If you plan to go, buy your ticket today for just $1295 and save a few dollar. Tomorrow, It'll be $300 more.
DevCon website for details.
The training day is reasonable priced and if you just learn a little thing, it may be worth your time and money.
PS: Please only order hotel rooms via link from FileMaker for the conference rate. If you need cheaper stay, look at the nearby hotel directly. Do not book through people who call you by phone (call themselves exhibition or hotel service) and fool you into giving away your credit card numbers.
New in this prerelease of the 6.2 plugins:
- Updated SQLite to 3.12.0.
- For evaluate, if we have an ID available, we replace $$ID$$ in expression with our ID, so you can use it.
- Added more evaluate calls: Addressbook.Notification.Evaluate, Calendar.Notification.Evaluate, CoreLocation.SetFailEvaluate, CoreLocation.SetUpdateLocationEvaluate, Dialog.GetSheetEvaluate, Dialog.SetSheetEvaluate, Events.SetNotificationEvaluate, FSEvents.GetEvaluate, FSEvents.SetEvaluate, SerialPort.SetDataAvailableEvaluate, Socket.SetDataAvailableEvaluate, Socket.SetErrorEvaluate and Socket.SetNewConnectionEvaluate.
- Rewrote dialog function. Now icon, timeout and custom button names work.
- Rewrote Window.SetTitleIcon. No longer needs a separate mask image. Now takes an image with alpha channel and creates nicer icons.
- Added QuickList.SortWith function.
- Added Folders.UserDownloads function.
- Updated Windows to also use latest SSH/SSL.
- Added CURL.LibSSHVersion function.
- Updated CURL to version 7.47.1.
- Fixed a bug where debug messages would log too much data.
- Fixed bug in FM.InsertRecord with handling container.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
For next prerelease we have some new dialog functions for our FileMaker plugin.
See this example dialog with message, informative text, three custom buttons and a checkbox with question:
We can handle a timeout here and get back what was clicked as well as the state of checkbox.
For our Germans speaking users:
Wir haben die Artikel zum MBS Plugin aus dem FileMaker Magazin gesammelt hier online gestellt: FileMaker Magazin Artikel:
- FMM 201105 Bilder skalieren mit dem MBS FileMaker Plugin, So bleibt Ihre Datenbank schlank
- FMM 201203 Arbeiten mit Dateidialogen, Komfortablere Dateiexporte per MBS Plugin
- FMM 201303 Script-Träger übers Netzwerk, Scripts triggern übers Netzwerk
- FMM 201303 Syntax Coloring, Berechnungen und Scripts bekennen Farbe
- FMM 201306 Zip-Archive auslesen, Bilder aus OpenOffice-Dokumenten extrahieren
- FMM 201401 Kalendertermine und Erinnerungen, Wie man Ereignisse aus FileMaker anlegt
- FMM 201402 Variablen, Globalisierte Lösungen per Plugin
- FMM 201405 Vorbereiten von PDFs für den Versand, Verkleinern großer Dateien
- FMM 201405 E-Mail-Versand, Mehr Möglichkeiten mit dem MBS Plugin
- FMM 201501 QuickList, Schnelle Listen für FileMaker
- FMM 201503 Neue Datensätze ohne Layoutwechsel, Mit Hilfe von SQL-Befehlen und dem MBS-Plugin
- FMM 201504 Datensätze effizient kopieren, Mit etwas SQL und dem MBS-Plugin
- FMM 201505 Wünsche werden wahr, Neues im „MBS-Plugin“ bei der FMK 2015
- FMM 201506 Authentizität durch Signaturprüfung, Daten übertragen und Veränderungen bemerken
- FMM 201601 iOS App SDK, Eigene iOS-Apps auf Basis von FileMaker
Wir empfehlen allen FileMaker Anwender ein Abo vom Magazin und den Kauf der alten Ausgaben. Das FileMaker Magazin ist eine excellente Quelle von Informationen, Anleitungen und Profitips.
