Call for Speakers for REAL Studio conferences

We are particularly interested in topics that fit into one or more of the following tracks:
- Solidifying REAL Studio development — This track will appeal to all REAL Studio developers. Sessions should cover either REAL Studio fundamentals, aimed at those newer to REAL Studio, whether moving up from older versions or coming to REAL Studio from other languages; or REAL Studio best practices, aimed at helping all REAL Studio developers improve.
- Taking advantage of REAL Studio — The sessions in this track should showcase the projects in REAL Studio, providing attendees with enough information to put those projects to work for them. These sessions should be deep dives into specific REAL Studio projects. We also expect to offer a single "What's new in REAL Studio?" session.
- Extending REAL Studio — The sessions in this track will look at ways to extend REAL Studio's reach, by using it together with other products or by taking advantage of native extension capabilities.
- Web Development — This track will cover topics related to developing websites and web applications.
- Technology and Business for the REAL Studio developer — This track will look at tools, technologies and techniques to make life as a developer easier and more productive.
Read also: Tips for extra days in Koblenz, Call for Speakers, Hotels in Koblenz, Reasons to visit Germany and REAL Studio Conference 2010.