MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 14.3pr7
- Added JPEGData and PNGData to CGImageMBS class.
- Added MemoryBlock.ConvertRGB12BitTo8BitMBS.
- Added PDFDocumentMBS.appendPage.
- Fixed JSONMBS.Constructor. Now creates an empty JSON object. If you need an array node, please use JSONMBS.NewArray.
- Added containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier and containerFolderForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier to NSFileManagerMBS class.
- Added WindowsTimerMBS class for high resolution timers.
- Fixed AUPlayerMBS.Pan for older Mac OS X.
- Added AUPlayerMBS.UseNewTimePitchUnit property.
- JSONMBS now passes through \u0000 as it can't handle chr(0) in a string.
- Added JSONMBS.ToString as property.
- Added DragItem.NSDraggingInfoMBS function.
- Improved NSDraggingInfoMBS class.
- Changed NSScrollViewMBS to have properties visible in debugger.
PS: In newer plugins, the WindowsTimerMBS class got renamed to TimerMBS.