MBS Real Studio Plugins, version 11.2pr6

Please note that until Mac OS X 10.7 ships, we can't release plugins using new functionality. But we can inform you about progress.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Removed IMServiceArrayMBS, IMStringArrayMBS, IMServiceInfoMBS and IMServiceInfoArrayMBS classes.
- Rewrote parts of Addressbook and InstantMessage plugin. You need to update your code.
- Updated CoreWLAN plugin part for Mac OS X 10.7.
- Updated CoreLocation plugin part for Mac OS X 10.7.
- Prepared StoreKit Plugin for Mac OS X 10.7.
- Updated Addressbook related plugin parts for Mac OS X 10.7 with new classes and methods.
- Added WinUSBDeviceMBS class.
- Added acceptsFirstMouse and viewDidMoveToWindow events for CustomNSViewMBS class.
- Added NSViewMBS.enclosingMenuItem function.