New in this prerelease of the 6.2 plugins:
- Improved DynaPDF.ShowDifference to better recognize smaller changes.
- Added RemoteControl.PressDialogButton command.
- Changed SendMail.AddAttachmentContainer and SendMail.AddAttachmentFile to have file name optional. We can use file name from container or file path. Mime type is detected from file extension if needed.
- Added new mode for List.Crossproduct to combine each item from left list with right list.
- Added more PrintDialog functions for copies and first/last/all pages.
- Added date sorting mode for List.Sort and QuickList.Sort.
- Improved session handling for future Server versions.
- Updated LibSSH2 to version 1.7.0
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added GMImage.GetiptcProfileValues.
- Added WordFile.GetXML and WordFile.SetXML functions.
- Added Schedule.GetLastTimeStamp.
- Added RSA.Sign and RSA.Verify.
- Added RSA.GeneratePrivateKey and RSA.GetPublicKey.
- Changed Schedules to not fire in layout mode.
- Added Files.FolderSize function.
- Added Events functions to query Reminders and Events on Mac OS X in 64-bit application.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
The conference in Cleveland was fun and we got a few new functions in-between:
First the
PrintDialog functions will soon allow you to set copies, first and last page properties for printing. Copies only applies to real printing, not to PDF generation.
But with PDF generation parameters you can now print e.g. first page only to a PDF file.
list functions improve with sorting. So
List.Sort and
QuickList.Sort can now sort date aware. And the new
List.CrossProduct function allows you to create the cross product from two lists or just to combine two lists by picking each item from first and second list and put them together in a new list.
word files we got two new commands to get/set XML, so you can make your own changes there like adding tables or paragraphs directly in the XML.
You can use new
RSA features to create public and private keys. Than you can sign some data with private key and a selected hash algorithm. Later you can use public key to verify signature.
Files.FolderSize function can quickly calculate size of a directory including file sizes, file and folder counts and distinguish between hidden/visible items.
For the
addressbook we got new functions related to accounts. This helps to figure out which people or groups belong to an account (e.g. iCloud) or to see which account a record is from.
All to be available in a few days with 6.2pr1. If you need to try something urgently, you can always email us.
Registration just started for the
FileMaker Conference .fmp[x]Berlin 2016.
This conference is organized by
Egbert Friedrich and takes place from 2nd to 4th June 2016 in Berlin, Germany.
As the conference is in english, this is your chance to meet people from around the world at a conference in Europe. And for a lot of people it's easier to get to Berlin than to cross the atlantic and deal with US immigration officers.
dotfmp is an effort of various leading European FileMaker Developers. It is meant to bring all kinds of higher level developers together to share knowledge, educate and challenge each other.
dotfmp is a 3 Day-Unconference, Meetup, Hangout or Barcamp. It is an informal and self-organized effort to meet on a personal base.
dotfmp starts at the 1 June in the later afternoon with a relaxed "Beer and Sausages" in one of the most famous Berlin Beergarden.
The session itself last from 2 until 4 June with various socialising events in the evenings.
Closing on 5 June with some offering to see more from Berlin and its surroundings.
dotfmp takes place in one of the most famous spots in Berlin. The GLS Campus is located in a vibrant area with a very short walking distance to all the famous restaurants.
dotfmp is, in part, inspired by the various community-driven events such as the regular FileMaker Trainer Meetings or local informal meetings. We feel there are far too few possibilities to talk to, learn from, and hangout with fellow developers in a relaxed and informal environment. And we'd like to share work and get feedback from people chewing on similar challenges.
Greetings from PauseOnError in Cleveland.
Die Anmeldung für die
FileMaker Konferenz 2016 startet heute.
Vom 13. bis 15. Oktober 2016 treffen sich wieder ca. 200 Teilnehmer im Pitter in Salzburg.
Bitte bald anmelden um ein Ticket zu bekommen. Die Konferenzticket und die Zimmer im Hotel Crowne Plaza Salzburg waren in den vorherigen Jahren kurz vor der Konferenz ausverkauft.
