to no longer return nil for an empty Xojo array.
- The draw events are no longer called for CustomPDFViewMBS and PDFViewControlMBS if the OS calls them on non-main thread.
- Fixed a problem with HBITMAP handling in Xojo 2016r4 on Windows. Drag and Drop now shows drag image again.
- Added X509MBS and PKeyMBS class for reading details from certificates.
- Added Network.OptionReusePortMBS and Network.OptionReuseAddressMBS.
- Changed SocketCore functions to raise exception in case of errors.
- Changed WordFileMBS.ReplaceTag to create multiple paragraphs if text to replace contains multiple lines and is part of a normal text paragraph.
- Added WordFileMBS RemoveTableRow function.
- Updated RemoteControlMBS.MacKeyboardName for 64-bit.
- Added CGImageSourceMBS kCGImageSourceShouldCacheImmediately.
- Deprecated BinaryStringtoPictureMBS and PicturetoBinaryStringMBS. Please move to PNG format instead.
- Added UseUTF8 property to PHPMBS class.
- Fixed becomeFirstResponder for Cocoa controls event, e.g. in CustomNSSearchFieldMBS.
- Updated LibXL to version 3.7.2.
- Added TwofishMBS module.
- Fixed ChartDirector examples to not flicker.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added more parameters to PrepareWrite event in DynaPDFEditTextMBS class.
- Comparing a DynaPDFMatrixMBS to nil does no longer raise exception.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.