Special guests at the MBS Xojo Conference in Berlin

Just five weeks till the MBS Xojo Developer Conference in Berlin.

Have you seen the list of guests coming to our conference?
  • Geoff Perlman, CEO and Founder of Xojo, Inc.
  • Travis Hill, engineer at Xojo, Inc.
  • Stéphane Pinel, build engineer at Xojo Inc.
  • Ulrich Bogun, German Xojo Evangelist at Xojo Inc.
  • Antonio Rinaldi, Italian Xojo Evangelist at Xojo Inc.
  • Javier Rodriguez Menéndez, Spanish Xojo Evangelist at Xojo Inc.
  • Jens Boschulte from DynaForms GmbH will be present to answer questions regarding DynaPDF library.
  • Jérémie Leroy, developing custom controls for Xojo
  • Carol and Bob Keeney from BKeeney Software Inc.
  • Marc Zeedar, publisher or the Xojo Developer Magazine
  • Björn Eiriksson from Einhugur, plugin developer.
  • Yousaf Shah from DataTherapy Limited
And of course a lot of regular attendees. With over 70 attendees this is our biggest conference.

For Geoff Perlman this is the first European conference since 2008. Your chance to talk to the CEO of the company and ask all your questions without traveling to the USA. Along with Geoff comes Travis Hill, the developer who is in charge for Android.

From Europe we will have all four local Xojo employees: Stéphane Pinel from France, Ulrich Bogun from Germany, Antonio Rinaldi from Italy and Javier Rodriguez Menéndez from Spain. Your chance to talk to someone from Xojo in French, German, Italian or Spanish.

If you have questions about DynaPDF, be sure to ask Jens Boschulte about his library. The plugin part is from me, so for plugin questions check with me. But if you need new PDF features, ask Jens and once he adds them, I can update the plugin.

Carol and Bob Keeney join us and can show you the BKeeney products like Shorts, FTC and Active Records. With over ten years of consulting experience you can learn from them how to do contracts, handle clients and run a Xojo consulting firm.

You may be a subscriber of the Xojo Developer Magazine. Marc Zeedar, the publisher of the magazine, will attend our conference. Be sure to talk to him about how he automates the production of the issues. If you like to get one of the year books, you can email him to bring you a copy.

For the first time we could get Björn Eiriksson to leave Iceland and join a Xojo conference. Björn creates plugins for Xojo for over 15 years and is great guest to have.

Finally Yousaf Shah will talk about running a business, David Cox about web apps, Mattias Sandström and Heinz Jürgen Groß about their Raspberry Pi projects.

And there is you: Bring your computer with your projects. Show your projects and see what others do. Learn from them how they solved problems and implemented great features. If you found an issue with Xojo, demonstrate it to a Xojo engineer. Sometimes the direct contact helps to identify a bug or add a little feature right away.

Registration and more Information on our website.

Xojo and FileMaker meetings in Arizona

As you know I come to attend the FileMaker DevCon 2017 in Phoenix Arizona.

Now I stay a few extra days in Phoenix and I thought we could have a meeting for local Xojo and FileMaker developers:

Xojo Meeting in Phoenix
Xojo Meeting in Tucson
FileMaker meeting

I know I have over 20 Xojo developers using my plugins in Phoenix alone. A few more live down in Tucson, so maybe I could make a trip to visit Tucson and meet them.
And a few FileMaker people may not be able to join the conference, but still have time for a casual meeting.

So my offer as usual: I reserve a table in a nice restaurant and be there. You can join and we can shop talk all night. Ask me plugin questions, bring your laptop and show projects.

If you are interested, please add yourself to the survey. And please make sure I know your email address, so I can contact you with details on the location. Suggestions are welcome!

MBS Plugin Schulung in Hamburg, Salzburg und Hofheim

Dieses Jahr haben wir noch einige MBS Plugin Workshops/Schulungen rund um das MBS Plugin:
Die Anmeldung ist für alle drei noch möglich. Der Besuch wird empfohlen, auch wenn Sie schon mal da waren. Der Inhalt ändert sich ständig, da es immer wieder neue Funktionen und andere Anforderungen gibt.