Dieses Jahr gibt es neben meinem MBS Vortrag auch einen zum iOS SDK. Mal sehen, was bis zur Konferenz noch alles kommt von FileMaker. Man sieht sich!
Monday the conference starts, are you there?
See you in Cleveland! If you need an hour or two for MBS related questions or consulting you can of course have a private meeting with me. Please contact me if you are interested, even if you don't participate in the conference.
The PauseOnError Steering Committee, in collaboration with Cleveland-based host firm Adatasol, is pleased to announce the Sixth PauseOnError Conference in Cleveland, OH, Monday, March 14th to Tuesday, March 15th, 2016, at the
Metropolitan at the 9 hotel in downtown Cleveland.
Interface. Contribute. Learn. Be a part of your Community.
PauseOnError is a self-organized effort of software developers and consultants who use FileMaker. PauseOnError content is created by the attendees in a low tech and high touch environment, so leave Powerpoint at home and come prepared to share the mic.
Have a topic you'd like to talk about?
Visit the wiki page, and add your session to the Schedule. It's just that easy.
Our objective is to provide a valuable and educational forum on which we can all collaborate to grow our community. We took care of most of the details so you an focus your energy on your contributions to the conference. PauseOnError is inexpensive because PauseOnError is a not-for-profit venture. The goal for each event is to cover our expenses and break even, and have some buffer for future events.
We would like to extend an early invitation to you to learn about the event, add your session to the schedule, and purchase tickets for you and your team.
To find out more about PauseOnError Cleveland - Sessions, Tickets, Hotel, and more, visit the
conference wiki page!
We will have a MBS Plugin session there about our plugin, features and how the plugin is created and changed development with FileMaker.
A recent question in a
FileMaker forum lead us to a new function in our plugin:
So let me explain it a bit. You pass a path to a folder. The plugin runs through all folders and subfolders and sums up the file sizes. This is very quick and works well. We have a few options like limiting the recursion level, ignoring content of hidden folders and how to treat bundles.
Now the calculation gives us a lot of values, so the function returns a list of values. We don't want you to call this function several times just to know how many files are there and how many bytes those take. So we give you all values from one call. You pick the values you need. And you see on the documentation, we have a lot of values for data fork vs. resource fork, logical vs. physical size and visible vs. hidden vs. all files.
The function will be available next week with 6.2pr1. if you like to test now, please email us.
Did you see the announcement of Microsoft SQL Server on Linux?
Announcing SQL Server on Linux
The good news for us is that we provide support for Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server on Linux x86-64 since SQLAPI 4.1.1. This SQLAPI version has been in MBS Plugins since three years (Xojo Plugins since version 13.2 and FileMaker plugin since at least 5.0)
So when you find your first copy of SQL Server running on Linux, please try our plugin to connect.
Nickenich, Germany - (March 8th, 2016) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 6.1 for Mac OS X or Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, Mac, and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 6.1 has been updated and now includes over 3700 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:
New in this version is
audio/video recording. You can start a recording session and enumerate devices. Select an audio and/or video device and start preview. For preview you can add a live picture to the FileMaker layout. Recording goes to a AVI file (Windows) or M4V file (Mac OS X).
For exporting videos and transcoding them, we have new functions. The
AVExport functions allows to export videos in new format on Mac OS X, e.g to create smaller clips for mobile devices. Our
QTExport functions are 32-bit only and uses QuickTime, but it can use special codecs which are not available for 64-bit.
addressbook functions got support to query external ID for a person and find it later. The multi value functions got new convenience functions to query all identifiers, labels or values as lists.
For some things it is better to just evaluate a calculation now instead of waiting till a script executes. We now support evaluate for
CURL progress and finish events,
hotkey and
menu actions. The trace feature has been updated to log evaluate calls with results.
Syntax Coloring for Mac has been updated to better verify whether variables are declared. We can now highlight If and Loop blocks on FileMaker 14 and newer. Of course you can choose your preferred colors. A bug is fixed for our asian users for the case you miss brackets.
