MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 14.2pr1
- Fixed several background tasks to execute events on main thread instead of a xojo thread. This should avoid ThreadAccessingUIException.
- Fixed a bug in NSApplicationDelegateMBS.restoreWindowWithIdentifier event handler.
- Updated XCode to version 5.1 and rebuild everything.
- Added NSXPCConnectionMBS, NSXPCListenerMBS and NSXPCListenerEndpointMBS classes.
- Fixed QTImporter so it initialize QuickTime internally and works again on Windows with Xojo 2014r1.
- Added tag property to CLGeocoderMBS methods and CLGeocodeCompletionHandlerMBS.Completed event.
- Improved GameKit plugin, so all tag parameters are now variants.
- Fixed CGImageMBS.CreateImageWithHandle.
- Added SQLNumericMBS.NumericWithCurrency and SQLNumericMBS.CurrencyValue.
- Updated DynaPDF library to version
- Improved NSColorPanelMBS class.
- Fixed bugs in NSTextContainerMBS class.
- Added NSAlertMBS class.
- Changed our ThreadSafe functions for updating controls to detect if the window of the control was destroyed and not perform the command to avoid crashes.
- Added HTMLViewer.IEZoomMBS function.
- Deprecated BarcodeScannerMBS class. Please use newer zxing clases for that.
- Fixed CURLMBS OpenMTInputFile functions to handle huge files on Windows better (over 2 GB).
- Fixed CrashUglyMBS function.
- Fixed FormatDateMBS function.
- Fixed a crash with SANumericMBS constructor when passing empty string.
- Updated GraphicsMagick to version 1.3.19 for Mac/Linux.
- Added SQLDatabaseMBS and SQLConnectionMBS Scrollable properties to define if internal command objects are created for scrollable cursors. Default is true.
- Fixed a bug with SQL plugin's exception handling and executing SQL commands in background threads (MT methods).
- Added SQLNumericMBS shared methods to create SQLNumericMBS objects.
- Changed properties on SQLNumericMBS class to be settable.
- Updated LCMS2 library to version 2.6 final.
Update: Recompiled as pr2 to fix some issues with registration.