Außerdem freue ich mich Sie beim FileMaker Stammtisch Hamburg am 6. April oder im Oktober bei der FileMaker Konferenz in Salzburg zu begrüßen.

MBS Releases the MBS Xojo UDP Socket Kit in version 1.0

Nickenich, Germany (March 29th, 2017) -- Monkeybread Software releases version 1.0 of the MBS Xojo UDP Socket Kit.

The MBS Xojo UDP Socket Kit provides you with a new socket class to use UDP Sockets in your Xojo iOS application.

UDP Socket class:
  • Create socket
  • Send message
  • Events like DidFinishPlaying
  • Listen on a port for incoming data
  • DataAvailable event for incoming data
Wrapper Features
  • For Xojo 2015r1
  • Using exception handling to track error
  • Test code included
  • All classes with MB postfix to avoid name conflicts.
  • Inline documentation
  • Full Source code, no encryption
  • Works for 32bit and 64bit targets.
Our UDP Socket Kit requires Xojo 2015r1 or newer.

The UDP Socket Kit is available for $99 USD or 79 Euro (+VAT if needed).
Buy Now or get all our iOS Kits in one set: Buy Set.

You can learn more and try the sample application on our website.
Please do not hesitate to send us comments, questions or feedback.

FileMaker Spanish Devcon 2017

In October all around Europe are conferences for FileMaker. This year there is also a Spanish one:

20th to 21st October 2017 in Madrid. See Website

Xojo 2017 Release 1 Now Available

Xojo, Inc. just released their latest update to Xojo:

Xojo 2017 Release 1 is now available! This update adds more than 230 improvements, with a major focus on debugging, including 64-bit debugging and Raspberry Pi Remote Debugging.

Xojo 2017 Release 1 features:

  • 64-bit debugging for macOS and Linux
  • Remote debugging to Raspberry Pi
  • Improved printing support on Windows (now using Direct2D)
    Improved Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket on Windows
  • Code Editor improvements, such as more automatic code formatting, optional line number display and improved tab handling
  • Menu shortcut editor allows you to set and change all IDE menu shortcuts
  • WebKit HTMLViewer on Windows is now much faster and standard-compliant (uses Chromium Embedded Framework 3)
  • Support for HTML in text-based web controls
The complete list of improvements in Xojo 2017 Release 1 can be found in the release notes. Download it now!

Is your license expired? Renew today to get access to this release and all others that come out while your license is current.

I am happy to see 64-bit debugging on my Mac which allows to hunt a few 64-bit related bugs in my projects.

Please note that our plugin extensions for WebKit on Windows require plugins version 17.1 or newer. For 17.2 we plan to add more new functions there to better integrate with Chromium.

For printing with DynaPDF on Windows we still see issues. For the time being we are working on newer functions there to do printing without Xojo's graphics class and show print dialog ourselves.

Learn more about Xojo's new release at the European MBS Xojo Conference in Berlin!

German FileMaker Conference in Salzburg, Austria

Die Anmeldung für die FileMaker Konferenz 2017 startet heute.
Vom 12. bis 14. Oktober 2017 treffen sich wieder ca. 200 Teilnehmer im Pitter in Salzburg.

Bitte bald anmelden um ein Ticket zu bekommen. Die Konferenzticket und die Zimmer im Hotel Crowne Plaza Salzburg waren in den vorherigen Jahren kurz vor der Konferenz ausverkauft.

Dieses Jahr gibt es neben meinem MBS Vortrag auch zwei zu Plugins, einmal mit iOS SDK und einem zu FileMaker Cloud. Mal sehen, was bis zur Konferenz noch alles kommt von FileMaker. Man sieht sich!

Amazon S3 and other services in Xojo and FileMaker

The last weeks I worked on integrating Amazon S3 for a client. Normally using any web services is not much work as our CURL functions in the plugin handle the transfer thing with authentication and encryption. But for Amazon's web services, some extra work is needed.

