REAL Studio UK User Group Event Agenda

REAL Studio UK User Group Event
Orange Rooms, Voluntary Action Leicestershire
Leicester, England LE1 5SN
The REAL Studio UK User Group is pleased to confirm a REAL Studio developer event at the Orange Rooms, Voluntary Action Leicestershire, Leicester on Thursday 28th July 2011.
- Christian Schmitz of Monkeybread will be presenting and answering questions on the Monkeybread plugins
- Geoff Perlman of REAL Software will demonstrate latest REAL Studio features, discuss latest news and the direction of REAL Studio and answer questions, all via video chat
- Steve Cholerton of Arten Science will present how to code using reusable controls and external modules
- Eric Gibbon of MacTasks will present REAL Studio developer resources and cross-platform development considerations
- There will also be an open Q&A session for general discussion and issue resolution
The event is FREE to attend, but there will be a charge of £12.50 per person for a buffet lunch and refreshments throughout the day.
There are still a few places available. If you are interested, please contact Eric Gibbon, to confirm your place.
08.45am - 09.30am ARRIVAL & COFFEE
09.30am Welcome (Eric Gibbon, MacTasks)
09.30am - 10.00am REAL Studio Developer Resources (Eric Gibbon, MacTasks)
10.00am - 10.45am Reusable Controls & External Modules (Steve Cholerton, Arten Science)
10.45am - 11.00am COFFEE BREAK
11.00am - 12.30pm Monkeybread Plugins & Q&A (Christian Schmitz, Monkeybread)
12.30pm - 13.30pm LUNCH BREAK
13.30pm - 14.00pm Cross-platform Considerations (Eric Gibbon, MacTasks)
14.00pm - 15.00pm Open Q&A
15.00pm - 15.15pm COFFEE BREAK
15.15pm - 16.30pm Geoff Perlman Video Chat & Q&A
16.30pm Event Ends / Next meeting Discussion
See you there!