Webviewer certificate overwrite

In the browser you can click continue and see the website. Someone may read your traffic and the connection is not secure. Of course you can request the website to install a properly certificate file or add the used certificate to the keychain and accept it always. In FileMaker the webview will show an error about the SSL certificate and not load the page. That is bad for us when we just want to grab some values for lookup. In some cases an insecure connection is better for us than no connection.
Now with our new function Webview.AllowsAnyHTTPSCertificateForHost we can allow specific domains to ignore the certificate problem. We can add the domains to the white list and connect anyway. This allows the solution to grab the data from the website. On the long run we request the website to fix the certificate, but for today we are good.
The new function will be in 6.2pr10 in the next days. Please email us if you want to try it today.
PS: For Xojo you can use the NSURLRequestCertificateFilterMBS class to do the same.