So for next plugins, I implemented AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 signatures. They are required to authenticate and talk to the web services. To setup this, you pass our plugin the required informations: AWSAccessKeyId, AWSSecretAccessKey, Region, Service, Path, Domain, Verb, HashedPayload, Headers. The key and secret are available from Amazon on their website. The region defines where your server is, for me eu-central-1 with server in Frankfurt, Germany. The service in my case is s3. The path defines the path to the file, e.g. "/test.jpg". The domain can be calculated by plugin or overwritten by you. Usually it is something like s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com with various region names included. Verb defines which HTTP operation to do: get, put, delete or post.

The payload sent needs to be included in the signature. So if you provide the data to upload/send before our call to setup with our input functions, the plugin can hash it and include the hash. Or you provide a hash, a lowercase hex encoded SHA256. Especially when uploading a file which does not fit in memory, it may be an option to hash it yourself.

Next you can include various headers. The headers are included in the signature and passed to CURL for the transfer. Our plugin functions add extra headers for amazon and pass the URL to CURL with a few options. You can than add more options like SSL certificates and start the transfer.

The examples will show how to upload/download an image file to Amazon S3 in your bucket.
Coming soon with next plugin update.

PS: if you have older code for Amazon, you may need to update it to use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256, too. Newer regions only support the newer scheme and not the older signature system.

Windows Notifications

Another thing we have in the plugins are functions to catch system notifications.

So you can listen for all the global windows messages sent to all applications like display, time zone, device changes or many others. Of course you can also send your own notifications.

We include a sample project for Xojo to send a notification from command line. So FileMaker can trigger a batch file on Windows, which does something and finally send the notification when done.

CURL conference

This weekend I participated in the CURL conference in Nuremberg.
It’s great to finally meet the people behind CURL and learn bow all came together and what direction they want to go. We had over a dozen interesting presentations and I learnt a lot about HTTP/2, SSL security and how people use CURL in various ways.

One of the things I learnt from a nice fellow is how to load the system certificates on Windows. I even found similar code for macOS, so next plugins can use system certificates.

So we have now 4 ways to handle SSL security:
  • Ignore it and accept all certificates.
    OptionVerifyPeer = 0 and OptionVerifyHost = 0
    No verification is done and middle man attack is very easy.
  • Use a cacert.pem file with root certificates and verify against those.
    Use this for certificate pinning. Put the certificates of your servers in a pem file and only allow those. Or get a general cacert.pem file with common root certificates.
  • Use system provided SSL functionality, see CURLNMBS class.
    Only for Mac and Windows in our Xojo plugins.
  • New: Load system certificates and verify against them.
    For Mac and Windows with next plugin version.
Please try them soon in FileMaker and Xojo and let me know if they work fine for you.
I even thought about using the system certificates by default if you don’t provide certificates, but ask to verify.

The conference was great and thanks to everyone helping. See you again some day!

MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.1 - Über 4400 Funktionen in einem Plugin

14. März 2017 - Monkeybread Software veröffentlicht heute das MBS Plugin für FileMaker in Version 7.1, mit inzwischen über 4400 Funktionen eines der größten FileMaker Plugins überhaupt. Hier einige der Neuerungen:

Zum Abspielen von Audio am Mac haben wir neue AVPlayer Funktionen. Sie können damit Audio aus Container Feldern, Dateien oder via URL laden. Beim Abspielen lässt sich die Lautstärke und die Abspielgeschwindigkeit einstellen, sowie an bestimmte Positionen springen. Wenn Sie noch die QTMovie Funktionen benutzen, sollten Sie umsteigen.

Für Windows haben wir neue DirectoryWatcher Funktionen. Damit können Sie Ordner auf Änderungen überwachen und ein Skript aufrufen, wenn der Benutzer dort Dateien ändert. Ähnliche Funktionen haben wir für macOS unter dem Namen FSEvents.

Die Audit Funktionen wurden verbessert bei der Verwendung mit einem FileMaker Server. Dies zeigt sich in einer Verbesserung der Geschwindigkeit gegenüber der Version 7.0. Außerdem kann das Audit jetzt global einfach ein- und ausgeschaltet werden.

