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MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.4

Nickenich, Germany - (September 12th, 2023) -- MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS Xojo Plugins 23.4 for macOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin collection currently available for Xojo. MBS Xojo Plugins have been updated and now includes over 3000 classes and 80,000 documented features, and the versatile plugins have gained more new functions:

We updated our SSL support for our MongoDB plugin. We switched to using OpenSSL as the transport encryption for the MongoDB library for macOS and iOS. The SSLLibrary function tells you which SSL library is in use. You can use MongoSSLOptionsMBS class to specify SSL options in addition to putting them into the connection string. To check about possible reasons for connection problems, we got a new trace logging functionality with Trace property in MongoClientMBS class. And by regularly calling ping method you can check whether the connection is alive and keep it open.

For macOS we got a new NSSplitViewControlMBS control and the related NSSplitViewMBS class to get the native split control into Xojo. You can customize the splitter and decide between horizontal and vertical layout.

For Windows we rewrote the WindowsPowerStateMBS class. It got a couple of new methods to register for receiving various events about battery capacity change, lid switch change, power source change and suspend/resume events for the mobile computer. The Bluetooth LE classes got updated to support pairing with new WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS class. The WebView2ControlMBS control has new methods to map virtual host names to local folders.

For iOS we enabled the use of Midi features using MidiClientMBS class. We updated NSTextListMBS class to work on iOS and improved NSMutableAttributedStringMBS class.

We got new Base32 encoding and decoding functions, the ProcessRelativeURL method for CURLSMBS class can help to expand relative URLs and we include the BugreporterKit with the examples. The SerialPortMBS class can open paths to special devices like pipes.

Finally we updated ChartDirector to version 7.1, curl to 8.2.1, DynaPDF to, SQLAPI to 5.2.5 and SQLite to version 3.43.1.

See release notes for a complete list of changes.

The biggest plugin in space...
12 09 23 - 10:08