MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 7.4pr3
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added App.OpenFile for Mac to open file in FileMaker by script.
- Changed WordFile.ReplaceTag to be case insensitive for ASCII characters.
- Added WordFile.GetCaseless and WordFile.SetCaseless for case (in)sensitivity.
- Changed ImageCapture device dialog to automatically select device if there is only one.I
- Added SQL_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE as one of the options we pass from SQL connections down to all command objects.
- Added option in Text.TextToHTML to keep links in html.
- Added AVRecorder.GetAutomaticallyAdjustsVideoMirroring, AVRecorder.GetVideoMirrored, AVRecorder.IsVideoMirroringSupported, AVRecorder.SetAutomaticallyAdjustsVideoMirroring and AVRecorder.SetVideoMirrored to mirror video on Mac/iOS.
- Changed PDFKit.WriteToPath to now also use quartz filter.