Der XML Import wurde verbessert: Die Funktion verarbeitet jetzt auch CData Sektionen als Text. Neue Flags für das Importieren erlauben äußere XML Knoten zu ignorieren und innere Knoten als Text auslesen. Das vereinfacht das Importieren von XML aus Aufrufen von Web Services über SOAP.

Die Funktion zum Editieren von Worddateien kann jetzt auch Tabellen erweitern. Wenn eine Tabelle in Ihrer Vorlage enthalten ist und Sie flexibel Zeilen hinzufügen möchten, können Sie jetzt einzelne Zeilen duplizieren und darunter oder am Ende der Tabelle einfügen.

Beim Mac können Sie PDF und andere Dateien aus einem Container direkt zum Finder oder anderen Programmen ziehen. Der Webviewer kann unsichtbar werden, damit der Benutzer automatische Aktionen nicht sieht. Und das Plugin kann sicher stellen, das FileMaker immer das Programm im Vordergrund bleibt.

Bilder werden jetzt mit Auflösung an FileMaker zurück gegeben. Wir haben mehr Listenfunktionen und HotKeys können jetzt auch Skripte beim Loslassen der Taste starten. Die Bildschirmfunktionen funktionieren jetzt auch bei Windows mit mehreren Bildschirmen, das Plugin ist wieder kompatibel zu Windows XP und unsere Dialogfunktionen könen jetzt bis zu 10 Buttons und ein Stop Icon anzeigen.

Außerdem haben wir PortMidi aktualisiert, CURL auf version 7.35.1, DynaPDF auf und SQLite auf 3.17.0.

Alle Änderungen in den Release Notes.

MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.1 - More than 4400 Functions In One Plugin

Nickenich, Germany - (March 14th, 2017) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.1 for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin currently available for FileMaker Pro. As the leading database management solution for Windows, Mac, and the web, the FileMaker Pro Integrated Development Environment supports a plugin architecture that can easily extend the feature set of the application. MBS FileMaker Plugin 7.1 has been updated and now includes over 4400 different functions, and the versatile plugin has gained more new functions:

For playing audio on Mac, we have new AVPlayer functions. You can load audio files from file, container or URL. When playing you can select volume, playback speed and seek to any time. If you still use QTMovie functions, please switch soon.

For Windows we added new DirectoryWatcher functions. You can now watch a folder for changes and get a script triggered if the user changes something in the folder. Similar things can be done using FSEvents functions on Mac.

We improved our Audit functions to better check for fields when using FileMaker Server. This results in a massive performance improvement compared to our 7.0 plugin. Audit can now globally be enabled or disabled.

Our feature for XML file import got several improvements. The function now handles CData sections as text. New flags for importing lets you keep wrapping xml nodes and handle inner nodes as text blocks. This greatly simplifies the import of XML from SOAP web services.

The functions to edit word files can now extend tables. If your template contains a table and you want to flexible add rows and fill them, you can now duplicate a row as needed and insert it below or on the end of the table.

On Mac you can now drag PDF files on Mac to Finder and other applications. The web viewer can be hidden in case the user should not see automatic interaction. Our plugin can now make sure FileMaker stays frontmost.

Pictures returned by the plugin now include a DPI value. We have more list functions and hotkeys can now inform about keys being released. The screen functions now support multiple screens on Windows, the plugin is again compatible to Windows XP and our dialog function can now show up to 10 buttons and a stop icon.

Finally we updated PortMidi, CURL to version 7.35.1, DynaPDF to and SQLite to 3.17.0.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 17.1

NICKENICH, Germany (March 14th, 2017) -- Monkeybread Software releases version 17.1 of the MBS plug-in for Xojo and Real Studio.

The MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the Xojo (Real Studio) development environment with 2,400 classes featuring over 62,000 documented functions. Our plugins support all three platforms Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with all project types desktop, web and console including 64-bit and ARM targets.