We got new functions for our
dictionary (assoziative array) and lists. You can now add/remove prefix/postfix for lists, create cross product or create a copy of a
quick list. The dictionaries can now be exported as JSON, Text or XML. Our
JSON handling got new functions to get values easier and set/query values based on a path in the object/array hierarchy.
For our
SQL fans we now have
InsertOrUpdateRecord variants which take one, two or three keys to identify the records to insert or update. For SQL connections we now propagate options better from connection to command level. This way you can set one option for all commands in a connection.
To get attention you can now
flash the window in the Windows task bar or have the
Dock icon jump on Mac. You can now easier calculate the distance between two coordinates you got from
CLGeocoder to calculate distance between two points on earth. You can clear
window focus or clear headers for a new email to send it again.
Finally we updated DynaPDF to version, openssl to version 1.0.2f and SQLite to version 3.11.0.
release notes for a complete list of changes.
8. März 2016 - Monkeybread Software veröffentlicht heute das MBS Plugin für Filemaker in Version 6.1, mit inzwischen über 3700 Funktionen eines der größten Filemaker Plugins überhaupt. Hier einige der Neuerungen:
Neu in dieser Version ist das
Aufnehmen von Audio oder Video Dateien. Sie können eine Aufnahme Session starten und die vorhandenen Geräte auflisten. Wählen Sie ein Audio und/oder Video Gerät und starten Sie die Vorschau. Für die Vorschau können Sie eine Live Bild im FileMaker Layout anzeigen. Die Aufnahme kann dann als AVI (Window) oder M4V Datei (Mac) gespeichert werden.
Für das Exportieren von Videos und um sie neu zu kodieren, haben wir einige neue Funktionen. Die
AVExport Funktionen können vorhandene Videos in einem neuen Format auf Mac OS X exportieren, zum Beispiel in kleinere Versionen für mobile Geräte. Unsere
QTExport Funktionen sind zwar nur für 32-bit und benutzen QuickTime, aber Sie können damit spezielle Codes benutzen, die nicht für 64-bit verfügbar sind.
Adressbuch Funktionen können jetzt auch externe IDs abfragen und später eine Person mit der ID wiederfinden. Für Eigenschaften mit mehreren Werten kann man jetzt alle Schlüssel, Etiketten und Werte zusammen als Listen abfragen.
Für einige Sachen ist es besser eine sofort Berechnung auszuführen statt zu warten, bis ein Skript später mal startet. Daher können Sie jetzt eine Berechnung durchführen lassen, wenn ein
CURL Transfer Fortschritte macht oder fertig ist. Für
Hotkeys und
Menübefehle funktioniert das genauso. Und die Trace Funktion schreibt fleissig mit, wenn eine Berechnung läuft und was als Ergebnis raus kam.
Die Skriptfarben für Mac wurden verbessert und erkennen jetzt besser deklarierte Variablen. Wir zeigen mit einer blauen Hintergrundfarbe die Zeilen an, die zu einer Schleife oder Bedingung gehören. Natürlich können Sie alle Farben selber festlegen.
Wir haben neue Funktionen für unsere
Dictionaries (assoziative Arrays) und Listen. Sie können nun einen Text bei allen Elementen einer Liste anfügen/löschen, eine Kreuzprodukt zweier Listen erstellen oder eine Kopie einer
QuickList erstellen. Die Dictionaries unterstützen nun den Export als JSON, XML oder Text. Und die
JSON Funktionen erlauben nun das einfache auslesen von Werten und man kann Werte per Pfad in der Objekt/Feld Hierarchie leichter setzen und abfragen.
Für unsere
SQL Fans haben wir den
InsertOrUpdateRecord verbessert, so dass man jetzt ein, zwei oder drei Schlüssel übergeben kann um den Datensatz zu identifizieren, den Sie einfügen oder aktualisieren möchten. Für SQL Verbindungen nach draußen übergeben wir jetzt mehr Optionen von der Connection zum Command. So können Sie eine Option für alle Abfragen über eine Verbindung zentral setzen.
