Need a Xojo lite license for a friend?

c't Special Mac 2016
This includes a couple of free software titles: Xojo Desktop Lite, FotoMagico, BeaTunes, Little Snitch, GraphicConverter, PhotoSweeper, StarMoney, Boxcryptor and a few coupons for other titles.
To get it, you need to go on the heise shop. Click on the green button to add to shopping card. Than click on checkout (Zur Kasse). Take the tab for guests (Gast) or create an account. Fill the order form, enter credit card, check the first and last checkbox and use the buy button (Jetzt kaufen) on the bottom. You should get a PDF and some instructions including a code for receiving licenses. For Xojo you need to send the code to an email address and the answer contains your activation code which you can activate on the xojo website to get a Xojo for Mac desktop license.
So if you have a friend, a kid or you need a license yourself, this is just 9 Euro for a Xojo Mac desktop license. Enjoy!