IP in menubar 4.5

This small application runs in the background and shows the current IP address of your Mac in the menu bar. There are options available to customize the appearance of the menu entry. The IP dddress is updated regulary. Switch on the Router option if you are behind a router or gateway. You can still see your local IP address in the menu.
This application is freeware and provided as is.
IP in menubar is an example of what you can do in Xojo using the MBS Plugins and their NSStatusItemMBS class.
Changes in Version 4.5:
- Added option to show country flag.
- Added option to show notification when IP changes. This allows you to keep a history in notification center.
- Added option to show VPN IP.
- Fixed a bug for not connected and behind a router.
The application is freeware, but contributions are accepted through PayPal.
Download at the IP in menubar website.