Um die Aufmerksamkeit des Benutzers zu bekommen, können Sie bei Windows das FileMaker Icon in der
Taskleiste blinken lassen und beim Mac das
FileMaker Symbol im Dock hüpfen lassen. Sie berechnen jetzt reichert die Distanz zwischen zwei Punkten per
CLGeocoder. Sie können außerdem noch den
Focus löschen und für Emails die Headerliste leeren.
Zum Schluss haben wir noch Updates für DynaPDF auf Version, OpenSSL auf version 1.0.2f und SQLite auf version 3.11.0.
Alle Änderungen in den
Release Notes.
Mehr Details zu den Änderungen finden Sie in den Release Notes. Nehmen Sie sich ruhig einmal die Zeit das Plugin näher anzuschauen. Probieren Sie die über 400 Beispieldatenbanken und überlegen Sie einmal, wo sie welche Funktion in ihren Lösungen einbauen können.
Nickenich, Germany - Monkeybread Software today is pleased to announce the release of
Transparent Screensaver 2.4, an update to their popular screensaver utility for Mac OS X. The utility adds a variable transparency overlay screensaver to the list of screensavers in Preferences. With the screensaver running at 50% the effect is one of dimming the desktop and all open windows; 0% is black; 100% is completely transparent. With the screen lock option engaged, the user can continue to view their iMessage Buddy List, iTunes Library, or any open process or window, while waking their computer from screen saver mode is password protected.
If the user wishes to remain logged in to their computer, but prevent others from using it, he can lock the screen. This is done in System Preferences - Security - General. By selecting "Require password to wake this computer from sleep or screen saver," password authentication will be necessary to leave screen saver mode. With Transparent Screensaver the user can continue to view the desktop and all open windows while the computer remains inaccessible to others, screen locked.
Feature Highlights:- Transparent screensaver dims screen
- Screen may be locked in transparent screensaver mode
- Screen may be monitored while computer is inaccessible in screen saver mode
- Prevents burn-in, maintains privacy, and protects security
- Simple to use and install utility
Version 2.4 makes Transparent Screensaver Retina compatible. The utility is self-installing after download, allows variable transparency from 0% to 100%, supports a variable screen update rate of 0 to 30 frames per second, and includes two additional screensavers: pure white and pure black. Although screen burn-in (permanent damage to a monitor from continuous display of a single image over many hours) is less of a problem with modern LCD screens than CRTs, Apple still provides an optional screensaver function when there has been no input for three hours or less. At 50% or less transparency, Transparent Screensaver provides both protection from burn-in and the ability to monitor a locked screen.
"MBS Transparent Screen Saver is an ideal solution to privacy, security, and burn-in issues in Mac OS X," stated MBS CEO Christian Schmitz. "It incorporates all the benefits of a screensaver, while preserving screen visibility."
System Requirements:- Mac OS X 10.5 or later
- 242 KB
Pricing and Availability:
MBS Transparent Screensaver 2.4 for Mac OS X is currently available as shareware, which is free to test for 30 days. A license is available from MBS for 15 US Dollars, or 10 Euro. Review copies are available on request. This update is free for all registered users.
On Mac OS X you can launch an app in terminal with other language. You pass the whole app path to the executable in the terminal and include an extra parameter called AppleLanguages.
For example in German:
/Applications/FileMaker\ Pro\ 17\ Advanced/FileMaker\ Pro\ Advanced.app/Contents/MacOS/FileMaker\ Pro
-AppleLanguages '(de)'
To know the language IDs that work, you can check in the resource folder of the app what languages are available.
For FileMaker 14, you find: de, en, es, fr, it, ja, ko, nl, pt, sv or zh-Hans.
New in this prerelease of the 6.1 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added Dictionary.Clone, JSON.Clone and QuickList.Clone.
