Contact picker and viewer for FileMaker

We have added CNContactPicker.Show and CNContact.Show for next version of MBS Plugin and using those functions you can show a picker to select a contact or show details for a contact:

e.g. if you have contacts in your FileMaker iOS SDK based application, you can have an import button to select an entry in your contacts and read the values into FileMaker database.
Checkout the other Contacts and Calendar functions (includes reminders) for MacOS, iOS and iPadOS.

WebViewer PostURL function

Today we added WebView.PostURL to load a website with a POST request in a web viewer. For some websites this allows to pass some extra data to a website and then display the result in the FileMaker web viewer. We can pass extra headers which is great for authentication, but can also be used to override the user-agent for the request:

As you see we passed a different user agent and confused this website a bit to think we have a Mac with Safari. We load the website with a call like this:

MBS( "WebView.PostURL"; "web"; $URL; ""; "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (FileMaker; Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.4 Safari/605.1.15 )")

As we pass no post data, this will not be a POST request, but a GET request. For headers you can pass list of entries, but here in the example it is just one line.

Maybe this may help you with some websites to go past some browser detection. See WebView.PostURL function.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with question.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.1pr1

New in this prerelease of version 10.1 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

FileMaker Magazin Links

As you may know we publish a few articles in German FileMaker Magazin.
For our documentation we added links to relevant articles, so you can quickly find them.

e.g. if you scroll down on the page FM.ExecuteFileSQL, you find listed related functions, example databases, blog entries and new the list of pages in FileMaker Magazin referencing this function.

We hope this makes live easier for those using MBS Plugin and subscribing to the FileMaker Magazin. Even if your German is not perfect, you may want to read it as the Magazin is a big treasure with the back issues from 25 years.

We keep a few articles from the magazine here: FileMaker Magazin MBS Artikel

In total we reference the magazine from 356 functions with 630 relevant pages. Enjoy!

A font preference for FileMaker

Our work continues for custom font for FileMaker and some people like JetBrains Mono, but why not a different font and make it user choosable?
Not all fonts work, so we filter the font list and only include those with characters used in script workspace like brackets. So WingDings for example is not offered.

We'll see if this feature works well or causes trouble for some users.
This feature is coming for next MBS FileMaker Plugin version 10.1 one early March.

Preferences dialog for Windows

We got a new preferences dialog for our MBS FileMaker Plugin on Windows. It allows you to see the plugin version and allows to install a license key locally, which is saved to the registry as with StoreRegistration function:

As the dialog on MacOS, we may show the license state, e.g. demo with no license, trial license or purchased license.
Over the next release we may tweak the dialog a bit. Currently it makes trouble if you click on FileMaker window and the dialog moves to background.

Using a different font in FileMaker

In the last week JetBrains Mono font was released. It got some attention and a couple of people asked whether we can have that in FileMaker as font for the script workspace and/or calculation dialog. The font has a few nice features for developers including easy to distinguish 0 and O characters as well as 1, l and I all easy to recognize. A couple of ligatures help to make code easier readable with minus and greater than drawing more like an arrow for example. See yourself in a calculation:

Work is still in progress, but here is the script workspace with Jet Brains Mono:

We noticed that you need to restart FileMaker in case you change font, but I think we'll add a preferences for our preferences dialog to define that.
This feature is coming for next MBS Plugin version 10.1 one early March.

New in the MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.0

In this article I want to show you what’s new in the MBS FileMaker Plugin version 10.0. Year! We reach the 10 in front of the dot. With a new Year and a new plugin version we get a lot of new functionalities.

List and QuickList comprehension

At fist I want to show you the new functions to compare specified columns of lists and quick lists. The difference between a list and a quick list is, that a quick list is a reference to a list object managed by MBS Plugin instead of just a block of text passed around.

