Annoying Real Studio dialogs

Today I'm batch processing my examples to verify whether they compile. This is a long process and basically takes a whole day. It's half automated, but some things really annoy me. And that those dialogs popping up. Like the one above: It doesn't tell much about what is going away. Where can I see details?
Also I can't see a way to simply disable dialogs for batch processing. I really hate it to click away such a dialog. Especially if you need to click it away on every save operation. After this was introduced, it feels like nobody at Real Software thought about what consequences such a dialog has and verified that it's only displayed once and can be turned off. See the bug report about dialog being shown too often? It's open for more than 7 months this bug is just about a boolean property on the project class to mark that dialog has been shown. At most three or four lines of code!
See feedback: Case 16827 and Case 11909