MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 7.1pr3

- Updated CURL library to version 7.53.0
- Changed Dialog functions to center dialog before FileMaker window.
- Changed FM.AllowFileDragDrop to also handle PDF files.
- Added flags to XML.Import to trim and convert CData to text.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added Dialog.GetButton and Dialog.SetButton to have up to 10 buttons on a dialog.
- Added Progressdialog.GetEvaluate, Progressdialog.GetFileName, Progressdialog.GetScriptName, Progressdialog.SetEvaluate, Progressdialog.SetScript to trigger script/evaluation when clicking cancel button.
- Updated SQLite to 3.17.0.
- Added DynaPDF.HaveOpenDocument and DynaPDF.HaveOpenPage.
- Updated to current PortMidi library version.
- Added PortMidi.CurrentEvent function.
- Added HotKey.GetKeyUp and HotKey.SetKeyUp.