Now you can compare listen entries in a specified column from two lists. You can filter the list items that are in both lists (List.AndColumn), List items from the first list that don’t find a match on the second list (List.NotColumn), list elements of both lists where entries that occur in both lists are only mentioned once (List.OrColumn) or list elements that’s are only on one list (List.XOrColumn). The functions are similar for quick lists. Here is an example for the use of it. (more)

Create Barcodes on Server from FileMaker Go

We recently got a query how to create the scripts to handle barcode creation everywhere with MBS Plugin. This includes passing the request to a FileMaker Server if no local plugin is installed:


  • in FileMaker Pro with MBS Plugin to create barcode locally.
  • in FileMaker Pro or Go without MBS Plugin and using the plugin installed on server
  • in a scheduled script on FileMaker Server with MBS Plugin installed
  • in WebDirect on FileMaker Server
  • in FileMaker Data API on FileMaker Server, where we need to trigger script in server side scripting engine.
    Update: With FileMaker 19.4 you can install our MBS Plugin for the Data API process, so you can use it directly there.
  • in FileMaker iOS SDK with either local plugin or server side plugin

The following script runs on the FileMaker Server and creates the barcode there if the MBS Plugin is installed. Pass JSON as script parameter with the barcode parameters. The script then returns a JSON object text with either error or barcode entry filled. But see yourself:


# This script is run on server to provide barcode to clients without MBS Plugin

Set Variable [ $JSON ; Value: Get(ScriptParameter) ] 

Set Variable [ $result ; Value: "" ] 

If [ GetAsText(MBS("Version")) = "?" ] 

# no MBS Plugin

Set Variable [ $result ; Value: JSONSetElement ( $JSON ; "error" ; "No MBS Plugin on server installed."; JSONString ) ] 


# with MBS Plugin

# generate barcode based on JSON

Set Variable [ $img ; Value: MBS("Barcode.GenerateJSON"; $JSON) ] 

If [ MBS("IsError") = 0 ] 

# Create PNG image file as container value

Set Variable [ $Image ; Value: MBS( "GMImage.WriteToPNGContainer"; $img; "barcode.png") ] 

If [ MBS("IsError") = 0 ] 

# Return image base64 encoded

Set Variable [ $result ; Value: JSONSetElement ( $JSON ; "barcode" ; Base64Encode ( $Image ); JSONString ) ] 


# Pass back error

Set Variable [ $result ; Value: JSONSetElement ( $JSON ; "error" ; $Image; JSONString ) ] 

End If

# free memory

Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "GMImage.Destroy"; $img ) ] 


# Pass back error

Set Variable [ $result ; Value: JSONSetElement ( $JSON ; "error" ; $img; JSONString ) ] 

End If

End If

Exit Script [ Text Result: $result ] 


5 Monate bis zur Deutschen FileMaker Konferenz 2020 in Malbun

Noch fünf Monate bis zur FileMaker Konferenz 2020 in Malbun (Liechtenstein) und zur MBS Plugin Schulung Schulung am Mittwoch vorher.

Vom 17. bis 20. Juni 2020 28. bis 31. Oktober 22. bis 24. Juli 2021 findet die elfte deutschsprachige FileMaker Konferenz in Malbun, Liechtenstein statt. Aktuell läuft die Frühbucherphase bis 20. Februar mit vergünstigten Tickets.

Die Veranstalter vom Verein FM Konferenz erwarten auch 2020 rund 120 Entwickler, Anwender, IT-Fachleute und Entscheidungsträger aus Wirtschaft, Bildung und Verwaltung. Rund um über 20 Fachvorträge und Workshops wird es viel Zeit zum Vernetzen in den gemeinsamen Pausen und beim Abendprogramm geben.

Für den Deutschsprachigen Raum ist diese Konferenz das Treffen des Jahres. Hier finden Sie vom Anfänger bis zum Profi Kontakte zu anderen Entwicklern. Lernen Sie was es neues gibt, nehmen Sie Impulse mit für die eigene Arbeit und erfahren Sie mehr zu FileMaker von deutschsprachigen Experten!

Die MBS Plugin Schulung vorher findet voraussichtlich am 17. Juni 2020 21. Juli 2021 statt (im gleichen Hotel).

Bitte planen Sie wenigstens einen extra Tag ein für ihren Besuch in Liechtenstein, damit Sie die Natur in dem schönen Tal geniessen können. Den Aufstieg auf den Sareis können Sie bequem zu Fuß vom Hotel aus starten und die Turnastraße hinauf spazieren bis zum Restaurant am Gipfel. Oder alternativ die Seilbahn nehmen.

Interesse an mehr? Die Claris Engage Europe 2020 vom 26. bis 28. Oktober 2020 bietet deutlich mehr Vorträge, mehr internationale Teilnehmer und vor allem FileMaker Mitarbeiter aus den USA, die gerne mal einen Blick unter die Haube von FileMaker bieten.

