MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.4pr3

- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added WebUIDelegateMBS.ContextMenuItemsForElement event.
- Raised limit for JPEGMovieMBS class to make larger videos.
- Added interactionNotAllowed, localizedCancelTitle and localizedReason to LAContextMBS class.
- Upgraded MacNodeIDMBS, MacParentDirectoryIDMBS and MacResolveNodeIDMBS in folderitem class to use newer APIs which work for AFS volumes.
- Added PrepareCIImage, PrepareJPEGData and PrepareNSImage to AVCaptureVideoDataOutputMBS class.
- Changed CMSampleBufferMBS to cache CVImageBufferMBS.
- Changed CVImageBufferMBS to cache NSImageMBS and CGImageMBS objects and jpeg data Memoryblock.
- Fixed memory leak in CVImageBufferMBS.NSImage function.
- Fixed problem with sample buffer in captureOutputDidOutputSampleBuffer event.
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