European Xojo Conference Upgrades

We have booked a full ball room in Cologne which can be split into two rooms. The ball room can fit over 150 people so we have plenty of space, even if we split it. We ordered of course two projectors and microphones as well as speakers. The advantage of taking the whole ball room is that we can be there on our own. No other group will fight with us for the coffee breaks. In Munich were one of three groups and the break area was too small. So we had to schedule to take break when others couldn’t have a break. This is different for Cologne, where we will have our own space in front of the ballroom. In the foyer we have all day coffee, a tea station, snacks for the breaks as well as a refrigerator with cold soft drinks.
We hope to find speakers to fill the schedule and have two tracks in parallel. The big sessions like the keynotes will be in the full ballroom. But for smaller sessions we split and than we could for example get a database and a mobile track.
For the dinner on Thursday we got an excellent party location. The Höhnerstall is a two story event location with a fantastic view to the city center. We rented the place for our group, so we can enjoy ourselves. Buffet and an open bar will as well as the brewery tour will make a nice conference night. We expect a couple of you to bring partners and maybe even kids there, so please let us know how many you have for that night.
For the other nights we will probably meet at the bar as usual and than decide for the dinner. Maybe we organize something if you don’t want to checkout the historic city center yourself.
As I know we will have some people from far away. If you stay a few days extra, please let us know. We may organize something for the Tuesday afternoon. For example a tour to the roof of the cathedral. Not the regular climb for tourists onto the towers, but a guided tour for a small group. If you need a lift, let me know and I ask for one. But it may be the cargo lift...
We expect some Xojo staff to be present at the conference. Like last year we offered to host two guests from America. So far we know Geoff Perlman, CEO of Xojo Inc. is coming. From Europe we expect the local Xojo staff to join us including Stephane Pinel from Paris.
The European conference is smaller than the US conference. There you can find all them American Xojo staff and talk directly to them. Show them your projects and whatever problems you have. Learn what is new in Xojo or coming soon. But for a lot of people in Europe traveling to the USA is not an option due to cost or visa problems. Our conference allows developers from Europe to visit a conference on a fraction of the cost and still meet a part of the Xojo community.
Let’s get this started and please sign up soon. We need to know how many attendees we have. The first 20 tickets are not yet sold, so it is still time to sign up early and get the best ticket price.