Automate web viewer in FileMaker

In the last weeks a few people asked about automating web viewer in FileMaker, so here a video to show a couple of features in MBS FileMaker Plugin:

To automate a website, you may first want to inspect it. For that you can use our Form Utility application to show which form fields are available. The application suggests which commands to use to query or set fields. Then you can use WebView.SetFormButtonValue, WebView.SetFormInputChecked, WebView.SetFormInputValue, WebView.SetFormSelectValue, WebView.SetFormTextAreaValue and WebView.SetFormValue to change form fields.

For MacOS and iOS in FileMaker 16 or newer you can use WebView.SetPreferences function to set preferences for developer extras and show the inspector in the web viewer.

Use WebView.RunJavaScript or WebView.Evaluate to run JavaScript. This allows you to query individual pieces of information from the website, execute some JavaScript on the website or send events to fields like a click event. When you send a change event, the website may recognize your changes and validate the form.

Finally send the form by clicking a button with WebView.ClickInput, submit the form with WebView.FormSubmit or run some JavaScript to start an action.

Run scripts via Data API with FileMaker Plugins

As you may know the FileMaker Server Data API does not load plugins. If you need to run a script using plugins, you need to use a little trick. You query the application version of the script engine running the script. If you get back "FileMaker Data API Engine 18.0.1", you know the script is run via Data API. Now you can branch to the same script on the server scripting engine. That is a different process on the FileMaker Server which does load plugins. Then you return the result back to the calling script. Let us show you an example script:

If [ Position ( Get(ApplicationVersion) ; "Data API" ; 1 ; 1 ) > 1 ]
    # forward call to Server Scripting Engine
    Perform Script on Server [ Specified: By name ; Get(ScriptName) ; Parameter: Get(ScriptParameter) ; Wait for completion: On ]
    Exit Script [ Text Result: Get(ScriptResult) ]
End If

Exit Script [ Text Result: "MBS: " & MBS("Version") & ", Server: " & Get(ApplicationVersion) ]

As you see we forward parameter and get back the result. So without the trick with the if block, we get back from the script:

"MBS: ?, Server: FileMaker Data API Engine 18.0.1"

and with the if loop and our forward:

"MBS:, Server: Server 18.0.1"

And you can use MBS Plugin on the server via Data API.

We recommend to check LastError via Get(LastError) function call after Perform Script on Server to see if you got "Hosts capacity exceeded" with error number 812. In that case it may be good idea to make a 10 second script pause and try again.

PS: See also product idea: Support plugins in Data API

CRC function in FileMaker using JavaScript

Recently a client asked how to leverage JavaScript in FileMaker to do a specific calculation. For this blog post we replace the client's function with a CRC function to show you how to do it.


Up until a few weeks ago we would have pointed to loading JavaScript in a web viewer and using WebView.RunJavaScript to run the JavaScript. But now we would point to WebView.Evaluate and just run it. See the example script in our documentation for this CRC function.


With MBS FileMaker Plugin in version 10.0 we got our own JavaScript functions using the DukTape engine. We have an example in the documentation to run the CRC function right in a Let command and the JS.Evaluate command. But instead of initializing it each time in a Let statement, you may prefer to split this into three scripts, so you do the initialization only once.


MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.0 - More than 6000 Functions In One Plugin

Nickenich, Germany - (January 14th, 2020) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.0 for macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, macOS, iOS and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.0 has been updated and now includes over 6000 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

In this release we include with JavaScript functions our own JavaScript engine based on the DukTape opensource project. Duktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint. You can evaluate JavaScript snippets, get and set global properties and add custom functions written in JavaScript. Those JavaScript functions work on FileMaker Server for server side scripts including WebDirect and PSoS.

For web viewer on Windows using Internet Explorer you can use WebView.Evaluate function to run JavaScript and get the result back. Call JavaScript function with WebView.CallFunction function and pass parameters and receive results. We convert between FileMaker data types and JavaScript, so numbers are passed as numbers and not converted to text. WebView.Evaluate is supported on MacOS, Windows and iOS.

With MacOS Catalina and iOS 13 Apple includes new machine learning capabilities, which you can use in your applications to update a model on device with new training data. Improved SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand for MacOS to add separators and add hotkeys to menu entries.

For Windows use WMFP functions to play video/audio independent of FileMakers's container field control. This includes playing audio in background. We added more parameters to Printer.SetPrinter function to set paper format, orientation and source.

