MBS Xojo Training

Looking on topics, there may be different cases:
- Getting started in Xojo, starting with a walk though the IDE and building an example application live in front of audience.
- Kickstart a project by building a prototype together with me. We setup the basics, do a little part so your developer learns how to do it and than adds more similar pages or windows.
- We debug your application to try to fix a list of bugs.
- Reviewing your project for possible problems and security holes and make sure you have less problems in future.
- Learn from the experts advanced features like declares, delegates or interfaces.
- Learn what we have available in the plugin toolbox to help your applications.
- Kick start your project by implementing a new feature based on a plugin where you like to have help from the guy who wrote the plugin.
- Connect a new device (e.g. USB) to your application by creating the interface via plugin.
- We may even work on a plugin of your company or in a project add a new function to MBS plugins to help you.
- Assist a new employee and help them developing in Xojo.
Training is available as one to one or group training. It can be organized in your company, in our office or in some hotel. While I may work via phone & screen sharing for some things, I may often need to connect to a database or physical device, so physical presence is sometimes easier than getting a hole in the firewall.
If you are interested in any of this, please get in touch.