Ask the Experts at MBS Xojo Conference in Munich

Experts can sign up to provide one to one talks outside the conference room. We provide a table outside, where you can sit together with an expert and discuss a problem in Xojo or your projects. If you are an expert in a topic, let us know which hours you are available and we put you on the list of experts. At the conference, attendees can sign up for a short (15m) session to discuss a topic in private. Of course you can arrange with expert more time if needed. Experts already include Ulrich Bogun, Thomas Tempelmann and me.
Already over forty developers from ten countries are signed up including Xojo CEO Geoff Perlman and Xojo Evangelist Paul Lefebvre. The schedule is mostly done with only a few sessions still pending. Reserve your ticket and your hotel room as soon as possible.
Our Hotel room contingent expires later this month, so please make sure you have a room booked.
The schedule:
Sep 4th | Day | optional sight seeing tour |
Sep 4th | Evening | optional get-together with everyone arriving early |
Sep 5th | Day | optional Xojo training (English) |
Sep 5th | Evening | optional get-together with everyone arriving early |
Sep 6th | 9:00 to 18:00 | First day of conference with keynotes |
Evening | Dinner event in Augustiner Keller | |
Sep 7th | 9:00 to 18:00 | Second day of conference with more sessions | Evening | Optional dinner together |

We all look forward to presentations about Android, the new Web Framework other news in the Xojo keynote.
Registration is open. The late bird offer available till end of June is just 599 Euro plus VAT if needed. Attending the conference costs regularly 699 Euro plus VAT, including food and beverage in the Maritim Hotel as well as an accompanying social program.
Sessions are to be held in English. Our conference is conceived as a networking event for the Xojo community. The conference is an ideal opportunity for sharing your thoughts and your own development experience with fellow users and developers. If you like to hold a presentation, please contact us as soon as possible.