xDev Magazine Issue 14.1

* London 2015 * by Richard Duke
There was another Xojo conference and you weren't there. That's because it was in the UK and travel is expensive. But don't worry, we've got all the details for you here!
* The MBS SQL Plugin * by Christian Schmitz
Did you know there are advantages to using the MBS SQL Plugin? Christian explains why and how you should use his plugin.
* The Magic of Barcodes * by Mark StricklandIt
sounds like a fantastic tale, but it works. Mark explains his system of using an iPhone app to scan barcodes for his Xojo Web App for inventory management.
* A Multicore Processing Primer, Part 2 * by Markus Winter
In this installment of his primer on multitasking, Markus explains about Linux.
* Medication Alerts, Part Two * by JC Cruz
JC's epic health journal app series concludes, this time covering presenting medical alerts to the user.
Plus articles on dates and the new framework, ergonomics, JSON, Role Party Model, Michel Bujardet, Getting the mouse cursor location in Xojo Web, transparent listboxes, and much more.