One week left for special hotel rate for XDC 2019

The hotel offers the same rooms regularly for about $269 per night, so the rate is very good!There is still time to plan your trip to Miami and we are seeing great prices on flights (Roundtrip from Boston: $124, Denver $130, Raleigh $179, Chicago $161, Austin $179, San Francisco $236, Salt Lake City $201, Portland $209, Atlanta $118, London $407, Barcelona $572, Paris $678, etc. ! Our hotel room block (and amazing room rate of $149) only lasts through Monday, March 25th, so book your hotel room ASAP.
May 1-3, 2019 | Miami, Florida | Marriott Biscayne Bay
Sessions | Networking | Fun
Watch our 2018 highlights video to hear from attendees what it's like!
XDC Home Sessions List Agenda Register
If you like to attend a conference, there is a the bigger official Xojo Developer Conference in May 2019 in Miami and our European Xojo conference in Cologne in October 2019.