Some of the highlights on the 17.1 update:

The new NSOutlineControlMBS and the improved NSTableControlMBS controls allow you to implement modern table controls based on Apple's Cocoa controls. Included with the plugins are example projects to show how to replace the standard listbox with our replacements.

For CURL we now have three variants: CURLS classes come with an internal CURL, SSL and SSH library, so you can use it without installation extra libraries. For Mac and Windows the CURLN classes allow you to use native SSL. And the CURL classes without N or S allow you to use your own library files. Our examples mostly demonstrate using CURLS to show you the same behavior cross platform.

Our new ParseDateMBS function parses date and time. You specify the format of the date to parse. Same format can be used with FormatDateMBS function to format a date or time in as specific format.

The functions to edit word files can now extend tables. If your template contains a table and you want to flexible add rows and fill them, you can now duplicate a row as needed and insert it below or on the end of the table.

For Windows we implemented a new class WindowsProcessMBS as a native shell class replacement. You can launch processes and receive their output as string as well as send input to them. Optionally you can use cmd.exe to run shell commands.

You can use the WinNotificationMBS class to draw into a MDI parent window of your application. Our example shows how to draw a picture there. This class is mostly used to be notified about global events like screen resolution changes.

We updated the controls in the plugin and added new mouse events. The cocoa controls got FrameChanged and BoundsChanged events to recognize size changes.

Finally we updated PortMidi, Tidy to version 5.3.15, DynaPDF to, SQLite to 3.17.0 and CURL to 7.53.1.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

Stammtisch in Nürnberg

On my next visit to Nuremberg, I'd love to make another FileMaker and Xojo developer meeting:

Wer hat Interesse an einem Xojo und FileMaker Entwicklertreffen am 17. März 2017 in Nürnberg?

Einfach gemütlich zusammen sitzen und über Xojo und FileMaker plaudern.
Gerne zeige ich auch neue Pluginfunktionen oder helfe bei Problemen mit euren Projekten. Einfach Computer mitbringen und was zeigen.

Bei Interesse bitte in der Liste eintragen.

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 17.1pr5

New in this prerelease of the 17.1 plugins: Download: monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 7.1pr5

New in this prerelease of the 7.1 MBS FileMaker Plugin:
  • Rewrote Audit caching to avoid slow SQL JOIN queries in FileMaker.
  • Added new mode Note and Stop for Dialogs on Mac.
  • Fixed bug in email parsing with getting plaintext from html only emails. Skips CSS Styles.
  • Fixed an issue with SmartCard.PerformSignature not returning signature correctly.
  • Removed Propsys.dll dependencies for Windows XP compatibility.
  • Changed SmartCard.PerformSignature to accept more than 20 bytes for hashes.
Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

Xojo Stammtisch in Hamburg

On my next visit to Hamburg, I'd love to make another Xojo developer meeting:

Wer hat Interesse an einem Xojo Entwicklertreffen am 7. April 2017 in Hamburg?

Einfach gemütlich zusammen sitzen und über Xojo schnacken.
Gerne zeige ich auch neue Pluginfunktionen oder helfe bei Problemen mit Xojo Projekten. Einfach Computer mitbringen und was zeigen.

Bei Interesse bitte in der Liste eintragen.

Reminder for Xojo and FileMaker events in Netherlands

In the next days I visit Netherlands. We have two events:

Xojo Developer meeting in Utrecht, 10th March 2017.
MBS FileMaker Plugin training day in Utrecht, 11th March 2017.

If you want to join the Xojo meeting, let me know. For the FileMaker meeting you can still sign up on the MeetUp page.

See you there!

FileMaker Cloud with MBS Plugin

FileMaker Inc. announced their new FileMaker Cloud version One of the enhancements are new amazon regions including Frankfurt and Ireland for us in Europe. If you need a FileMaker Server in Europe, you can now use the Cloud, too.