In your FileMaker iOS SDK application use DocumentCameraScan functions to scan documents via camera on iOS, rectify them and store them in container fields or files. Use ContinuityCamera functions to scan documents or take pictures on iOS and store them in your database on Mac. Use EIDSDK functions and Zetes Bluetooth card reader on iOS to scan Belgian ID cards.

Use Window.PositionNextDialog function to position dialogs in FileMaker on MacOS and Windows. Check network statistics with SystemInfo.NetworkStats function and copy multiple files parallel with Files.CopyFiles function. Added DynaPDF.CreateGoToAction and related to add links to tables in PDF. We improved XML.ToJSON, SmartCard.ReadFile and performance for EventMonitor functions on Windows and receiving data in CURL for POP3 and IMAP protocols.

Finally we updated DynaPDF to version, CURL to 7.67.0, LibArchive to 3.4, SQLAPI to 5.0.3, zint to 2.7, LibXL to 3.8.8 and Xcode to version 11.3.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

Neues MBS FileMaker Plugin 10.0

14. Januar 2020 - Monkeybread Software veröffentlicht heute das MBS Plugin für FileMaker in Version 10.0, mit inzwischen über 6000 Funktionen eines der größten FileMaker Plugins überhaupt. Hier einige der Neuerungen:

Diese Version bring eine eigene JavaScript Umgebung mit zum Ausführen von JavaScript Skripten. Mit der Open Source DukTape Bibliothek haben wir eine eingebettete, portable und kompakte JavaScript Laufzeitumgebung. Berechnen Sie Ausdrücke in JavaScript, lesen oder setzen Sie globale Variablen und definieren Sie eigene Funktionen. Diese JavaScript Funktionen können Sie auf dem Server in Skripten verwenden inklusive WebDirect.

Für den WebViewer unter Windows mit Internet Explorer haben wir eine neue WebView.Evaluate Funktion um JavaScript auszuführen und das Ergebnis in FileMaker zu verarbeiten. Rufen Sie JavaScript Funktionen direkt über die WebView.CallFunction Funktion auf und übergeben Sie mehrere Parameter. Wir konvertieren zwischen JavaScript und FileMaker Werten, so dass Zahlen als Zahlen übergeben werden und nicht als Text. Wir unterstützen WebView.Evaluate auf MacOS, Windows und iOS.

Mit MacOS Catalina und iOS 13 bring Apple neue Funktionen für Maschinelles Lernen mit, so dass wir ein Modell jetzt auf dem Gerät mit neuen Trainingsdaten anpassen können. Mit der verbesserten SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand Funktion können Sie Tastenkombinationen definieren und Separatoren einfügen.

Für Windows verwenden Sie die neuen WMFP Funktionen zum Abspielen von Audio/Video Dateien unabhängig von interaktiven Containerfeldern, inklusive dem Abspielen von Musik im Hintergrund. Wir haben neue Parameter für die Printer.SetPrinter Funktion um das Papierformat, Orientierung und Papierquelle anzugeben.

In Ihrer Anwendung basierend auf dem FileMaker iOS SDK können Sie die DocumentCameraScan Funktionen verwenden um Dokumente unter iOS zu scannen, gerade auszurichten und in ein Containerfeld oder eine Datei abzulegen. Mit den ContinuityCamera Funktionen können Sie Bilder mit einem iPhone oder iPad erstellen und das Bild in die Datenbank am Mac einfügen. Mit den EIDSDK Funktionen steuern Sie den Zetes Bluetooth Kartenleser an und lesen belgische Personalausweise aus.

Positionieren Sie Dialoge in FileMaker mit der Window.PositionNextDialog Funktion bei MacOS und Windows. Fragen Sie die Netzwerkstatistiken ab mit SystemInfo.NetworkStats und kopieren Sie mehrere Dateien parallel mit Files.CopyFiles. Mit der DynaPDF.CreateGoToAction Funktion können Sie Aktionen anlegen und mit Tabellenzellen in PDF Dokumenten verknüpfen. Wir haben XML.ToJSON und SmartCard.ReadFile verbessert und die Geschwindigkeit für EventMonitor Funktionen bei Windows sowie den Empfang von Daten in CURL für IMAP und POP3 verbessert.

