MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.0pr8

- Changed ICDeviceBrowserMBS destructor to call stop for you automatically.
- Added nil check of saveRequest parameter for CNContactStoreMBS.executeSaveRequest function.
- Manually applied CURL fix: vauth/oauth2: Fix OAUTHBEARER token generation #3377 (for Mac)
- Fixed bug with inline email text decoding and an extra space character sometimes.
- Updated to DynaPDF to version
- Fixed bug in FileListMBS, introduced in pr6.
- Removed clock_gettime symbol for GraphicsMagick as that is not available before MacOS 10.11, bug introduced in pr4.
- Fixed bug in NewCFObjectMBSFromXML introduced in earlier pr.
- Added more clases for MapKit, so the framework is now completely covered in the plugin.
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