MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.1pr1

- Updated CURL to version 7.64.0.
- Added LinuxIconMBS module.
- Fixed crash with CDBaseChartMBS.addExtraField function.
- Added SCNAccelerationConstraintMBS, SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintMBS, SCNBillboardConstraintMBS, SCNConstraintMBS, SCNDistanceConstraintMBS, SCNIKConstraintMBS, SCNLookAtConstraintMBS, SCNReplicatorConstraintMBS, SCNSliderConstraintMBS and SCNTransformConstraintMBS classes.
- Added SCNActionMBS class.
- Added SCNBoxMBS, SCNCapsuleMBS, SCNConeMBS, SCNCylinderMBS, SCNFloorMBS, SCNPlaneMBS, SCNPyramidMBS, SCNShapeMBS, SCNSphereMBS, SCNTextMBS, SCNTorusMBS and SCNTubeMBS classes.
- Added SCNVector4MBS, SCNMatrix4MBS, SCNVector3MBS, SCNMaterialPropertyMBS and SCNMaterialMBS classes for SceneKit.
- Fixed uncatchable UnsupportedFormatException in internal NSURL to Variant conversion.
- Added CFDictionaryMBS methods for CGRect/CGPoint/CGSize to/from dictionary.
- Fixed bug with Port property in DatagramMBS not set correctly, broken in version 18.3.
- Added UNNotificationMBS and related classes for notifications on MacOS 10.14 or newer. (NSUserNotificationMBS is deprecated by Apple.)
- Fixed ECDHEMBS.ParamsInfo property to not crash if nil.
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