Außerdem haben wir die DynaPDF Bibliothek auf Version aktualisiert, CURL auf 7.67.0, LibArchive auf 3.4, SQLAPI auf 5.0.3, zint auf 2.7, LibXL auf 3.8.8 und Xcode auf Version 11.3.

Alle Änderungen in den Release Notes.

Different colors for variables in FileMaker

Did you know you can define different colors for your calculations in FileMaker for macOS?
  • Normal variables: $test
  • Global variables: $$test
  • Variables in Let starting with tilde: ~test
  • Variables in Let starting with cent: ¢test
  • Variables in Let starting with underscore: _test
  • Specific variables like $$UserID with a different color, so you see when it's misspelled.
Those colors can be useful to distinguish different variables to read code easier and find logical mistakes in your code better. Please use SyntaxColoring.AddTag function in MBS FileMaker Plugin to change values as needed. Check fmSyntaxColorizer database from MrWatson included with our examples to define your own color set.

Speakers wanted for Claris Engage 2020

Claris Inc. is looking for speakers for the upcoming Claris Engage conference. Apply here.
As speaker you receive a complementary ticket and hotel room for the conference. This year

Claris International Inc. hosts the Claris Engage conference in Nashville, August 3-6 2020.
We will probably attend and have a booth as usual, so see you there!

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.0pr8

New in this prerelease of version 10.0 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.0pr7

New in this prerelease of version 10.0 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

Document Camera Scan functions for FileMaker iOS SDK

We just added DocumentCameraScan functions for use with FileMaker iOS SDK to scan documents right with the camera and insert them right in a container field the database:

Just call DocumentCameraScan.Initialize on startup and later call DocumentCameraScan.Scan function to show the dialog. When you set a script with DocumentCameraScan.SetScript to be triggered after the scan, you can use DocumentCameraScan.PageCount to query number of pictures. You can get the pictures with DocumentCameraScan.PageImage function and put them into container. Or use PDFKit functions to build a PDF document.

Included later tonight in 10.0pr7 plugin version. See ContinuityCamera for use of iOS camera for MacOS.

MBS Workshop in Malbun bei der FileMaker Konferenz

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verein FM Konferenz bieten wir eine Schulung zum MBS Plugin an. Am 17. Juni 2020 28. Oktober 2020 21. Juli 2021 können Sie in Malbun, Liechtenstein an einer eintägigen Schulung teilnehmen. Lernen Sie die über 6000 Funktionen einmal näher kennen und wie Sie sie effektiv einsetzen. Sammeln Sie Ideen und verbessern Sie ihre FileMaker Lösungen durch den Einsatz unseres Plugins.

Das Monkeybread Software Plugin für FileMaker stellt eine vielseitige Erweiterung der eigenen Datenbank dar. Der Kurs bietet nicht nur einen tiefgreifenden Überblick in die Benutzung und Entwicklung, sondern bietet auch die Chance das Plugin günstiger zu erstehen.
  • Einführung in das MBS Plugin
  • Überblick über die Funktionsbereiche
  • Neues im MBS Plugin dieses Jahr und in der dann aktuellen Version
  • Rundgang durch ausgewählte Beispiele
  • Gemeinsames Implementieren von Plugin Funktionen in eine Datenbank.
    • Upload/Download mit CURL auf einen HTTP/FTP Server
    • Ausfüllen eines Formulars auf einer Webseite
    • Bilder bearbeiten
    • PDF Verarbeitung
    • Druckerfunktionen
    • Barcodes und Zahlungsscheine
    • Einbinden von Webservices with JSON/XML für REST/SOAP.
    • Senden und Empfangen von Emails.
  • Fragen und Antworten
Die Teilnahme kostet 150 CHF (Frühbucher bis 20. Februar 2020) bzw. 200 CHF inkl. Verpflegung und MWSt.. Trainer ist der Plugin Entwickler und Monkeybread Software Geschäftsführer Christian Schmitz persönlich. Beginn gegen 9 Uhr und Ende gegen 17 Uhr.

Anmeldung bei Monkeybread Software.

Am Abend vorher treffen wir uns zum gemütlichen Beisammensein im Restaurant vom Konferenzhotel. Im Anschluss an die Schulung können Sie gleich rüber zum Apero gehen und die anderen Teilnehmer kennen lernen.

