MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.5pr2
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Fixed issues with printer settings for DynaPDFMBS print methods on Windows.
- Improved RemoveAccentsMBS to include greece characters.
- Changed CDBaseChartMBS.MakeChartPicture to set resolution of picture to ScaleFactor * 72 dpi.
- Changed SQLDatabaseMBS to return RecordSet where you can query names of columns even if you have no rows.
- Fixed bug in PaletteCalculatorMBS.GetNearestIndexOfColor with color parameter.
- Fixed FinderUpdateMBS for 64-bit to work by calling internally NSWorkSpaceMBS.noteFileSystemChanged.
- Added more NSErrorMBS methods to create custom error objects.
- Fixed a bug to avoid crash with RegisterMBSPlugins with wrong license key.
- Fixed bug in SSL initialization introduced in pr1.
- Updated to zlib 1.2.11.
- Fixed bug in DynaPDF print functions (made white pages) and fixed example (printed only one page).
- Fixed bugs in WindowsMidiOutputMBS and WindowsMidiInputMBS for 64-bit.
- Fixed SystemInformationMBS.SystemFont for Mac.
- Added new plugin part to Mac64bit plugin for CryptoTokenKit from Apple.
- Fixed problem with SystemInformationMBS.Computername and MBS.ComputerName returning extra characters.
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