In your amazon account add can add an EC2 instance for a virtual private server. There are ready made packages to install FileMaker. Technically this installs CentOS 7 64-bit with FileMaker Server for Linux. This gives you a server in the cloud which you don't need to maintain yourself. Amazon and FileMaker will keep it updated and running. You can upload your database on the admin panel and use your solution. The use case for this could be:
  • You have a team of users needing a solution, so FLT is the matching licensing scheme.
  • You don't want to host yourself.
  • You are okay with hosting your server with Amazon.
  • You are okay with using data centers in USA (Oregon or N. Virginia), Germany and Ireland.
  • You are okay with using FileMaker Server 15 and clients in version 15.
If you met those criteria, you should try it. There is a 2 week FileMaker trial available, which only costs the amazon EC2 fees. Those virtual servers are great for temporary solutions. If a client needs a new solution for a sale promotion for a few months, you can start a server today. Run it for three months, download a copy of the database and stop the server. No need to sign up for a year long contract.

MBS Plugin for FileMaker cloud is available. We include it in 7.0 release already.

Creating PDF/A in FileMaker with ZUGFeRD standard

Several FileMaker developers now use MBS FileMaker Plugin to create their invoices in ZUGFeRD standard. That's a data exchange format defined here in Germany, but other countries have similar formats. Basically we have a PDF in PDF/A 3b format and an embedded XML file. The PDF provides the visual and printable view of the invoice while the XML contains the same data readable for computers. 

With MBS Plugin and DynaPDF we can create such a ZUGFeRD PDF. We can either create a new file or import pages from existing PDFs. So even if you generate your invoices in FileMaker from layouts, you can convert them later. Here you see an example script for doing exactly this:

#Initialize DynaPDF if needed

If [MBS("DynaPDF.IsInitialized")  ≠  1]

Perform Script [“InitDynaPDF”]

End If

#Make new PDF environments

Set Variable [$pdf; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.New")]

#Set import flags with Prepare For PDF/A enabled

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS( "DynaPDF.SetImportFlags"; $pdf; "ImportAll¶ImportAsPage¶PrepareForPDFA" )]

#Load PDF from container

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.OpenPDFFromContainer"; $pdf; ZUGFeRD Invoice::Invoice Template)]

#Import all pages

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.ImportPDFFile"; $pdf)]

#PDF/A requires a language set

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.SetLanguage"; $pdf; "en-US")]

#PDF/A requires a structure tree

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.CreateStructureTree"; $pdf)]

#add xml with invoice data

Set Variable [$FileHandle; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.AttachFileText"; $pdf; ZUGFeRD Invoice::Invoice XML; "UTF-8"; "ZUGFeRD-invoice.xml"; "Invoice as XML")]

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.AssociateEmbFile"; $pdf; "Catalog"; -1; "Alternative"; $FileHandle)]

#Check if this PDF conforms to PDF/A-3b

Set Variable [$c; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.CheckConformance"; $pdf; "ZUGFeRD Basic")]

If [$c = 1]

# A RGB ICC profile must be added to the document

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.AddOutputIntentEx"; $pdf; ZUGFeRD Invoice::RGB ICC Profile)]

Else If [$c = 2]

# A CMYK ICC profile must be added to the document

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.AddOutputIntentEx"; $pdf; ZUGFeRD Invoice::CMYK ICC Profile)]

Else If [$c = 3]

# A Gray, RGB, or CMYK ICC profile must be added to the document 

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.AddOutputIntentEx"; $pdf; ZUGFeRD Invoice::RGB ICC Profile)]

End If

#save to container

Set Variable [$PDFData; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.Save"; $pdf; "invoice.pdf")]

Set Field [ZUGFeRD Invoice::Output PDF; $PDFData]

Commit Records/Requests []

#cleanup memory

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("DynaPDF.Release"; $pdf)]

As you see we first initialize DynaPDF if it's not already done. In a new PDF environment, we import from a container the whole PDF. Of course you can import from files or just import pages from different PDFs as needed to build in memory your final PDF. Than we define language and structure tree as required for PDF/A. We attach the XML from a field in this example. The XML is just a block of text which you can generate before, e.g. by filling values into a template.

Next we check conformance with ZUGFeRD standard. If you have DynaPDF Lite license, we only check and report okay or error. If you have a DynaPDF Pro + PDF/A license, we can fix errors and convert any PDF to PDF/A here (DynaPDF Editions). Next we add the required output intent ICC color profiles. Finally we save the PDF to a container.