Bei Fragen und Themenwünschen melden Sie sich bitte direkt bei uns.
Weiter Schulungstermine: 3. Sep 2020 bei der Denkform in Wiesbaden.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.0pr6

New in this prerelease of version 10.0 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin:
  • Added WebView.CallFunction to call any JavaScript function on Windows.
  • Added WebView.Evaluate function to evaluate JavaScript expression and get back result for Windows.
  • Fixed problem with plugin detecting runtime as normal FileMaker Pro.
  • Improved conversion from Windows VARIANT to FileMaker value for Windows functions (WMI, WIA and WebView).
Download at or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

Evaluate JavaScript for web viewer in Windows

Imaging what you could do in a web viewer in FileMaker or HTMLViewer in Xojo if you could evaluate JavaScript and get back the result?

Coming soon for MBS FileMaker Plugin for MacOS, Windows & iOS and MBS Xojo Plugins for MacOS, Linux & Windows.

Whether to order updates or not

As you may know you can purchase MBS Plugin license and later decide whether you purchase a license update to extend the maintenance for your license. For this we have four different customer groups:
  • First group of clients receive an email notification about the end of their maintenance and they immediately order an update. Those customers pay in advantage for future updates and in general expect they will use those newer versions. When this happens, they can add a full year (or several years) to their maintenance time.
  • Second group of clients waits till a new version comes out that has interesting new features or critical bug fixes. Those customers buy the update when needed and that is fine of course. This may mean that the customer orders an update from last year version to this year and does not get a full new year of updates as the maintenance is of course expanded from where it ended before. Or if they didn't purchase within the year after expiration, they have to pay the full price for a new license.
    When we had Black Friday offer running last November, we did email those clients to inform them that buying a new license with discount was cheaper then the update order for two years!
  • Third group of clients doesn't care for updates or maintenance. When they need a newer version after many years, they just buy a new license. We are long enough in business to see that some of them easily have a 5 year gap between orders.
  • Forth group are developers just use the plugin in demo or trial mode. Maybe they work at home and have a license only at work. Or they are consultants and the client buys the license later. Some get trial licenses several times, so we ask them kindly to purchase a license for themselves.
With everyone using the plugin, we say thank you for your business. As long as sales go well, we can continue the work.

MBS Meeting in Netherlands

As I am traveling again to the Netherlands, I like to arrange a MBS meeting for both FileMaker and Xojo developers.

Let's talk about Xojo, FileMaker, conferences, plugins and other programming topics.

Meeting will be Wednesday 8th January 2020 in Rotterdam in a restaurant near the main station around 18:00 to 21:00 o'clock. Some of you may come later, some earlier, but I try to be there around 18 o'clock to welcome you. We should have a separated space for the meeting. If you are early, wait at the bar.

Already over 20 people have announced they will come, so see you there!

If you like to join and you are not yet on the guest list, please contact us soon.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.0pr5

New in this prerelease of version 10.0 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

Welcome 2020

Happy new year to everyone! The year 2020 will have some great news coming soon:
  • In mid January we will ship MBS FileMaker Plugin in version 10.0 with over 6000 functions! Over hundred new functions added since last release. Yes, in early December we reached the 6000 functions mark!
  • For Xojo the version 20.0 of MBS Xojo Plugins will come with over 1500 new items in our documentation. We now have 1000 global functions alone and documented 67000 items.
  • This year we'll celebrate 20 years of Monkeybread Software with a big party in April.
  • Nashville will 2020 be the target for us twice, first the Xojo.Connect conference in spring and later in summer the Claris Engage conference. See you there!
  • Later this year we look forward to the first Claris Engage Europe conference coming to Lisbon. Instead of going to the France, Spanish, Italian, English, Scandinavian, Dutch and German conferences, everyone can come to one place and meet Claris staff from Europe and USA together. And Lisbon is reachable via car, ship or train for those who prefer not to fly. It may be a nice road trip through France and Spain for us.
  • Already we signed up for the German FileMaker conference in Malbun.
  • You wait for the next Xojo conference in Europe?
    Please join Xojo.Connect in Nashville for 2020. There is no MBS Xojo Conference 2020 planned and announcement for 2021 may come later in the year.
  • Stefanie has done a great job in her first year here at Monkeybread Software. You may have notices her blog entries, magazine articles and met here at the conferences. You'll see more from her in the second year.
  • In general the year 2019 was a record year for us in sales, new customers and active licenses. We look forward to a great year 2020!
  • See you at one of the conferences!


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