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Lion features for Real Studio

Animate opening of windows
Use code like this your cocoa Real Studio application to control the animation for showing the window:
  Sub Open()
dim w as new NSWindowMBS(self)
w.animationBehavior = NSWindowMBS.NSWindowAnimationBehaviorDocumentWindow
End Sub
Please note that this will not work for Windows opened in App.Open event. From NewDocument event or from menu command it works just fine.

Support Fullscreen Mode
You can mark windows as being a primary window for fullscreen mode. Use the window.FullScreenPrimaryMBS property. Check with the IsFullScreenMBS function whether fullscreen mode is active. If you need, call ToggleFullScreenMBS method. Although those methods work in Carbon applications, it's highly recommended to use Cocoa target.
To get events and more control about the animation, implement the NSWindowDelegateMBS class.

In-app sales
Please check our StoreKit classes here. Add it to your application and start selling soon on the Mac App Store.

File based iCloud storage classes are still in work. See here what is ready today. For key value storage you can use the NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreMBS class. That's perfect to store bookmarks, high scores or preferences.
Also classes related to versions are in work.

Pop overs
For the new pop overs in Lion, check the NSPopoverMBS class. If you like to have them in older Mac OS X versions, check MAAttachedWindowMBS class.

Push Notifications
Check the NSApplicationMBS class for the register methods and NSApplicationDelegateMBS for the required events.

Restart on Login and Restorable State
In NSWindowDelegateMBS and NSApplicationDelegateMBS you have methods to store and restore your current state. This way you should be able to make sure your application looks identical after a restart. Also NSApplicationMBS has methods like enableRelaunchOnLogin to have your app being restarted after a computer restart.

Our classes for the Mac OS X address book have now all the properties and labels you need to query the instant message and social website nick names. Also the person view allows you to show a person like the address book application. And this can be editable.

Also enjoy new features in QTKit classes, CoreWLAN classes, PDFKit classes and CoreLocation classes. The biggest plugin in space...
24 07 11 - 23:45