- Added CURL.GetFinishedEvaluate, CURL.GetProgressEvaluate, CURL.SetFinishedEvaluate, CURL.SetProgressEvaluate, HotKey.GetEvaluate, HotKey.SetEvaluate, Menu.GetEvaluate, Menu.SetEvaluate, MenuItem.GetEvaluate and MenuItem.SetEvaluate.
- Trace now also prints out details on evaluate.
- Added List.AddPostfix, List.AddPrefix, List.CrossProduct, List.RemovePostfix and List.RemovePrefix.
- Added QuickList.AddPostfix, QuickList.AddPrefix, QuickList.CrossProduct, QuickList.RemovePostfix, QuickList.RemovePrefix.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
Sometimes you need to upload a file to FTP/FTPS/SFTP server, e.g. upload a backup. The following script does that and can run even on a FileMaker server:
Set Variable [$curl; Value:MBS("CURL.New")]
# Path to the input file with data to upload
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.OpenInputFile"; $curl; "/Users/cs/Desktop/test.jpg")]
# Set upload options
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionURL"; $curl; "ftp://monkeybreadsoftware.de/test/test.jpg")]
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionUpload"; $curl; 1)]
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionPassword"; $curl; "secret")]
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionUsername"; $curl; "account")]
# Run Transfer
Set Field [CURL Test::Result; MBS("CURL.Perform"; $curl)]
# get log
Set Field [CURL Test::DebugMessages; MBS("CURL.GetDebugAsText"; $curl)]
# and clean up
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.Cleanup"; $curl)]
As you see we pass in an URL for the ftp upload. Depending on whether we use ftp:// (unsecure), ftps:// (ftp with SSL) or sftp:// (ssh), we get the protocol for the URL. If you need to upload a container, you can use CURL.SetInputFile or for text the function CURL.SetInputText. Don't forget to include in the URL the new file name on the target.
Other interesting options here are CURL.SetOptionFTPCreateMissingDirs for creating missing directories, CURL.SetOptionConnectionTimeout for setting connection timeout and CURL.SetOptionPort if your server doesn't use the standard port for the protocol.
The MBS Plugin supports SFTP, FTP and FTPS and you select it with URL prefix in your URL:
ftp:// is unencrypted ftp
ftps:// is encrypted ftp
sftp:// is file transfer via ssh
From the plugin we can trigger scripts as well as evaluate expressions. An expression can be a Let statement and actually call several plugin functions. Like this example here:
list1 = MBS("
QuickList.New"; "Hello¶World");
list2 = MBS("
QuickList.New"; "1¶2");
e = MBS("
QuickList.CrossProduct"; list1; list2);
r = MBS("
QuickList.GetList"; list1);
d = MBS("
QuickList.Free"; list1);
d = MBS("
QuickList.Free"; list2)
]; r)
This more or less is a little mini script which can execute whenever the plugin could also trigger a script. So we add new commands to evaluate with next prerelease:
Menu.SetEvaluate and
So instead of putting script trigger on the todo list for script triggers, you can include commands here to run them directly without waiting for the script to start. Let's try an example. We have two scripts, one to show menu and one to be triggered by menu entry:
New in this prerelease of the 6.1 plugins:
- Improved error messages on Windows for Save/Open Dialogs.
- Added App.CancelUserAttentionRequest and App.RequestUserAttention.
- Added Window.FlashWindow.
- Added AVExport functions to convert video files on Mac.
- Added QTExport functions to convert video files with QuickTime in 32-bit FileMaker.
- Fixed a bug in ZipFile.CompressFiles for Windows.
- Added Text.RemovePrefix and Text.RemovePostfix.
- Changed JSON to return JSON text now with Char(13) for newline delimiter.
- Added Addressbook.multivalue.identifiers, Addressbook.multivalue.labels, Addressbook.multivalue.valueForLabel and Addressbook.multivalue.values.
- Added IsIOS, IsLinux, IsMacOSX and IsWindows functions.