Please do not hestiate to contact us with your questions. We also have the same examples for Xojo.

MBS Xojo Plugins, version 17.1pr4

New in this prerelease of the 17.1 plugins:
  • Updated DynaPDF to version
  • Added NSOutlineViewMBS, NSOutlineViewItemMBS and NSOutlineControlMBS for hierarchical Cocoa listbox.
  • For the conversion to NSObject* or CFTypeRef from variant we now consider Ptr to be a valid object pointer and expect you know what you are doing!
  • Added ResourcePropertyForKey and SetResourcePropertyForKey and a lot of keys to CFURLMBS class.
  • Fixed a bug in CNLabeledValueMBS failing to return phone number value.
  • Implemented Source and Text properties for ChromiumFrameMBS and CEF3.
  • Added CURLN* classes for using built-in CURL library with native SSL on Mac and Windows.
  • Split CURLEmail classes into own plugin part, so it can stay as CURLEmailMBS and used with all CURL variants.
  • Updated CURL library to version 7.53.1
  • Added AllowsCharacterPickerTouchBarItem and AutomaticTextCompletionEnabled for touch bar to NSTextFieldMBS class.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.

MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 7.1pr4

New in this prerelease of the 7.1 MBS FileMaker Plugin: Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.

Two months till MBS Xojo Conference in Berlin

The conference is coming closer and just two months are left. If you like to come, please check soon your schedule and make your reservations for traveling.

Monkeybread Software is pleased to announce the MBS Xojo Conference in metropolitan Berlin, Germany. We meet in the lovely Ellington hotel in the center of west Berlin. The hotel is near Kurfürstendamm, the Zoo and KaDeWe. Beside our two conference days we have accompanying social programme with our dinner event and optional two training days. For the evenings we have casual get-together in the hotel bar or beer garden.

Just two months left and we already have over 70 attendees from 16 countries. This is the only Xojo related conference in the year 2017 an the biggest so far in Europe.

We are happy to have Xojo engineers join our conference. Geoff Perlman, CEO of Xojo Inc. and other engineers will join us and present news about Xojo. Bob and Carol Keeney will share knowledge about reporting and databases, Yousaf Shah will show Raspberry Pi uses and talk about running a business. Jens Boschulte, our PDF specialist and creator of the DynaPDF library will be available for questions. And of course we have a few other well known Xojo developers coming.

The schedule:

May 3rd: Xojo Training in English
May 4th: Conference, first day with dinner event
May 5th: Conference, second day
May 6th: Xojo Training in German

See website for details: monkeybreadsoftware.de/conference

Attending the conference costs regularly 499 Euro plus VAT, including food and beverage in the Ellington Hotel as well as an accompanying social program.

Sessions are to be held in English. Our conference is conceived as a networking event for the Xojo community. The conference is an ideal opportunity for sharing your thoughts and your own development experience with fellow users and developers. If you like to hold a presentation, please contact us as soon as possible. Speaker receive discounted tickets.

Registration and more Information on our website.

JPEG Quality Estimate

You can actually query an estimate for the quality setting used to save a JPEG image.


In FileMaker

Set Variable [$img; Value:MBS("GMImage.NewFromContainer"; Image::InputImage)]

Set Variable [$value; Value:MBS("GMImage.GetAttribute"; $img; "JPEG-Quality")]

Show Custom Dialog ["JPEG Quality used to compress …"; $value]

Set Variable [$r; Value:MBS("GMImage.Destroy"; $img)]

Or in Xojo:

dim f as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test.jpg")

dim g as GMImageMBS = new GMImageMBS(f)

dim s as string = g.attributeValue("JPEG-Quality")

MsgBox "JPEG Quality: "+s

GraphicsMagick lets you read various attributes including EXIF, IPTC and 8BIM metadata.

The JPEG loader in GraphicsMagick checks the JPEG settings for colorspace, orientation and quality, so the same settings can be used to save the same image again.


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