MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 18.5

This version provides new classes for SmartCards. The new CryptoTokenKit plugin part wraps the framework from Apple to handle smart cards on Mac OS for 64-bit applications. New functions for APDU protocol allow you to read data from various smart cards. This includes reading Swiss health insurance cards, Belgian identity cards and many more. The same functions got added to SmartCardMBS class to do the same cross platform for Mac and Windows with the PCSC libraries.
The ChartDirectory library got updated to version 6.3 with resource loading from memory as well as a lot of bug fixes. We improved our Xojo plugin to better handle HiDPI and return pictures with proper resolution setting.
For MacOS we have new NSTextFinderMBS class and related classes to show search panel. This works for NSTextViewMBS based controls and standard Xojo textarea controls. In both you can show the user search and replace controls like in TextEdit application.
As we now build the plugins with Xcode 10.1 for 64-bit and Xcode 9.4 for 32-bit, we moved the minimum MacOS version required up to MacOS 10.9.
For Windows, we got a few enhancements: New date properties help you in the WindowsFileInfoMBS class. For HTMLViewer control, you can now end browser session with IEClearBrowserSessionMBS and clear session cookies. MAPI Email sending got improved to work better.
The new SGLockMBS module allows you to use dongles from SG Intec. The new KeychainAccessControlMBS class helps with TouchID on MacOS, InstallNSAccessibilityPatchMBS fixes a crash with NSAccessibility and menu classes in Xojo, we got a new CURLSURLMBS class for URL parsing and CIFilter classes updated for MacOS 10.14 Mojave.
Finally we updated CURL to version 7.62.0, DynaPDF to version, OpenSSL to version 1.1.1 for all targets, SQLite to version 3.25.2, SQLAPI library to version 4.2.4 beta 2, LibXL 3.8.3, and zlib to version 1.2.11.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.