Sum up values in JSON with MBS FileMaker Plugin
We recently got a new FM.Loop function for our plugin. It allows you to run a loop in one plugin call and evaluate a lot of things in one line. For example you can loop over items in a JSON array and sum them up.
Lets take our first example. We have a JSON area with numbers from 1 to 10. You probably remember this sums 55 from school. The JSON.GetArraySize queries the number of entries in the array. With the loop function we loop from 0 to count-1 to query each of the items int the array and sum them up. For that we use a Let statement. In this case we first query the value with JSON.GetPathItem and than use $sum variable to add the new value. Take a look:
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]" ]
Set Variable [ $count ; Value: MBS( "JSON.GetArraySize"; $json ) ]
Set Variable [ $sum ; Value: 0 ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "FM.Loop"; "i"; 0; $count-1; 1; "Let([v = MBS( \"JSON.GetPathItem\"; $json; i; 1); $sum = $sum + v];0)" ) ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "Sum" ; $sum ]
For the next example we have a bigger JSON string with an array of objects. You may have got this from a web service. Like this list of prices for items:
"item": "1",
"name": "Test",
"price": 123
"item": "2",
"name": "Other",
"price": 234
"item": "3",
"name": "Item",
"price": 345
Our script is a bit more complicated as we need to build the path to the item in the script with the calculation i & \¶ & \"price\". That takes the index of current array element, followed by ¶ as separator and price as the item to pick. This is the script with a lot of extra backslashes for escaping:
Set Variable [ $json ; Value: "[ { \"item\": \"1\", \"name\": \"Test\", \"price\": 123 }, { \"item\": \"2\", \"name\": \"Other\", \"price\": 234 }, { \"item\": \"3\", \"name\": \"Item\", \"price\": 345 } ]" ]
Set Variable [ $count ; Value: MBS( "JSON.GetArraySize"; $json ) ]
Set Variable [ $sum ; Value: 0 ]
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "FM.Loop"; "i"; 0; $count-1; 1; "Let([v = MBS( \"JSON.GetPathItem\"; $json; i & \¶ & \"price\"; 1); $sum = $sum + v];0)" ) ]
Show Custom Dialog [ "Sum" ; $sum ]
We hope you enjoy hacking JSON like this with our plugin!