Warning about macOS Ventura and Contacts framework
A few customers updated to macOS Ventura and reported crashes with saving contacts to the contacts database in macOS. This happens with both Xojo and FileMaker plugins using the AddContact functions. This may not crash on every request and may depend on configuration, e.g. whether you use iCloud.
The crash report look like this:
Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: NSManagedObjectContext 0x7fc9e8b65fb0 0 libobjc.A.dylib . 0x7ff81681ee29 objc_msgSend + 41 1 CoreData . 0x7ff81c932e1f -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 2319 2 CoreData . 0x7ff81c962b4d -[NSManagedObjectContext save:] + 1949 3 AddressBookCore . 0x7ff829741d76 -[ABManagedObjectContext save:] + 453 4 Contacts . 0x7ff82994c55c -[CNCDSaveRequestExecutor executeSaveRequest:] + 612 5 Contacts . 0x7ff82994c116 __71+[CNCDSaveRequestExecutor executeSaveRequest:inPersistenceStack:error:]_block_invoke + 129 6 ContactsPersistence . 0x7ff829696e1f __70-[CNCDPersistenceContext performBlockAndWaitWithManagedObjectContext:]_block_invoke + 52 7 CoreData . 0x7ff81c92dc7e developerSubmittedBlockToNSManagedObjectContextPerform + 158 8 libdispatch.dylib . 0x7ff816a0ba44 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 9 libdispatch.dylib . 0x7ff816a1936b _dispatch_lane_barrier_sync_invoke_and_complete + 60 10 CoreData . 0x7ff81c92db95 -[NSManagedObjectContext performBlockAndWait:] + 277 11 ContactsPersistence . 0x7ff829696dc1 -[CNCDPersistenceContext performBlockAndWaitWithManagedObjectContext:] + 160 12 Contacts . 0x7ff82994bfa4 +[CNCDSaveRequestExecutor executeSaveRequest:inPersistenceStack:error:] + 290 13 Contacts . 0x7ff8299052b5 __83-[CNDataMapperContactStore executeSaveRequest:response:authorizationContext:error:]_block_invoke + 398 14 Contacts . 0x7ff82994ff5e __28-[_CNContactsLogger saving:]_block_invoke_2 + 29 15 libsystem_trace.dylib . 0x7ff816935edf os_activity_apply_f + 66 16 Contacts . 0x7ff82994feda -[_CNContactsLogger saving:] + 223 17 Contacts . 0x7ff829904e83 -[CNDataMapperContactStore executeSaveRequest:response:authorizationContext:error:] + 654 18 MBS . 0x1d0215567 CNContactStore_AddContact(CallData&, fmx::DataVect const&, fmx::Data&) + 271
We reported those crashes to Apple (#11722892). Since NSPersistentStoreCoordinator is deep inside Apple's frameworks, we hope they will see it with other customers and fix it in the next updates.
You may know the saying: "no backup, no mercy". Well, similar to this, if you install a new OS version on a production system before there is a .2 or .3 update and without proper testing, we can't really be sorry. Please don't update your Macs without knowing that all the software you use works fine.