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See invisible characters in FileMaker calculations

At FileMaker conference in TulĂșm, we got a feature request to see invisible characters in FileMaker calculations dialog. With next MBS Plugin 9.2, you can press Command-I in the text editor and to toggle showing invisible characters. You may see tab characters, new lines and even unprintable control characters show. This applies both to calculation dialog and custom functions dialog.

Another thing we got are tab stops. By default there are 12 and we just double this to 24 for you. So you can use tab characters to organize your bigger statements. Pressing Command-R will show the ruler if you need it, so you can see the tab stops. While you can use various options there, the formatting will not be saved in FileMaker.

You can press Command-F to search for text, press Command-G to continue search and press Command-Option-C to copy text with style.
10 04 19 - 18:49