MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 12.0pr8

- Added Preferences.List function.
- Fixed issue in new table occurrence feature when using related tables.
- Fixed Path.FileMakerPathToNativePath to recognise filelinux: prefix.
- Changed object management to log warning if you have more than 100 objects allocated. This may point to an issue in your scripts not releasing objects.
- Fixed problem where plugin would unnecessarily complain about mutex problem on server.
- Added Files.IsExcludedFromBackup, Files.IsFileExtensionHidden, Files.SetExcludedFromBackup and Files.SetFileExtensionHidden functions.
- Changed default comment color in scripts to dark green instead of black. Feel free to adjust with SyntaxColoring.AddTag if you prefer other colors.
- Fixed issue with calendar item function, where a newly created event wouldn't be know on next function call if the calendar database reported change.