Updating PrinterSetup.SetupString on Windows
dim p as new PrinterSetup
// setup something
call p.PageSetupDialog
// now we have nice setupstring
dim ss as string = p.SetupString
// parse it in device mode
dim d as WindowsDeviceModeMBS = WindowsDeviceModeMBS.FromSetupString(ss)
// duplex is?
MsgBox "Duplex: "+str(d.Duplex)
// change printer
d.DeviceName = "Deskjet 2540 series#:2"
// enable duplex
d.Fields = BitwiseOr(d.Fields, d.DM_DUPLEX)
// now duplex is?
MsgBox "Duplex: "+str(d.Duplex)
// get back as setup string
dim da as string = d.SetupString
if da = "" then
MsgBox "failed to create setup string"
end if
// assign back
p.SetupString = da
// take a look
call p.PageSetupDialog
// and print something
dim g as Graphics = OpenPrinter(p)
g.DrawString "Page 1", 20, 20
g.DrawString "Page 2", 20, 20
So next plugins may help you if you need to modify printer setup strings on Mac and Windows.