MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.0
Nickenich, Germany - (January 16th, 2024) -- Monkeybread Software today is pleased to announce MBS Xojo Plugins 24.0 for macOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin collection currently available for Xojo. MBS Xojo Plugins have been updated and now includes over 3000 classes and 81,000 documented features, and the versatile plugins have gained more new functions:
We updated our plugins for Xojo 2023r4. We updated the delegates in CURL, iOS, Mac64bit, MacBase, MacCF, MacFrameworks, Picture plugins and improved the RowSet handling in our MBS Xojo SQL Plugin to be compatible. Then we improved our Chromium based classes for the new Xojo version since it uses a newer CEF version. We highly recommend updating the plugins if you like to try this Xojo version or future ones.
For this release we rearranged internal plugin parts. While we ship 52 plugins currently, they are internally composed of about 400 parts. That is less than the older plugins with over 500 parts. Our plugins load quicker in Xojo due to the reduced number of plugin parts to load.
If you use Google Ads in your iOS applications, please update to the new plugin with Google AdMob SDK in version 10.14 and enjoy the additional classes to show the content dialog. The new consent dialog is required for Google Play store. You can simulate the use of your application in a different region where more or less consent is needed.
Our new JSON plugin gets new functions for creating diffs with the changes between two JSON documents. Then we can apply the patch later. The functions allow you to log changes between JSONs to document changes.
For macOS we added new controls NSSegmentedControlControlMBS and NSPathControlControlMBS, so you can easier use a plugin provided SegmentedControl and PathControl controls.
The DynaPDF plugin got a new DynaPDFParserMBS class to make the parser available for Xojo developers. It allows you to find and replace text on a page, highlight or mark texts and delete texts.
For Windows we got new functions to WindowsPDFPageMBS for synchronous and asynchronous rendering of pages to images. For Bluetooth LE, we improved the WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS class to work better on Windows 10.
The BigNumberMBS and LargeNumberMBS classes got new functions to convert to/from strings. You can configure the behavior for BigNumberMBS class with the new BigNumberConversionMBS class. If you need random numbers in various distributions in Xojo, you can use RandomExponentialDistributionMBS, RandomNormalDistributionMBS and RandomPoissonDistributionMBS functions.
We improved scrolling for NSSearchFieldControlMBS class, the NSMutableAttributedStringMBS class got a new replaceCharacters function, we made more properties in CURLEmailMBS class visible to the debugger and the new CopyArrayMBS function helps to quickly copy arrays.
Finally we updated CURL to version 8.5.0, DynaPDF to, openssl to 3.1.4, SQLAPI to 5.3, SQLite to 3.44.1, LCMS to 2.16, Xcode to 15.2 and Visual Studio to version 2022.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.