Xojo Feedback Success rate

Over the years I contributed 1117 cases there:
1117 | Status | Percent |
1 | Open | 0,1 % |
2 | scheduled | 0,2 % |
3 | Completed & Fixed | 0,3 % |
5 | Need Review | 0,4 % |
21 | Implemented | 1,9 % |
24 | resolved | 2,1 % |
24 | Closed (Duplicate) | 2,1 % |
28 | Closed (Already Exists) | 2,5 % |
40 | Closed (by Design) | 3,6 % |
56 | Closed (Won’t Implement) | 5,0 % |
90 | Closed (Misc) | 8,1 % |
97 | N/A | 8,7 % |
108 | Closed (Not Reproducible) | 9,7 % |
121 | verified | 10,8 % |
220 | Fixed & Verified | 19,7 % |
277 | Reviewed | 24,8 % |
As you can see I have a lot of cases. Some even lost their status. This happens often if the type of the cases switched and the new status is not applicable for the new case type. Overall I have 268 (24%) of my cases being completed, fixed or resolved. I think this is an impressive rate, if you think that Xojo Inc. is a company with very limited resources.
So please participate. When Xojo Inc. looks for things to do for next release, they will look into the feedback app. What cases have a high voting? What cases are important to people or to engineers? What bugs are critical? There are thousands of cases with nice to have things and some get done, too. Other cases get a clearly no, which is often very difficult to decide. The 96 cases I have which got closed with "Won't implement" or "By Design" status, disappointed me of course. But other cases have been resolved or fixed the same day I reported them. My success rate of 24% makes me happy here and continues my hope that I can change Xojo to be more like I need it to be.
So please participate. Bugs can only be fixed if someone enters them in Feedback. Feature wishes will easier be seen if you assign your points to cases. And remember: Just because someone complains on the forum or mailing list about an issue will not change anything unless it is in feedback and everyone can check status there. So if you see a good feature request or a bug somewhere, please report it, so it's not lost.
PS: For my own plugins I do similar. We can discuss plugin wishes a lot. I usually will tell to send me an email to follow up. Because I often forget the wishes or bug reports soon. And if nobody sends me an email, it is probably not important.