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New in this prerelease of the 14.5 plugins:
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added CALayerMBS.contents, CGImageMBS.CreateImageWithFile, AVMutableVideoCompositionMBS.renderSize for new AVFoundation example to show how to overlay video with image.
- Fixed a possible crash with PDFPageMBS object being destroyed too early.
- Fixed bug in NSObject to Variant conversion to handle NSColor, too.
- Changed UDPSocketMBS to use as valid IP for sending to.
- Fixed a problem with AVFoundation object releasing if run on Xojo thread.
- Upgraded Xcode to version 6.1
- Fixed CURL sftp which broke in pr1.
- Deprecated SQLAnywhereDatabaseMBS in favor of SQLDatabaseMBS
- Improved CMSampleBufferMBS class.
Download: macsw.de/plugin/Prerelease. Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
01 12 14 - 17:10