MBS FileMaker Plugin 8.5 - More than 5500 Functions In One Plugin

Our SSH functions got a new tunnel feature. Beside file transfers over SSH (SFTP), running remote shell commands on another computer via SSH, we now finally got a tunnel feature. You can tunnel for example a MySQL database connection through the SSH tunnel to reach a database server in the data center, which is not available directly via the internet.
New smartcard functions for APDU protocol allow you to read data from various smart cards. This includes reading swiss health insurance cards, belgian identity cards and many more.
Our new Text.MergeFields function can merge field values, variables and evaluate expressions to fill values into a text.
For MacOS we got a new function to remember column widths in the dialog for custom functions. Our preferences dialog got new checkmarks to enable/disable this feature. File dialogs for MacOS can now operate as sheets with script trigger when done to process files selected. For all lists shown in FileMaker, you can click on them to set focus, press command-option-C to copy the content of the table. With Command-+ or - you can zoom in the lists, which is great for presentations.
To better track errors returned by MBS plugin calls, you can use our Plugin.SetErrorScriptTrigger function. When a plugin function returns an error, we will schedule a script trigger to report the error with a JSON object. The JSON contains details like script name, MBS call with parameters, result and some more details.
A couple of functions got ported for more platforms. The Windows.Scrollbar functions now work for MacOS, iOS and Windows. The WebView.Screenshot and Window.Screenshot got ported to iOS. We implemented Files.GetNodeID and Files.GetPathFromNodeID for WIndows. And with WebView.Scrollbar functions you can scroll a web viewer in FileMaker 16 with MacOS and iOS.
We updated the Amazon S3 example to do upload, download, delete and listing for files in the buckets. FTP file listings can now be returned as JSON to process easier. Webview.ClearBrowserSession function allows you to end browser session for Windows and clear session cookies.
As we now build the plugins with Xcode 10.1 for 64-bit and Xcode 9.4 for 32-bit, we moved the minimum MacOS version required up to MacOS 10.9.
Finally we upgraded CURL to version 7.62.0, DynaPDF to version, OpenSSL to version 1.1.1 for all targets, SQLite to version 3.25.2, SQLAPI library to version 4.2.4 beta 2, and zlib to version 1.2.11.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.