Register MBS Xojo Plugins
// in a Register method called from App.Open
// Complete Set: User Tester, MBS Complete, 201704, 5234524524352435
dim s as string = decodeBase64("S1JiU24523451liVG9oVUpybUQ=", encodings.UTF8)
dim p as string = decodeBase64("TUJTI24352345sZXRl", encodings.UTF8)
dim n as string = decodeBase64("V245435230ZXI=", encodings.UTF8)
dim e as integer = 201704
dim t as string = decodeBase64("cWJWY3254325245xSWYxYk4=", encodings.UTF8)
if not registerMBSPlugin(n, p, e, s+t) then
MsgBox "MBS Plugin serial not valid?"
end if
// DynaPDF: "31452345-4523452345-23452345"
dim key as string = DecodeBase64("IjMxNDUyMzQ1LTQ1MjM0NTIzNDUtMjM0NTIzNDUi", encodings.UTF8)
DynaPDFMBS.setLicenseKeyGlobal key
// ChartDirector: User Tester, 201704, 34234234, -202995723
dim serial1 as integer = 342342
dim serial2 as integer = -2029957
dim year as integer = 2017
dim month as integer = 4
dim x100 as integer = 100
dim name as string = DecodeBase64("VXNlciBUZXN0ZXI=", encodings.UTF8) // User Tester
CDBaseChartMBS.setLicenseCode name, year*x100+month, serial1*x100+11, serial2*x100+23
// SQL Plugin: User Tester, 201704, 523452345, -203134534
dim serial1 as integer = 5234523
dim serial2 as integer = -2031345
dim year as integer = 2017
dim month as integer = 4
dim x100 as integer = 100
dim name as string = DecodeBase64("VXNlciBUZXN0ZXI=", encodings.UTF8) // User Tester
SQLGlobalsMBS.setLicenseCode name, year*x100+month, serial1*x100+02, serial2*x100+-40
// LibXL with platform depending keys
#if TargetMacOS then
XLBookMBS.SetKeyGlobal "Test User", "mac-239487652908567926"
#elseif TargetLinux then
XLBookMBS.SetKeyGlobal "Test User", "linux-563547357345735475"
#elseif TargetWindows then
XLBookMBS.SetKeyGlobal "Test User", "windows-375473457345735473"
Of course the standard encoding is very easy to break and when a key is leaked on the usual sites on the Internet, we have to block it. So please hide the keys a bit and help to make sure your key isn't going to be blocked.
For LibXL you get keys per platform. You may not need all variants, but for those you use, please include the key like above.