MBS FileMaker Plugin 8.3 released
If you need to pick a color, we got new ColorPanel functions. On MacOS they show the floating palette from Apple to pick a color and you get a script triggered when a new color is chosen. For Windows, it shows the standard color picker dialog and you get back the color chosen right away.
For CURL, we got a new CURL.SetupOAuth function for oAuth to use web services with Open Authentication easier. The function handles the signatures required for a query with oAuth and signs request with your given keys. We added a few new options to CURL functions and disallow username and passwords in URLs by default.
If you have a digital camera connected to your Mac, you can use our improved ImageCapture functions to query images on the camera, download them and even take new images with your tethered camera. You can get back JSON for devices, parameters and features.
As FileMaker 15 and newer are 64-bit only on Mac, we include only 64-bit for our Mac plugin. The 32-bit plugin is still available for older versions of FileMaker, but renamed to "MBS 32-bit.fmplugin". If you are not sure which one to install, you can simply install both and FileMaker ignores the other one.
GraphicsMagick functions got an upgrade to use 16-bit colors on MacOS. This allows you to edit 16-bit images better. We also got new functions to detect gray images, query quantum depth and read gradients.
For iOS you can use BlueThermProbe functions for using a BlueThermâ„¢ Probe device from ThermoWorks with iOS. You can connect to device, query information and the temperatures.
For your FileMaker windows on MacOS, you can change the toolbar menus to remove entries using Window.ConfigureToolbarMenu function. You can query the height of the toolbar in FileMaker using Window.TopHeight function.
Our new Text.AddLineNumbers function allows you to add line numbers to existing text and preserve the formatting. This allows you to use functions like JSON.Format and XML.Format to format JSON or XML text. Than with JSON.Colorize or XML.Colorize, you add colors and than add line numbers with the function above.
On Windows you may have seen the COM dialog for message timeouts or delays: "Error: Server Busy. This action cannot be completed because the other program is busy". By calling FM.InitMessageFilter once on start, you can disable this dialog. The plugin will tell COM modules to wait and not show a dialog, so your users won't see the dialog any more.
The shell functions can close the streams, you can query mount path for network volume, you can add value to plugin variables thread safe, sockets got a new tag property and better handle IPv6, FileDialog functions got upgraded on Windows for newer APIs, we got a CRC32 function, Speech functions include pause and resume, audit can lookup fields by ID and ignores table prefixes in field names, we got new modes for showing popup menus, new dock width/height functions, ImagePicker overlays for iOS and you can jump to next search result with Command-G in search bars.
Finally we updated CURL to version 7.61.0, DynaPDF to version, OpenSSL to 1.1.0h and 1.0.2o, SQLite to 3.24.0 and SQLAPI to version 4.3.3.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.