Monkeybread Software presents MBS FileMaker Plugin at FileMaker Developer Conference 2016
Version 6.3 include over 4,000 documented functions to extend FileMaker Pro, Runtime and Server, including Web Direct. The plug-in adds new possibilities for you to deliver great new features for your clients in your solutions. Try our plug-in and see with over 400 example databases what you can do in FileMaker with our toolbox. Over the last ten years the plug-in grew to an unique toolbox for FileMaker developers all over the world and helped to provide solutions to thousands of users.
In our presentation, scheduled for Thursday at 10:45 am, we provide an overview of our plugin's functionality. We also demonstrate new features coming in the next release soon after the conference. Bring your questions and let us go deep into scripts to show you how things are done using our plug-in.
Learn more about using SQL with FileMaker, hotkeys, schedules, graphics, networking, menus and other outstanding features. Finally enjoy our syntax highlighting and more development goodies.
Our booth is located on the left side from the main entrance of the exhibit hall and open on all conference days in the breaks.