MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.5pr7

- Added touch events for MapKitIOSControlMBS and SCNIOSControlMBS controls.
- Updated NSEventMBS class to work on iOS with UIEvent internally.
- Added UnicodeStrings method for LCMS2MLUMBS class.
- Added NSTouchMBS class for macOS and iOS (using UITouch on iOS).
- Enabled CDTreeMapNodeMBS class for iOS.
- Fixed memory leak in NSSplitViewControlMBS class destructor.
- Improved exception handling for GMConvertMBS class.
- Improved exception handling for threaded XMLDocumentMBS methods.
- Fixed FindField in DynaPDFMBS class to better find a field in a group, broken in 23.4.
- Enabled support for WebP pictures to MBS Xojo GraphicsMagick Plugin for macOS ARM target.
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