Download at
monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
The swiss post offers a web service to verify addresses via SOAP. You can use this webservice with our plugin and the CURL functions. As you see we make a post here with xml data based on a template. We replace the placeholders with values from fields. We need to use Text.EncodeToXML function to make sure the special characters are inserted. When we got result, we pick the results from the xml with a quick query. We simply look for the first nodes matching local name (without namespaces). Maybe this also helps if you want to use a similar webservice:
Set Variable [$curl; Value:MBS("CURL.New")]
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionURL"; $curl; "https://webservices.post.ch/IN_ADRCHECKERxV4xEXTERNE/V4-01-00")]
Set Variable [$xml; Value:Test::XML Template]
Set Variable [$xml; Value:Substitute($xml; "$$CallUser$$"; MBS("Text.EncodeToXML"; Test::Username))]
Set Variable [$xml; Value:Substitute($xml; "$$Name$$"; MBS("Text.EncodeToXML";Test::Last Name))]
Set Variable [$xml; Value:Substitute($xml; "$$FirstName$$"; MBS("Text.EncodeToXML";Test::First Name))]
Set Variable [$xml; Value:Substitute($xml; "$$Street$$"; MBS("Text.EncodeToXML"; Test::Street))]
Set Variable [$xml; Value:Substitute($xml; "$$Town$$"; MBS("Text.EncodeToXML"; Test::Town))]
Set Variable [$xml; Value:Substitute($xml; "$$Zip$$"; MBS("Text.EncodeToXML"; Test::Zip))]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionPostFields"; $curl; $xml)]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionUserName"; $curl; Test::Username)]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionPassword"; $curl; Test::Passwort)]
Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("CURL.SetOptionHTTPHeader"; $curl; "SOAPAction: \"http://post.ch/AdressCheckerExtern/V4-01-00\""; "Expect:"; "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"")]
Set Field [Test::Result; MBS("CURL.Perform"; $curl)]
Set Field [Test::Text; MBS("CURL.GetResultAsText"; $curl; "UTF8")]
Set Field [Test::Debug; MBS("CURL.GetDebugAsText"; $curl)]
Set Field [Test::OutputStreetFormatted; MBS( "XML.Query"; Test::Text; "//*[local-name()='StreetFormatted']/text()"; ""; 2 )]
Set Field [Test::OutputTown; MBS( "XML.Query"; Test::Text; "//*[local-name()='Town27']/text()"; ""; 2 )]
Set Field [Test::OutputZip; MBS( "XML.Query"; Test::Text; "//*[local-name()='Zip']/text()"; ""; 2 )]
Set Variable [$result; Value:MBS("CURL.Cleanup"; $curl)]
The example will be included in next prerelease.
Die erste
FileMaker Magazin Ausgabe für dieses Jahr ist soeben erschienen:
Das erwartet Sie in der neuen FileMaker Magazin Ausgabe:
Mobile Lösungen
- iOS App SDK
Eigene iOS-Apps auf Basis von FileMaker | Christian Schmitz
Gewusst wie
- Freies Sortieren
Durch Anklicken eine Reihenfolge festlegen | Klaus Kegebein - Tasten bedingt deaktivieren
Eine in FileMaker vermisste Funktion nachbilden | Arnold Kegebein
In eigener Sache
- FMM Titelwahl 2015
… wer war der Schönste im letzten Jahr? | FMM Redaktion
Tipps & Tricks
- Putzige Emojis
Die Strichmännchen werden erwachsen | Thomas Siebert - Platzhalter im Fokus
Tipps & Tricks | Jörg Köster
FileMaker Server
- Beliebige SSL Zertifikate für FileMaker Server 13 und 14
Wie man FileMaker Server dazu bringt, Zertifikate aller gängigen Certificate Authorities zu akzeptieren | Thomas Hirt
- FileMaker und SQL
Sekt oder Selters – Transaktionen, Teil 11 | Jörg Wenzel
und natürlich Neuigkeiten, Kleinanzeigen, aktuelle Versionen, Adressen, Stammtische